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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 30.12.2008

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 886 of November 26, 2008 on the Regions of the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation and Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian Federation Permitted for Coastal Fishing

Permits coastal fishing on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Black and Baltic seas.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 872 of November 20, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Control in the Points of Transfer through the State Border of the Russian Federation

Specifies the control procedure in the points of transfer through the state border for persons, transport vehicles, cargo, goods and animals. The procedure does not apply to commodities moved by natural persons for the needs other than those pertaining to entrepreneurial activities.

Order of the Ministry of the Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 173 of October 1, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Norms of Natural Loss in the Cases of Storage of Wood and Products of Its Processing

Endorses the norms of natural loss of various types of wood in various operations.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 116n of November 24, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Accounting Regulation PBU 2/2008 "Registration of Construction Contracts"

Specifies the procedure of registration in accounting work of incomes, expenses and financial results of organisations acting as contractors in construction contracts.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 114n of November 20, 2008 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 51n of June 11, 2002

Specifies the particulars of generation of insurance reserves by mutual insurance companies.

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-00-08/40 of November 27, 2008

Taxpayers calculating advance payments for the profit tax as a result of the tax period and making monthly payments during the reporting period may change the procedure of calculation of advance payments due in the IV quarter of 2008.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 2135-U of November 28, 2008 on the Amount of the Rate of Refinancing of the Bank of Russia

From December 1, 2008, increases once again the rate of refinancing of the Bank of Russia - from 12% to 13% annual.

Federal Law No. 225-FZ of December 1, 2008 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Fund of Assistance of Reformation of the Housing and Communal Sector and Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Promotes housing construction and supports the housing market in the present-day situation at financial markets.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 115n of October 20, 2008 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 100n of August 8, 2005

Brings the rules of placing of resources of insurance reserves in compliance with the law regulating activities of mutual insurance companies.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MM-3-3/478@ of October 21, 2008 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-23/13 of January 15, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Forms of Applications of the Foreign Organisation to Return the Amounts of Taxes Collected from a Source in the Russian Federation

Profit tax collected from foreign organisations and covered by international treaties is returned upon submission of the application and other documents.

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. ShS-6-3/862@ of November 28, 2008 on the Procedure of Application of VAT Exemptions for the Objects of Immovable Property (Fixed Assets)

From January 1, 2006, there exists a special procedure of restoration of VAT amounts for the cases of construction of objects of immovable property (fixed assets).

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 896 of November 27, 2008 on the Amendments to the Typical Regulation on the Body of Executive Power of the Subject of the Russian Federation in Charge of the State Regulation of Tariff Rates

The bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation in charge of the state regulation of tariff rates assume additional functions.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 863 of November 19, 2008 on the Amendments to the Federal Rules (Standards) of Audit Activities Endorsed by the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 696 of September 23, 2002

Specifies new requirements pertaining to control of quality of executed audit orders.

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. ShS-6-3/868@ of November 28, 2008 on the Procedure of Application of Item 4 of Article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Explains the procedure of application of VAT when the borrower pays for the goods purchased by the lender or dispatches the goods in redemption of the debt.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 889 of November 26, 2008 on the Licensing of Activities Pertaining to Armaments and Military Equipment

Regulates the procedure of licensing of each type of activities. Earlier, there was one common procedure.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 891 of November 26, 2008 on the Licensing of Activities Pertaining to Munitions

Revises the procedure of licensing of development, production and utilisation of munitions and components.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 897 of November 27, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Processing of Applications for the Right of Use of Subsoil Resources in the Cases of Discovery of the Deposit of Mineral Resources on the Part of Subsoil Resources of Federal Significance or on the Part of Subsoil Resources Qualified As a Part of Subsoil Resources of Federal Significance As a Result of Discovery of the Deposit of Mineral Resources by the User of Subsoil Resources Having Carried out Works of Geological Surveys of Such Part of Subsoil Resources at Their Own Expense for the Purposes of Prospecting and Extraction of Mineral Resources of the Discovered Deposit

Revises the procedure of processing of applications in view of the restriction of foreign investments in prospecting and extraction of mineral resources.

