A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025

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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 26.02.2003

Federal Law No. 27-FZ of February 22, 2003 on the Amendment to Article 52 of the Federal Law on the Military Duty and Military Service

An obligatory condition for the transfer of the graduates of military chairs of institutions of higher professional education in the reserve while assigning a commissioned officer rank to them is successful termination by them of the reserve officer training course and graduation from the educational institution.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication.

Decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 3 of January 17, 2003 on the Invalidation on the Territory of the Russian Federation of the Decision of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Labour and Earnings No. 365 of December 25, 1974 on the Working Conditions of Soviet Citizens Abroad

The mentioned Decision of the State Committee of Labour of the USSR is invalidated on the territory of the Russian Federation. At present, the particulars of granting guarantees and compensations to employees sent to work in representations of the Russian Federation abroad are specified in the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 911 of December 20, 2002.

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