A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025

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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 16.08.2019

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 512n of July 18, 2019 on the endorsement of the list of production environments, works and occupations with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions restricting employment for women

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Communication, Information Technologies and Mass Communications No. 42 of March 4, 2019 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation on the provided state service of assigning the radio frequencies or radio frequency channels for radio-electronic means of civil destination

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Communication, Information Technologies and Mass Communications No. 41 of March 4, 2019 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation on the provided state service of issuance of permissions for import to the territory of the Russian Federation on other than import conditions of radio electronic means and high-frequency devices for civil destination, including those built-in or forming part of other goods, as well as the import of radio electronic means and high-frequency devices of civil destination by natural persons for personal use (if the presence of such permission is envisaged in the legislation of the Russian Federation)

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Communication, Information Technologies and Mass Communications No. 52 of March 18, 2019 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation on the state control (supervision) in the area of communication of observance by users of radio frequency spectrum of the procedure, requirements and terms of use of radio-electronic means or high-frequency devices, including the messages (information) obtained in the cases of radio control

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Communication, Information Technologies and Mass Communications No. 43 of March 4, 2019 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation on the provided state service of processing applications of communication operators for connection of telecommunication networks and interaction of communication operators, taking decisions and issuance of orders in compliance with the federal law

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