A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025

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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 22.06.2010

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community No. 284 of May 20, 2010 on Specifying the Codes of the CC FEA of the Customs Union and Correcting the Rates of Import Customs Fees in Respect of Some Kinds of Tropical Oils

The decision temporarily (for 9 months) alters import customs fees in respect of palm oil. This concerns raw oil (except for that intended for technical or industrial purposes, excluding the manufacture of food products) and its fractions (except for those intended for the abovementioned purposes, as well as of solid fractions in original packages with net weight of at most 1 kg). Before making the amendments, the rate of the fee in respect of these commodities in boxes, barrels, tanks or cans with net weight of 200 kg or less had to constitute 15 % of the customs value but at least 0.12 euro for 1 kg. Otherwise it would be equal to 0.
Now the following is provided for instead. If these commodities are packed in a tare with the capacity of 20 t or less, the fee rate shall be 0.4 euros per 1 kg. Otherwise it would be equal to 0.
The decision shall enter into force in 30 calendar days after its official publication by the Commission of the Customs Union.

Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service No. 10-29/pz-n of April 27, 2010 on Endorsing the Criteria and Procedure for Inclusion of Foreign Stock Exchanges in the List of Foreign Stocks Exchanges Where the Listing Procedure is a Mandatory Condition for Adoption by a Russian Stock Exchange of the Decision to Admit Securities of Foreign Issuers to Sales without the Decision of the Federal Executive Power Body Responsible for the Securities Market on Their Admittance to Public Placement or Public Circulation in the Russian Federation, as Well as on Endorsing the Cited List

Securities of foreign issuers shall be admitted to public circulation in Russia, if a domestic stock exchange renders the decision on their admittance to sales. To this end, it is necessary for securities (except for those which are held by international financial organizations) to be subjected to a listing procedure at a foreign stock exchange. The latter must be included in the list established by the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation. The list is now endorsed, as well as the criteria and procedure for including foreign stock exchanges in it.
The Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation shall render the decision on inclusion of a stock exchange in the list (on its exclusion from it) on the basis of applications of foreign stock exchanges, international organisations of stock exchanges or of authorized agencies (organizations) of foreign states, as well as of the data inserted (published ) in their official Internet sites. Besides, it may be done on the basis of mass media reports , as well as of applications of legal entities and natural persons. In total, 65 foreign stock exchanges have been included in the list.
The order is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 7, 2010 under registration No. 17494.<

Order of the Ministry of Public health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 242n of April 16, 2010 on Endorsement of, and on the Procedure for Keeping and Making, Statistical Registration Forms and Reports on Implementation of the State Task Which Involves Rendering High-Technology Medical Aid to Citizens of the Russian Federation on Account of Budget Appropriations from the Federal Budget

The order endorses new forms of the slip, application and waitlist which are used for rendering high-technology medical aid within the framework of the state task.
The forms of reports on rendering high-technology medical aid and using assets allocated for it have been renewed.
A slip for rendering high-technology medical aid shall be drawn up in respect of every patient using both paper and electronic media. All stages of high-technology medical aid shall be recorded.
Applications for rendering high-technology medical aid shall be formed by regional state power bodies in charge of public health and by federal medical institutions. They shall be forwarded to the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation before September 1 of the year preceding the planning period.
Regional agencies and medical institutions, including those which are subordinate to the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency and the Russian Academy of Medical Science shall form on a quarterly and annual basis data on rendering high-technology medical aid. Information may be presented both in paper and/or electronic forms.
The previous forms of the cited statistical reports/statements are declared invalidated.
The order is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 17, 2010 under registration No. 17565.

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