Federal Law No. 244-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Handing over of Land Plots Available in the Boundaries of Resorts of Federal Significance in the Property of Subjects of the Russian Federation or Municipal Property, on the Inclusion of the Mentioned Land Plots in the Federal Property, Property of Subjects of the Russian Federation or Municipal Property and on the Amendment to the Federal Law on the Specially Protected Natural Territories

A number of land plots available in the boundaries of resorts of federal significance is handed over to the regional or municipal property.

Federal Law No. 241-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Execution of the Budget of the Federal Fund of Obligatory Medical Insurance for the Year 2007

Endorses the report of execution of the Federal Fund of Obligatory Medical Insurance for the year 2007.

Federal Law No. 232-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Execution of the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Year 2007

Endorses the report of execution of the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the year 2007.

Federal Law No. 231-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Ratification of the Convention between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Algerian People's Democratic Republic on the Avoidance of Double Taxation for the Incomes and Property Tax

Permits Russian and Algerian organisations and natural persons to avoid paying the same taxes in both countries.

Federal Law No. 230-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage of 2001

Russia joins the above Convention.

Federal Law No. 229-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Amendments to Articles 19 and 21 of the Code of Arbitration Procedures of the Russian Federation

Extends the list of grounds to challenge arbitration court assessors.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 of December 1, 2008 on the Amendments to the Rules of Keeping of Migration Records of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Russian Federation

Amends the procedure of registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons at the place of stay.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of November 26, 2008 on the Licensing of Activities in the Sphere of Production of Arms and Cartridges

Endorses new provisions defining the procedure of licensing of such types of activities as production of firearms and cartridges.

Federal Law No. 240-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation

Provisions of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation on the enforcement procedure of revision of decisions and rulings in the cases of administrative violations are being brought in compliance with the constitutional principles of competition and equality of sides in a court hearing.

Federal Law No. 237-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Amendment to Article 25.11 of the Federal Law on the Procedure of Exit from the Russian Federation and Entry to the Russian Federation

Introduces a visa-free regime of entry and stay in the Russian Federation for foreign tourists arriving to Russia for up to 3 days on ferries.

Federal Law No. 234-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Amendments to Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Customs Tariff

Reduces from two to one month the period of monitoring of prices for raw oil at the world markets.

Federal Law No. 233-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Invalidation of Article 19 of the Federal Law on the Priority Measures in the Sphere of Budget and Tax Policy and the Federal Law on the Amendment to Article 19 of the Federal Law on the Priority Measures in the Sphere of Budget and Tax Policy

Earlier, platinum and platinum group metals could have been exported only through federal state unitary enterprises. Now, this prohibition is abandoned.

Federal Law No. 251-FZ of December 4, 2008 on the Amendments to Articles 154 and 164 of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Introduces a special procedure of calculation of the taxable base for the value added tax in the cases of sale of cars purchased from citizens (not being the payers of this tax) for their subsequent resale.

Federal Law No. 250-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Bioresources and to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Improves legal regulation in the sphere of fishing and conservation of aquatic bioresources by introduction of new and adjustment of previous rules.

Federal Law No. 228-FZ of December 3, 2008 on the Execution of the Federal Budget for the Year 2007

The incomes of the federal budget in 2007 amounted to Rbl 7,781 million, expenses, to Rbl 5,987 million, the surplus making Rbl 1,795 million.

Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 58 of November 20, 2008 on the Amendment to Item 44 of the Regulation of the Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation

Refines the cases when a judge may have a special opinion.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1715 of December 3, 2008 on Some Issues of State Management in the Sphere of Communication and Information Technologies

The Federal Service of Enforcement in the Sphere of Communication if reorganised into the Federal Service of Enforcement in the Sphere of Communication and Information Technologies.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 916 of December 8, 2008 on the Amendments to the Rules for the Executive Bodies of State Power to Determine the Need for Foreign Workforce and Form the Quotas of Employment of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation

Introduces a procedure of reduction of the need for foreign workforce specified for the current year and the quotas of employment of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 903 of December 5, 2008 on the Amendments to the Customs Tariff of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Some Motor Vehicles

Increases on the temporary basis (for 9 months) import duties for used cars and trucks.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1734-r of November 22, 2008

Endorses the transport strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 913 of December 5, 2008 on the Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Aid to the Citizens of the Russian Federation in 2009

Endorses the program of state guarantees of free medical aid to the citizens of the Russian Federation for the year 2009.

Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 26 of December 9, 2008 on the Amendment to the Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 1 of March 5, 2004 on the Application of the Norms of the Code of Criminal Procedures of the Russian Federation by Courts

Explains individual issues of patient confidentiality in the course of investigation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 943 of December 10, 2008 on the Amendments to Item 11 of the Regulation on the Application of Uniform Rates of Customs Duties, Taxes for Commodities Moved across the Customs Border of the Russian Federation by Natural Persons for Personal Use

Increases the rates of import customs duties for used cars imported by natural persons for personal use.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 934 of December 9, 2008 on the Federal Body of Executive Power in Charge of Individual Authority in the Cases of Implementation of the Federal Law on the Assistance of Development of the Housing Construction

To form the market of affordable dwelling homes, creates the Federal Fund of Assistance of Development of Housing Construction.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 924 of December 8, 2008 on the Procedure of Conclusion and Entry into Force of Agreements between the Federal Bodies of Executive Power and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation to Hand over Part of Their Authority to Each Other

Specifies the procedure of conclusion and entry into force of agreements between the federal and the regional bodies of executive power to hand over part of their authority to each other.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 918 of December 8, 2008 on the Interim Rates of Import Customs Duties for Individual Types of Bovine Meat, Pork and Poultry Meat and on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 732 of December 5, 2005

Revises the quotas of import to the Russian Federation of pork and poultry meat in 2009.

Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 1522 of December 3, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Committing of Individual Customs Operations in the Cases of Use of the Special Customs Regime of Moving of Russian-Made Commodities between the Customs Bodies of the Russian Federation through the Territory of a Foreign State for Individual Commodities

Specifies the procedure of carrying out of individual customs operations for precious metals and precious stones, as well as commodities containing precious stones and/or precious metals, placed under the special customs regime of moving of Russian-made commodities between the customs bodies of the Russian Federation through the territory of a foreign state.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 944 of December 10, 2008 on the Application of the Rates of Import Customs Duties for Auto Components Imported for Industrial Assembly

Permits to release the mentioned components for free circulation if appropriate customs duties are applied and restrictions observed.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 936 of December 10, 2008 on the Interim Rates of Import Customs Duties for Natural Caoutchouc

Reduces to zero for 9 months the rates of import customs duties for natural caoutchouc.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 181 of November 5, 2008 on the Amendment to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 120 of August 5, 2008

Introduces a transient period for the entry into force of new forms of transportation documents.

Order of the Ministry of the Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 185/175 of October 28, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Norms of Natural Loss of Wood and Products of Its Processing in the Cases of Transportation by the Railway, Sea, River Transport and in Mixed Water-Railway Transportation

Introduces the norms of natural loss of wood and products of its processing in the mentioned cases.

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-03-05/166 of December 11, 2008

In the IV quarter of 2008, taxpayers may accrue advance payments proceeding from the actually received profits.

Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 60 of November 20, 2008 on the Amendments to Some Decisions of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Cases of Administrative Violations Processed by Arbitration Courts

Examines particulars of determination of jurisdiction of cases of administrative violations, application of individual types of punishments, as well as other issues processed by courts.

