A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025

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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 31.01.2002

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 66 of January 28, 2002 On the Procedure Of Free Provision of Medicines to Citizens Engaged in the Work With Chemical Weapons and Citizens Who Developed Occupational Diseases As a Result of Execution of Work With Chemical Weapons

Lists categories of citizens entitled to free provision with medicines. The free supply shall be effected by any pharmaceutical organizations at prescriptions issued by physicians of medical and sanitary units of the Federal Administration of Medical-Biological and Extreme Problems under the Public Health Ministry of the Russian Federation conducting medical follow-up of work with chemical weapons and also by physicians of medical and preventive establishments to which those citizens are attached for outpatient medical service. The payment of medicines shall be made by the administration of the facility for destruction of chemical weapons or the facility manufacturing chemical weapons.

Directive of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1103-U of January 28, 2002 On the Invalidation of Directive of the Bank of Russia No. 810-U of June 29, 2000 On Taking Into Account In Taxation Of the Reserve Amount For Eventual Losses Under Loans To Be Created By Credit Institutions In Compliance With Requirements Of Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 62 Of June 30, 1997 On the Procedure For the Creation and Utilization of Reserves For Eventual Losses Under Loans and On Establishing the Peculiarities of Creation of Reserves In Connection With Changes In the Taxation Legislation

The directive of the Bank of Russia No. 10-U shall become null and void in connection with the putting into force as from January 1, 2002 of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In assessing the tax basis as concerns the charging towards expenses of deductions to the reserve for eventual losses under loans, loan-related and other indebtedness equated thereto, credit institutions should be guided by Article 292 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Clarifications are given as to "the loan-related and other indebtedness equated thereto".
The Directive shall take effect as from February 1, 2002.

Letter of the Central Bank of Russia No. 7-T of January 22, 2002 On Some Issues Associated With the Application of Federal Law On Banks and Banking Activity

It is explained that members of the boards of directors (supervisory boards) of the credit institution shall not be subject to requirements of the ban to combine posts at organizations which are credit or insurance institutions, professional participants in the securities market, etc., in view of the fact that such membership is not based on a labor contract.
Chief executives, chief accountants of credit institutions and heads of their branches are forbidden to combine posts, otherwise, such violation of the requirements of the Law shall be eliminated within reasonable time limits.

Order of The Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation No. CA-6-04/60 of January 22, 2002 On the Submission of a Tax Declaration By Individual Businessmen

Individual businessmen who do not, for whatever reason, conduct business activity and, consequently, derive no income, shall be obligated to submit to the taxation body at the place of his or her registration (place of residence) a declaration on the income tax of individuals, regardless of the presence with them of an object of taxation. Failure of an individual businessman to submit a tax declaration within the specified time limits is a basis for bringing him to tax responsibility.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation No. FS-6-10/34@ of January 15, 2002 On the Alteration in 2002 of the Procedure Of Payment of Contributions Towards the State Pension Insurance (Security)

The payment of a single social tax received by the federal budget, penalties and fines in the share if the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation based on the results for the year 2001, contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation towards the insurable and accumulating components of the labor pension shall be effected by taxpayers by separate payment orders according to the codes of the budget classification of incomes of the budgets of the Russian Federation approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 119n of December 28, 2001.

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