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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation
Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 24.07.2007
Federal Law No. 192-FZ of July 21, 2007 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Obligatory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases
Federal Law No. 191-FZ of July 21, 2007 on the Amendments to Articles 9 and 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Veterinary Services and Article 26.3 of the Federal Law on the General Principles of Organisation of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 190-FZ of July 21, 2007 on the Amendments to Article 30 of the Federal Law on the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 189-FZ of July 21, 2007 on the Amendment to Article 1 of the Federal Law on the Procedure of Forming of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 188-FZ of July 21, 2007 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Election of the Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 187-FZ of July 21, 2007 on the Amendment to Article 53 of the Federal Law on the General Principles of Organisation of Local Government in the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 186-FZ of July 21, 2007 on the Insurance Tariff Rates for Obligatory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases for the Year 2008 and for the Planned Period of the Years 2009 and 2010
Federal Law No. 145-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Dissolution and Creation of Some of the Regional Courts of the Rostov Province
Federal Law No. 144-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Dissolution and Creation of Some of the Regional Courts in the Saratov Province
Federal Law No. 143-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Creation of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project and the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project
Federal Law No. 141-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Responsibility for the Violation of the Rules of Organisation of Activities of Sale of Commodities (Carrying out Works, Rendering Services) at Retail Trade Market-Places
Federal Law No. 139-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies
Federal Law No. 138-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Ratification of the Protocol on the Amendments to the Agreement on the Creation of the Uniform System of Technical Coverage of the Railways of Member-States of the Collective Security Treaty of April 28, 2003
Federal Law No. 137-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Creation of the Uniform System of Technical Coverage of the Railways of Member-States of the Collective Security Treaty
Federal Law No. 136-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Amendments to Articles 17 and 18 of the Federal Law on the Licensing of Individual Types of Activities Pertaining to Licensing of Construction Activities
Federal Law No. 135-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Amendments to Articles 17 and 18 of the Federal Law on the Licensing of Individual Types of Activities
Federal Law No. 133-FZ of July 19, 2007 on the Amendments to Articles 26.3 and 26.11 of the Federal Law on the General Principles of Organisation of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
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