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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 11.09.2006

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 548 of September 7, 2006 on the Rewards to the Teaching Staff of the Federal State Educational Institutions for the Form Master Functions

Extends the list of the federal state educational institutions where the teaching personnel gets monthly rewards in the amount of Rbl 1,000 for the form master functions.

From January 1, 2006, the mentioned rewards may be assigned to the teaching staff of Suvorov military schools, Nakhimov military marine schools, cadet (marine cadet) corps, boarding schools of general education, cadet schools and cadet boarding schools, evening (shift) schools of general education of colonies of the criminal execution system, educational institutions for orphan children and children having found themselves without parental support and rehabilitation educational institutions of sanatorium type for children needing prolonged medical treatment.

Letter of the Department of the Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-11-04/3/396 of August 31, 2006 <br>

If organisations put up way-bills and invoices in the sale of commodities under the state contracts to schools of general education, colleges, lyceums, military schools, kindergartens and boarding schools while separating in them amounts of the value added tax, such activities are not qualified as retail trade for taxation purposes and may not be subject to the uniform imputed income tax.

Letter of the Department of the Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-11-04/2/182 of September 1, 2006 <br>

Taxpayer expenses for the purchase of household items (toilet paper, disposable paper towels, napkins, toilet soap, dishwashing sponges, cleansing substances etc.) are included in the household expenses. The mentioned expenses if substantiated and confirmed with documents shall reduce the taxable base if the simplified system of taxation is applied.

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