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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 1.02.2006

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 49 of January 28, 2006 on the Amendments to the Customs Tariff of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Component Parts for Washing Machines

Adjusts individual subheadings of the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature pertaining to component parts for washing machines, as well as changes the rates of the import customs duties for these commodities. Thus, heating elements with the power rating of not less than 1,400 W, but not greater than 2,000 W shall be imported using the rate of 5% of the customs cost, other - 15%.

The given rates are endorsed for 9 months.

Parts for washing machines with the codes of the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature of the Russian Federation 8450 90 000 0 and 8501 40 910 9 shall be imported using the rate of 0% (earlier, 10%) of the customs cost.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 45 of January 26, 2006 on the Organisation of Licensing of Individual Types of Activities

Lists federal bodies of executive power in charge of the licensing and the types of activities licensed by these bodies. The mentioned bodies must present to the Government of the Russian Federation in the I quarter of 2006 draft decisions on the amendments to the regulations on the licensing of appropriate types of activities, as well as on endorsement of new regulations on the licensing. The types of activities licensed by the bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation include purveying, processing and sale of waste and scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

A notification procedure is envisaged for those carrying out licensed types of activities on the territory one subject of the Russian Federation if the licence was obtained on the territory of another subject of the Russian Federation. The Decision lists information to be included in such notification.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 163n of December 28, 2005 on the Endorsement of the Forms of Tax Declarations for the Value Added Tax, Value Added Tax with a 0 Percent Tax Rate and Indirect Taxes (Value Added Tax and Excise Duty Taxes) for the Cases of Import of Commodities to the Territory of the Russian Federation from the Territory of the Republic of Belarus and Their Filling Procedures

Endorses the forms of the tax declarations: for the value added tax; value added tax with the 0% rate; indirect taxes (VAT and excise duty taxes) for the cases of import of commodities to the territory of the Russian Federation from the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Besides, endorses the procedure of filling of the tax declaration for the value added tax and the tax declaration for the value added tax with the 0% rate, as well as the procedure of filling of the tax declaration for indirect taxes (VAT and excise duty taxes) for the cases of import of commodities from the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The earlier available forms of tax declarations and their filling procedures endorsed by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 31n of March 3, 2005 are invalidated from the day of entry into force of the Order. The Order shall apply beginning with the tax declaration for January and I quarter of 2006.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 26, 2006. Reg. No. 7416.

Order of the Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement No. 49 of January 27, 2006 on the Time Limits for Transfer of Payment for the Negative Impact on the Environment Fixed by the Territorial Bodies of the Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement

The Federal Service of Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Enforcement recommends the users of natural resources to transfer payments for the negative impact on the environment within the following time limits: January 30, 2006 for the IV quarter of 2005, April 20, July 20, October 20, 2006 and January 20, 2007 for the I, II, III and IV quarters of 2006 respectively.

Letter of the Central Bank of Russia No. 6-T of January 25, 2006 on the List of Organisations

The list of organisations whose promissory notes (claims rights under credit contracts) may be accepted as a security for the credits of the Bank of Russia, as well as organisations that may act as guarantors for the promissory notes (claims rights under credit contracts) accepted as a security for the credits of the Bank of Russia shall include now the Siberian Oil Company.

The Letter shall apply from the day of its publication.

Letter of the Pension Fund of Russia No. KA-09-20/07 of January 10, 2006 on the Application of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 582 of September 26, 2005

Explains the procedure of application of the rules of payment of insurance contributions for obligatory pension insurance in the form of a fixed payment in the minimum amount. Obligatory for payment of insurance contributions in the form of a fixed payment for insurants born in 1966 and older is the amount equal to Rbl 100.

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