Information Letter of the Presidium of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 126 of November 13, 2008 "Review of the Judicial Practice in Some Issues of Vindication of Property"

Explains most arguable issues of application of vindication of property.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 950 of December 10, 2008 on the Participation of the Bodies of Executive Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation in Charge of the State Regulation of Tariff Rates in the State Regulation and Control of Activities of Subjects of Natural Monopolies

Regional bodies of power in charge of the state regulation of tariff rates may participate in the state regulation and control of activities of subjects of natural monopolies.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 948 of December 10, 2008 on Some Issues of Activities of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation

The functions of the abandoned Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports are handed over to the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941 of December 10, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Patent and Other Duties for Committing Legally Significant Actions Pertaining to the Patent for an Invention, Useful Model, Industrial Prototype, to the State Registration of a Trade Mark and Service Mark, to the State Registration and the Granted Exclusive Right for the Name of the Place of Origin of a Commodity, As Well As to the State Registration of the Transfer of Exclusive Rights to Other Persons and Contracts of Disposal of These Rights

Endorses a new Regulation specifying the amounts and procedure of payment of the above duties, which is associated with the entry into force from January 1, 2008 of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 930 of December 8, 2008 on the Amendments to Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in View of the Handing over to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of the Functions of the Federal Registration Service

The amendments are stipulated by the enlargement of the sphere of reference of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 957 of December 15, 2008 on the Governmental Commission for the Improvement of Stability of Development of the Russian Economy

Creates the Governmental Commission for the Improvement of Stability of Development of the Russian Economy in the face of the world financial crisis.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 956 of December 15, 2008 on the Endorsement of the List of Milk and Dairy Products Subject to Obligatory Confirmation of Compliance When Placed under the Customs Regimes Envisaging Opportunities of Alienation or Use to Their Destination on the Customs Territory of the Russian Federation

When individual products are placed under the customs regimes envisaging alienation or use in the Russian Federation, the customs bodies must get a compliance certificate.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 954 of December 15, 2008 on the Amendments to the List of Goods Subject to Obligatory Certification and the List of Goods Requiring Declaration of Compliance

Milk and dairy products are excluded from the lists of foodstuffs requiring obligatory certification and declaration of compliance.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 953 of December 15, 2008 on the Amendments to the Rules of Granting of State Guarantees of the Russian Federation in Foreign Currencies for the Purposes of State Support of the Export of Industrial Products (Goods, Works, Services)

The state guarantees may be granted under obligations of the Russian exporter and also of the creditor bank.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 2133-U of November 26, 2008 on the Amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 215-P of February 10, 2003 on the Method of Determination of Own Resources (Capital) of Credit Organisations

From January 1, 2009, changes the Chart of Accounts of credit organisations.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 186 of November 17, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Processing of Proposals to Grant Exclusive Tariff Rates on the Railway Transport in Cases of International Transit Shipments on the Territory of the Russian Federation

Specifies the procedure of processing of proposals of interested parties in the Ministry of Transport of Russia to grant exclusive tariff rates for international transit cargo shipments on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 412 of November 24, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Cadastral Survey Plan and Requirements to Its Preparation, Sample Form of the Notification of the Meeting of Coordination of the Location of Borders of Land Plots

A cadastral survey plan is drawn up for the land plots in compliance with the Law on the State Cadastre of Immovable Property.

Order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. 525 of October 28, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on the Rendering of the State Service of Prolongation of Visas and Execution of the State Function of Revocation of Visas of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in the Points of Transfer through the State Border of the Russian Federation

Regulates execution of the above functions by officials of the border guard bodies in the points of transfer through the state border of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 155 of September 25, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Forming and Application of Tariff Rates for Regular Air Transportation of Passengers and Luggage, Collection of Civil Aviation Fees

Regulates the procedure of forming and application of the passenger and luggage tariff rates for regular air transportation (including the international ones), as well as the procedure of collection of fees for such transportation.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1886-r of December 18, 2008

The quota of issue of permissions for temporary stay in the Russian Federation to foreigners and stateless persons in 2009 makes 200,345.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 961 of December 18, 2008 on the Limiting Amounts and the Deadline to Extend the Payment for the Property Owned by the Subjects of the Russian Federation or Municipal Formations and Leased by Small and Medium-Size Businesses Applied When They Implement Their Priority Right for the Purchase of Such Property

