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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 21.02.2005

Federal Law No. 5-FZ of February 19, 2005 on the Ratification of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Shanghai Organisation of Cooperation <br>

Ratifies the Convention signed in Tashkent on June 17, 2004. The Convention envisages privileges and immunities of the Shanghai Organisation of Cooperation, its officials, as well as representatives of the member-states.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 18, 2005 on the Endorsement of the List of the Names of Communication Services Entered in the Licenses and the Lists of the Licensed Services <br>

Lists communication services entered in the licenses for the activities in the sphere of communication services. The given services include, in particular, the services of the local, intercity and international telephone communication, telegraph, postal communication, services of the mobile satellite radio communication and other.

Also lists the license terms of activities in the sphere of the appropriate communication services.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 86 of February 17, 2005 on the Raising of the Monetary Subsistence for the Draft Servicemen <br>

From April 1, 2005, amounts of salaries for the typical military positions of individual draft servicemen are increased by Rbl 100. From September 1, 2005, the amounts of salaries will be increased by Rbl 100 more.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 85 of February 17, 2005 on the List of Professional Equipment for the Purpose of Production and Issue of Mass Media Exempted from the Customs Fees for the Customs Registration under the Customs Regime of Temporary Export and When It Is Imported Back <br>

The mentioned list includes press, radio and TV broadcasting equipment, as well as the transport vehicles developed or specially adjusted for the mentioned equipment.

The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the date of its official publication.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 84 of February 17, 2005 on the Measures to Protect Russian Producers of Dry Baking Yeast <br>

The special duty for the imported dry baking yeast (code according to the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature of the Russian Federation 2102 10 310 0) is fixed for 3 years in the following amounts: from the date of entry into force of the Decision - in the amount of EUR 250 per ton, from December 1, 2005 - in the amount of EUR 225 per ton, from December 1, 2006 - in the amount of EUR 200 per ton.

The special duty is not collected for commodities originating in Belarus, except for the case when they are released for free circulation in this republic without collection of the special duty or without the transfer of the paid amounts of this duty to the federal budget.

The Decision is entered into force one month after the day of its official publication.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 82 of February 16, 2005 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Procedure of Handing over of Information to the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring by Lawyers, Notaries and the Persons Engaged in Entrepreneurial Activities in the Sphere of Legal or Accounting Services <br>

The lawyers, notaries and the persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the sphere of legal or accounting services, if they have any reasons to suggest that transactions or financial operations are carried out or may be carried out for the purpose of legalisation (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way or financing of terrorism, shall inform of it the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring. The lawyers and notaries may hand over information on such transactions or financial operations of their clients both independently and through the lawyer and notary chambers in the presence of an agreement with these chambers on interaction with the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring.

The uniform format of submission of information, form of encoding and the lists (guides) of codes to be used for its submission, as well as the communication channels to transfer the information are defined by the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 81 of February 16, 2005 on the Determination of the Sources of Reimbursement of Expenses to Provide for the Activities and Fulfilment of the Duties of the Operating Organisation in the Sphere of Use of Nuclear Power <br>

Specifies the procedure of registration, determination and reimbursement of the deficit of resources to reimburse the expenses to provide for the activities and fulfilment of the duties of the operating organisation in the sphere of use of nuclear power.

Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 346 of December 31, 2004 on the Organisation of Issue of Permissions for the Use of Medical Technologies

Defines the procedure of issue of permissions for the application of new medical technologies including the ones suggested for use on the territory of the Russian Federation for the first time and improved multitudes of methods of treatment, diagnostics, prevention, rehabilitation, means of implementation of the given methods, and, in some cases, also the method of obtaining of the means used in the given technology.

The permission in the form of the registration certificate is issued by the Federal Service of Enforcement in the Sphere of Public Health and Social Development. The Order lists the documents sent by the applicant to this body to obtain the permission.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 10, 2005. Reg. No. 6317.

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. GV-6-21/120@ of February 14, 2005 on the Forms of the Tax Declarations <br>

The tax declarations for the transport tax and the property tax from organisations are submitted to the tax bodies according to the forms endorsed by the Orders of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. SAE-3-21/224 of March 23, 2004 and No. BG-3-21/724 of December 29, 2003 while filling the "Code of the Budget Classification" to twenty digits.

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