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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 21.01.2003

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 28 of January 18, 2003 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Registration in the Committee of the Russian Federation for Financial Monitoring of Organisations Carrying Out Operations with Monetary Resources or Other Property Where Enforcement Bodies Are Not Available

According to the endorsed Regulation, registration applies to leasing companies, pawnshops, organisations keeping totalizators and bookmaker offices, engaged in purchase and sale of precious metals and precious stones, items of them and scrap of such items. Registration of the organisation is carried out within 30 days from the date of publication of the Regulation, and for the newly created organisation - within 30 days from the date of its state registration. The Decision lists the documents to be submitted to the Committee of the Russian Federation for Financial Monitoring for registration.
In case of liquidation of the organisation or change of its type of activities, the organisation sends to the Committee of the Russian Federation for Financial Monitoring application drawn up in a free form to remove it from records, signed by the head and certified with the seal of the organisation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 27 of January 18, 2003 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Procedure of Determination of the List of Organisations and Natural Persons Known To Be Involved in Extremist Activities and Conveying of This List to Organisations Carrying Out Operations with Monetary Resources or Other Property

The Committee of the Russian Federation for Financial Monitoring shall compile and amend the list on the basis of information presented by the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and the bodies of local government. The list, no later than the working day following the day of its compilation, is sent in the form of information letters directly to organisations carrying out operations with monetary resources or other property, or through appropriate enforcement bodies.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1265 of November 26, 2002 on the Customs Registration of Commodities Moved Across the Customs Border of the Russian Federation in Execution of the Foreign-Trade Contracts Envisaging Commodity Exchange Operations

Customs registration of commodities moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation as counterdeliveries under foreign-trade contracts is carried out regardless of the customs regime declared for the mentioned commodities (except for the customs regimes of transit shipment and moving of reserves) while presenting a copy of the operation ID (import deal ID).
The cargo customs declaration is filled out according to its filling rules when declaring the commodities placed under the declared customs regime with particulars. Column 28 "Financial and Bank Requisites" indicate the number and date of the operation ID (import deal ID) under Item 1.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 16, 2003. Reg. No. 4123.

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