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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 27.07.2010

Federal Law No. 171-FZ of July 23, 2010 on the Amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law on the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Industrial Objects

Makes more stringent administrative responsibility for the violation of the requirements of industrial safety.

Federal Law No. 174-FZ of July 23, 2010 on the Amendments to Article 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation

Adjusts provisions on the responsibly for the violation of the currency legislation and the acts of the bodies of currency regulation.

Federal Law No. 186-FZ of July 26, 2010 on the Amendments to Articles 1 and 14 of the Federal Law on the State Regulation in the Area of Production and Use of Coal, on the Particulars of Social Protection of Employees of Organisations of the Coal Industry and to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

The amendments are expected to improve explosion safety in production of coal (slates).

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