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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 26.04.2004

Federal law No. 24-FZ of April 22, 2004 On Ratification of the Treaty Between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine On the Russian - Ukrainian State Border

It ratifies the Treaty Between Russia and the Ukraine On the Russian - Ukrainian State Border signed in Kiev in January 28, 2003. The treaty gives a description of the state borderline between the two states.

Federal law No. 23-FZ of April 22, 2004 On Ratification of the Treaty Between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine On the Cooperation In Using the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait

It ratifies the Treaty Between Russia and the Ukraine on the cooperation in using the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait signed in Kerch in December 24, 2003. In accordance with the Treaty the Azov sea shall be delimitated by a state borderline as is envisaged under the agreement between Russia and the Ukraine. The settlement of issues related to the water area of the Kerch Strait shall be made by agreement between the parties.

Federal law No. 22-FZ of April 22, 2004 On Ratification of the Agreement on the Formation of Common Economic Space

It ratifies the Agreement signed in Yalta in September 19, 2003. The agreement provides for the creation of a common economic space (CES) in the territories of Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Russia and the Ukraine. The territories of CES shall be subject to mechanisms of regulation of the economy based on uniform principles providing for the free circulation of goods, services, capital and workforce and also to a single foreign trade, taxation, monetary-credit and currency-financial policy coordinated so far and to the extent as may be necessary to ensure equal competition and maintain macroeconomic stability.

Federal law No. 21-FZ of April 22, 2004 On Amending Articles 37 and 39 of the Federal law On the Status of the Member of the Federation Council and Status of the Deputy of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly

It prescribes that the identity card of an assistant involved on a voluntary basis shall bear a note of his doing the job as social service. Earlier it was not allowed to make such a note. It also establishes that assistants of the member of the Federation Council, deputy of the State Duma involved on a voluntary basis shall have no right to make use of rooms assigned for officials and official delegations at airports and air terminals, railway terminals and stations of sea terminals (ports) and of river terminals while going on business trips together with the member of the Federation Council, deputy of the State Duma.
The federal law shall take effect as from its official publication.

Federal law No. 20-FZ of April 22, 2004 On Amending Article 24 of the Federal law On Military Duty and Military Service

It orders that a deferment from the call-up for military service shall be granted to citizens having wives the term of pregnancy of whom is no less than 26 weeks. The citizens enlisted as reserve who have a military rank of an officer conferred on them shall not be liable to a deferment from the call-up for military service for the above-stated grounds.
The Federal law shall take effect as from July 1, 2004.

Federal law No. 19-FZ of April 22, 2004 On the Competent Body of the Russian Federation Under the Convention On the Handing Over of Persons Suffering From Mental Conditions For Compulsory Treatment

The General Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation shall act as a competent body of Russia under the Convention On the Handing Over of Persons Suffering From Mental Conditions For Compulsory Treatment, signed in Moscow in March 28, 1997. The Government of the Russian Federation shall determine a procedure for involving federal executive authorities in the organization of the handing over and taking by Russia in accordance with the Convention of persons suffering from mental conditions in respect of whom a court decision is available on application to them of compulsory measures of medical character.

Federal law No. 18-FZ of April 22, 2004 On Amending the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation

It extends from 10 to 30 days the period of making a charge against a person suspected of having perpetrated one of the offenses envisaged under the following Articles of the RF Criminal Code, viz. 205 Terrorism, 205.1 Involving Into Commission of Crimes of Terrorism or Other Procurement of Such Crimes, 206 Hostage Taking, 208 Organization of the Illegal Armed Formation or Participation Therein, 209 Banditry, 277 Attempt Upon the Life of the State or Public Figure, 278 Violent Seizure of Power or Violent Retention of Power, 279 Armed Rebellion, 281 Subversive Destruction and 360 Assault Upon Persons or Agencies Enjoying International Protection.
The grounds for choosing measures of restraint envisaged under Article 97 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code shall apply not only to the defendant but also to the suspect.
The federal law shall take effect as from its official publication.

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