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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation
Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 14.01.2003
Federal Law No. 15-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to Some of the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Pursuant to the Adoption of the Federal Law on the Licensing of Individual Types of Activities
Federal Law No. 14-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on Non-State Pension Funds
Federal Law No. 13-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on Geodesy and Cartography
Federal Law No. 12-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 11-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation on Education and the Federal Law on the Higher and Post-Graduate Professional Education
Federal Law No. 10-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Execution of the Budget of the Federal Fund of Obligatory Medical Insurance for the Year 2001
Federal Law No. 9-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Execution of the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Year 2001
Federal Law No. 8-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation on the Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation and to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Pertaining to the Financing of the Measures to Promote Population Employment
Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Procedure of Entry in the Russian Federation and Exit from the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 6-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to Article 2 of the Federal Law on the State Regulation of Tariff Rates for Electric and Thermal Power in the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to Article 73 of the Federal Law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Federal Law No. 4-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to Articles 12 and 13 of the Federal Law on the Bodies of the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 3-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Ratification of the Shanghai Convention on the Combating of Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism
Federal Law No. 2-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation on the Pension Support for the Persons Having Undergone Military Service, Service in the Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Fire Service, Institutions and Bodies of the Criminal Execution System and Their Families
Federal Law No. 1-FZ of January 10, 2003 on the Amendment to Article 1 of the Federal Law on the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agricultural Chemicals
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 114n of November 19, 2002 on the Endorsement of Accounting Regulation PBU 18/02 "Registration of Profit Tax Estimates"
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