Small and medium-size businesses enjoy until July 1, 2010 a priority right for the purchase of immovable property leased by them. Extension schedules apply.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 960 of December 18, 2008 on the Federal Standards of Payment for the Dwelling Space and Communal Services for the Years 2009-2011

Endorses the federal standards of payment for the dwelling space and communal services for the years 2009-2011 on the average for the Russian Federation and by subjects of the Russian Federation necessary for the determination of the amount of interbudget transfers allocated to the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 270-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Insurance of Deposits of Natural Persons in the Banks of the Russian Federation and Other Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Introduces criteria permitting to assess opportunities of the bank's further participation in the deposit insurance system.

Federal Law No. 268-FZ of December 22, 2008 "Technical Regulation on Tobacco Items"

Introduces requirements to tobacco items, rules of their identification, requirements to the labelling and content of information for consumers.

Federal Law No. 266-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Amendments to Article 51.2 of the Federal Law on the Securities Market (Not Yet Entered into Force)

Extends the list of qualified investors making investments in securities.

Federal Law No. 264-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Hypothec (Mortgage of Immovable Property) and Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

The goal of the Federal Law is to reduce the time limits and legal risks in the cases of transfer of the mortgage deeds in the mortgage coverage to refinance the mortgage credits by means of mortgage securities.

Federal Law No. 263-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Amendments to Articles 333.33 and 333.35 of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

The amount of the state duty for the state registration of rights and restrictions of rights (encumbrances) for the land plots of agricultural use, as well as transactions restricting these rights, is reduced to Rbl 100 for all applicants.

Federal Law No. 262-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Access to Information of the Work of Courts of the Russian Federation

Regulates relations pertaining to access provided to citizens, organisations, public associations, bodies of state power and local government to information of the work of courts of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 260-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Protocol on the Amendments to the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany on Avoidance of Double Taxation for the Incomes and Property Tax of May 29, 1966 and the Protocol to it of May 29, 1996

The ratified Protocol envisages adjustment of the limiting amount of capital investments necessary for the application of the reduced rate of taxation of dividends pursuant to the switchover of the Federal Republic of Germany to the new currency - euros.

Federal Law No. 258-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Determination of the Customs Cost of Commodities Moved across the Customs Border of the Customs Union

Ratifies the Agreement on the determination of the customs cost of commodities moved across the customs border of the Customs Union.

Federal Law No. 257-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Uniform Rules of Determination of the Country of Origin of Commodities

The ratified Agreement has been concluded between the governments of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in the framework of the Eurasia Economic Community and simplifies and harmonises customs procedures for the member-states of the Customs Union for the cases of trade with third countries.

Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Uniform Measures of Non-Tariff Regulation for Third Countries

The ratified agreement between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan envisages introduction on the customs territory of the parties of uniform measures of non-tariff regulation for third countries.

Federal Law No. 254-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Export Customs Duties for Third Countries

Ratifies the Agreement on export customs duties for third countries. The member-states are Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Federal Law No. 253-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Uniform Customs and Tariff Regulation

Ratifies the Agreement on the uniform customs and tariff regulation singed by participants of the Customs Union in Moscow on January 25, 2008.

Federal Law No. 252-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Application of Special Protective, Anti-Dumping and Compensation Measures for Third Countries

The ratified Agreement is expected to protect internal markets of the member-states of the Customs Union against the growing dumping and subsidised import of goods of third countries.

Federal Law No. 272-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Improving State Control in the Sphere of Private Guard and Detective Activities

The licensing of private detective and guard services will be regulated now by the law of the Russian Federation on the private detective and guard activities in the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 259-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Convention between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Evasion of Taxes for the Income Taxes

Ratifies the Convention between Russia and Thailand on avoidance of double taxation and evasion of income taxes.

Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 22, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Singapore on Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Evasion of Taxes for the Income Taxes

Ratifies the Intergovernmental Agreement of Russia and the Republic of Singapore on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of evasion of taxes for the income tax.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 970 of December 22, 2008 on the Fixing of the Time Limit for the State Corporation Bank of Development and Foreign Trade Activities (Foreign Trade Bank) to Implement the Function of the State Management Company of Trust Control of Resources of Accumulated Pensions

The Foreign Trade Bank will implement the functions of the state management company until January 1, 2014.

Federal Law No. 274-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Pursuant to the Adoption of the Federal Law on the Combating of Corruption

Refines the legal status of judges, members of the Council of the Federation and deputies of the State Duma, auditors of the Audit Chamber, servants of the Bank of Russia, members of the Central Election Commission of Russia and other categories of citizens.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Combating of Corruption

Specifies the main principles of combating of corruption, as well as the organisational and legal fundamentals of prevention of it.

Federal Law No. 291-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendments to Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the State Border of the Russian Federation

Reduces the time of passing of the border guard and other types of state control by international passenger trains.

Federal Law No. 290-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Procedure of Organisation and Carrying out of Joint Anti-Terrorist Measures on the Territory of the Member-States of the Shanghai Organisation of Cooperation

Ratifies the above Agreement.

Federal Law No. 289-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Laos People's Democratic Republic on the Settlement of the Debt of the Laos People's Democratic Republic in Roubles to the Russian Federation in Earlier Granted Credits

Ratifies the Agreement on the restructuring of the Laos debt to Russia under credits granted in 1986-1990 to finance construction.

Federal Law No. 284-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Handing over of Rights for the Uniform Technologies

Regulates relations of transfer of uniform technologies of civil, military, special or dual destination for their practical application belonging fully or partly to the Russian Federation or subjects thereof.

Federal Law No. 282-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendments to Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

After March 1, 2009, victims of highway accidents may apply directly to the insurer to claim the insurance payment. Resources obtained by the insurer under agreements of direct reimbursement of losses are exempted from VAT.

Federal Law No. 280-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation pursuant to the Ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption of October 31, 2003 and the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption of January 27, 1999 and Adoption of the Federal Law on the Combating of Corruption

Introduces anti-corruption duties, prohibitions and restrictions for the civil servants, servicemen and employees of law enforcement bodies.

Federal Law No. 276-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendment to Article 56 of the Federal Law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

The Regulation on the Banking Enforcement Committee is endorsed by the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Russia.

Federal Law No. 275-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Protection of Participants of Criminal Proceedings

Ratifies the Agreement signed in Minsk on November 28, 2006 by CIS member-states.

Federal Law No. 295-FZ of December 26, 2008 on the Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of Turkmenistan on the Cooperation in Construction of the Caspian Gas Pipeline

Ratifies the intergovernmental Agreement of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to implement the joint project of construction of the Caspian Gas Pipeline.

Federal Law No. 293-FZ of December 26, 2008 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Excluding Extra-Procedural Rights of the Bodies of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Checks of Subjects of Entrepreneurial Activities

Now, the bodies of internal affairs may use only those procedures that are envisaged in the Code of Criminal Procedures and the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 281-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Introduces an additional duty of the subjects of natural monopolies and communal organisations to publish in mass media, as well we provide to requests of consumers: information on prices (tariff rates); main figures of financial and economic activities; consumer properties of commodities (works, services) etc.

Federal Law No. 279-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendment to Article 2 of the Federal Law on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products and on the Invalidation of Individual Provisions of the Federal Law on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcoholic and Alcohol-Containing Products

Beginning with January 1, 2009, production of ethyl alcohol is permitted on condition of full processing and/or utilisation of draff at purification facilities.

Federal Law No. 278-FZ of December 25, 2008 on the Amendment to Article 28 of the Federal Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (not yet entered into force)

According to the amendments, the Government of the Russian Federation specifies the procedure of export (import) of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors withdrawn from illegal circulation.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1847 of December 25, 2008 on the Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography

The Federal Registration Service is renamed into the Federal Service of Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

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