A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025

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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 5.10.2001

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 131/832 of August 21, 2001 on the Procedure of Interaction of the Bodies of the Transport Inspection and the Customs Bodies of the Russian Federation in the Places of Importation and Exportation of Commodities and Transport Vehicles on the Russia-Belarus Part of the State Border of the Russian Federation

The mentioned Procedure specifies the sequence of actions of the bodies of the transport inspection of the Russian Federation and the customs bodies of the Russian Federation in transport and customs control and customs registration in the places of importation and exportation of commodities and transport vehicles originating in third countries on the Russia-Belarus part of the state border of the Russian Federation.
At entry (exit) of transport vehicles to the territory of the Russian Federation, the transport control is considered to be completed when the carrier (driver) gets the control ticket with the note of the taken decision indicating - on the reverse side - of the control weight of the transport vehicle and the method of its determination. The Order provides the form of the entry (exit) control ticket.
The customs control and customs registration begin after the end of the transport control and presentation by the Russian or foreign carrier (driver) to the personnel of the customs bodies of the control ticket at entry and the control ticket with the mentioned notes and information at exit respectively.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 25, 2001. Reg. No. 2949.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 888 of September 10, 2001 on the Requirements to the Description of Individual Categories of Commodities in Column 31 of the Cargo Customs Declaration

Specifies that the description of some of the commodities provided under Number 1 in Column 31 of the cargo customs declaration "Cargo Items and Description of the Commodity" must contain additional information besides other information envisaged in the Instruction on the procedure of filling out the cargo customs declaration endorsed by the Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 848 of December 16, 1998.
Provides the list of commodities with special requirements to the description and information to be entered on an obligatory basis under Number 1 in Column 31 of the cargo customs declaration.
The present Order is entered into force 30 days after its official publication.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 19, 2001. Reg. No. 2943.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1036-U of September 25, 2001 on the Amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 137-P of April 12, 2001 on the Procedure of Building Up Reserves for Possible Losses by Credit Organizations

Elements of the estimate base not rated as obligations of the Russian Federation without the market value as of the date of reserve estimation in the absence of other risk factors are classified by the credit organization as risk group III.
Credit organizations shall draw up reports as of October 1, 2001 according to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 137-P of April 12, 2001 on the procedure of building up reserves for possible losses by credit organizations in the wording of the present Direction.
The present Direction is published in the Herald of the Bank of Russia on October 3, 2001, No. 61, and is entered into force from October 1, 2001.

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