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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 9.12.2002

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 860 of December 3, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Distribution of the Obligatory Free Copy Consisting of Combined Documents, As Well As the Obligatory Copy Containing Similar Information on Different Media

Defines the procedure of distribution of the obligatory free copy consisting of several documents issued simultaneously on different media (printed, audiovisual, electronic) with the essence connected by direct or indirect links, as well as the copy consisting of several documents containing similar information on various types of media. Distribution of such copies is carried out according to the same procedure as the main document.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 858 of December 3, 2002 on the Tied Federal Program "Social Development of the Countryside until 2010"

Defines the priority targets, tasks, time limits and stages of implementation of the program, as well as the main measures and the mechanism of their implementation.
Implementation of the measures will permit to improve the housing conditions for more than 141,000 rural families, improve the health condition of the rural population by improving availability and quality of the first medical and sanitary aid, improve educational level of students of general educational institutions in rural localities, activate cultural and leisure activities in the countryside, develop and extend information and consultative services to the population, increase the level and quality of electric power, water and gas supplies to rural settlements, provide telephone and telecommunication to them, increase the level of employment of the rural population on the basis of maintenance and creation of jobs.

Information Letter of the Presidium of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 70 of November 4, 2002 on the Application by Arbitration Courts of Articles 140 and 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Explains the procedure of application by arbitration courts of the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defining the currency of monetary obligations. In particular, arbitration courts are ordered to define the currency of the debt and the currency of the payment.
In cases when the monetary obligation in the contract is expressed in a foreign currency without indication of the need to pay in roubles, the court should consider such obligation as expected to be covered in roubles in the amount defined according to the official rate as of the day of payment, if only the court does not arrive at a different conclusion while interpreting the contract.
The writ of execution on the collection of the monetary resources in a foreign currency may be sent by the collecting party to the bank where the debtor keeps the account in this currency. If such account is not available, or the money is not available on this account, the execution of the debt is effected in roubles at the expense of any other property of the debtor proceeding from the official rate of the collected foreign currency as of the day of the actual execution (payment).
When the debt in a foreign currency or expressed in a foreign currency or conditional monetary units is collected according to court proceedings, the state duty is paid in roubles as of the day of submission of the appeal. The change of the rate of the foreign currency or conditional monetary units to the rouble in the period of consideration of the dispute does not affect the amount of the state duty.

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