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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 19.11.2004

Federal Law No. 140-FZ of November 18, 2004 on the Ratification of the Protocol on the Amendments to the Agreement of January 16, 1997 between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Ukraine on Visa-Free Trips of Citizens of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine

Ratifies the Protocol signed in Kiyev on October 30, 2004. According to the amendments, the citizens of each state are exempted from the registration in the authorised bodies at the place of stay on the territory of the other state if the time of such stay is not greater than 90 days from the moment of entry in the presence of the migration card with them with the stamp of the bodies of the border guard control posted at the entry to the territory of the state of stay.

The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication. The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on November 19, 2004, No. 257.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1511-U of October 28, 2004 on the Invalidation of the Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 1416-U of April 1, 2004 on the Procedure of Drawing up and Submission by the Banks of the Reports of the Residues of Monetary Resources of Natural Persons Placed in Deposits Due for Insurance

The Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 1416-U of April 1, 2004 is invalidated to avoid duplication of submitted information according to the reporting from "Information on the Daily Residues of the Monetary Resources of Natural Persons Placed in Deposits Due for Insurance" (form code 0409345). The given form is available in the Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 1481-U of July 27, 2004 amending the list, forms and procedure of drawing up and submission of the forms of reports of credit organisations to the Bank of Russia.

The Direction is entered into force 10 days after the day of its official publication in the Herald of the Bank of Russia.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 17, 2004. Reg. No. 6125.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 28, of November 2, 2004 on the Procedure of Publication and Entry into Force of the Acts of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Recognised by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation As Not Needing the State Registration

The acts of the Ministry of Transport of Russia recognised by the Ministry of Justice of Russia as not needing the state registration must be published in the Transport of Russia newspaper, which is the source of official publications. Such acts are entered into force from the moment of their signing (endorsement) if the acts themselves do not specify any other time limits or procedure of entry into force.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 17, 2004. Reg. No. 6124.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 297 of November 5, 2004 on the Procedure of Selection by the Authorised Body in Cases of Bankruptcy and Bankruptcy Proceedings of the Self-Regulating Organisation of Bankruptcy Commissioners When Submitting the Application to the Arbitration Court to Recognise the Debtor Bankrupt

Self-regulating organisations wishing to be declared when the authorised body submits application to recognise the debtor bankrupt shall send to the authorised body application containing information listed in the Order.

The authorised body shall build on the basis of received applications summary lists of self-regulating organisations while assigning to them ordinal (registration) numbers according to the date of registration of the application in the authorised body.

The Order lists the cases when the self-regulating organisation may be not be selected or excluded form the list at the decision of the authorised body.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 17, 2004. Reg. No. 6121.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 298 of November 9, 2004 on the Fixing of the Deflation Coefficient K_3 for the Year 2005

For the year 2005, the deflation coefficient K_3 necessary for the calculation of the taxable base for the uniform imputed income tax in compliance with Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation "System of Taxation in the Form of the Uniform Imputed Income Tax for Individual Types of Activities" is fixed in the amount of 1.104. In 2004, the deflation coefficient was fixed in the amount of 1.133.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 17, 2004. Reg. No. 6120.

Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation No. 491/654 of September 29, 2004 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Catching and Other Uses of the King-Crab in the Barents Sea

The rules specify the particulars of use by legal entities and citizens of the Russian Federation of the king-crab in the Barents Sea. The rules do not apply to amateur and sports catching. The rules pertaining to the restrictions of the means and methods of catching, regions and time limits of catching, sex and size composition of the catch do not apply to the catching for scientific research purposes.

Captains of fishing vessels providing for the catching and other uses of the king-crab must submit daily reports of the catching activities. Users engaged in catching must submit to the licensing body report of the catching by the regions no later that the 18th and the 3rd of each month as of the 15th and the last day of the month.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 16, 2004. Reg. No. 6119.

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