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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 16.10.2001

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 715 of October 11, 2001 on the Improvement of the Mechanism of State Regulation of Tariff Rates for Communication Services

Defines the goals, principles and mechanism of state regulation of tariff rates for the services of the public tele- and postal communication at the internal market of the Russian Federation provided by communication operators included in the register of subjects of natural monopolies in the sphere of communication.
Elements of cross-subsidizing are preserved for the regulated services of postal communication, rural telephone communication for the population and telegraph communication. Other tariff rates must provide for the reimbursement in full amount of economically substantiated expenses and include normative profit.
The Decision lists the communication services with the state regulation of tariff rates at the internal market of the Russian Federation being vested in the Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy of the Russian Federation.
The authorized bodies must work out and endorse within 3 months methodology recommendations to estimate economically substantiated expenses and normative profit for the regulated communication services and the method of tariff determination using the marginal pricing technique.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 712 of October 11, 2001 on the Application of Paragraph 4 of Item 1 of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 936 of August 25, 1999 to Children of Servicemen, Personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Institutions and Bodies of the Criminal Execution System Killed (Missing) in 1994-1997 While Fulfilling the Tasks in the Armed Conflict of Non-International Nature in the Chechen Republic

Beginning with January 1, 2002, the children of the mentioned employees will get allowance of Rbl 200 from the federal bodies of executive power in charge of the pension support at the place of getting the lost-breadwinner pension.

Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 12 of October 10, 2001 on the Issue That Emerged during Application of the Federal Law on Joint-Stock Companies

While considering the cases of appeals against decisions of the bodies of management of a joint-stock company, the judge or court may not prohibit the general meeting of stock-holders, because this is in violation of Article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation which guarantees the citizens of the Russian Federation the right to gather peacefully without armaments, to arrange meetings and demonstrations, marches and picketing, as well as violates the right of the stock-holders not appealing against decisions of the bodies of management of the joint-stock company to take part in the general meeting of stock-holders provided in the Federal Law on joint-stock companies (Articles 31, 32).

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