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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 30.09.2022

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6138-U of May 16, 2022 - insurance rates are established for compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for causing harm as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Healthcare No. 6927 of July 29, 2022 - approval of the forms of documents used by the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Healthcare when exercising the federal state control (supervision) over circulation of medical devices

Information statement of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated September 1, 2022 - on the average price of Urals oil for August 2022

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6137-U of May 16, 2022 - on insurance rates for compulsory insurance of the carrier's civil liability for causing harm to life, health or property of passengers during transportation

Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 208-I of May 24, 2022 - approval of the procedure for registering the rules for trust management of a unit investment fund, the investment units of which are not intended exclusively for certified investors, and registering changes and additions to them, as well as on the form of a report on the number of additional issued investment units of a closed-end mutual investment fund

Information statement of the Federal Service for Supervision over Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, dated September 1, 2022 - forms for submitting notifications from personal data operators are available on the Roskomnadzor website

Information statement of the Federal Service for Supervision over Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, dated August 31, 2022 - digital application forms

Information letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-03-45/110 of August 31, 2022 - on disclosure to consumers of information on the terms of service of settlement (debit) cards

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1519 of August 31, 2022 - introduction of a temporary ban on the export from the Russian Federation of waste and scrap of precious metals or metals clad with precious metals, other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds used mainly for extraction of precious metals

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated September 2, 2022: temporary restriction of flights to Russian airports in the south and central part of Russia is extended until September 10, 2022.

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6209-U of July 28, 2022 - approves amendments to Annexes 1 and 2 to Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6007-U of December 8, 2021 "On Insurance Tariffs for Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners". Base rates of OSAGO tariffs have been revised.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1547 of September 2, 2022 - approves the procedure for providing payments to citizens of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, Ukraine and stateless persons that were forced to leave the territories of the Donetsk People's Republic, Lugansk People's Republic, Ukraine and arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1529 of September 1, 2022 - endorses amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 635 of April 11, 2022: issues of fulfillment in 2022 by residents of obligations to pay rental, leasing and other payments under contracts for the purchase or lease of aircraft, auxiliary power units, aircraft engines to foreign creditors from unfriendly countries are clarified.

Information statement of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated September 5, 2022 - on the average prices for the previous tax period for the corresponding types of hydrocarbons produced at a new offshore hydrocarbon field for the period from August 1 to August 31, 2022

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 611 of September 5, 2022 - approval of the Concept of the Humanitarian Policies of the Russian Federation Abroad

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6140-U of May 17, 2022 - amendments to Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 437-P of October 17, 2014 'On Organised Trading Activities'

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1553 of September 2, 2022 - approval of the Rules for submitting information to the unified state automated information system for keeping record of wood and transactions therewith

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1570 of September 6, 2022 - approval of the Rules for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organisations to compensate for their shortfall in income on loans issued to Russian organisations and (or) individual businessmen for the purchase of real estate in order to carry out their activities in industry

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated September 8, 2022 The temporary restriction of flights to Russian airports in the south and central part of Russia has been extended until September 16

Letter of the Bank of Russia No. 03-12/7976 of August 19, 2022 on the application of Decree No. 430 - The Bank of Russia issued clarifications on the application of restrictions on crediting foreign currency dividends and profits to foreign accounts

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6150-U of June 3, 2022 on the table included in bank deposit agreements with individuals, which indicates the information provided for by parts one and two of Article 362 of Federal Law No. 395-I of December 2, 1990 on Banks and Banking Activities - Banks will indicate the terms of deposits in the form of a table

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-14/751@ of August 15, 2022 on amending annexes to Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-14/617@ of August 31, 2020 - The Federal Tax Service has updated certain forms of documents submitted during the registration of organisations or individual entrepreneurs

Decision of the Bank of Russia dated September 6, 2022 "Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia on the commission for issuing foreign currency in cash to individuals

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 618 of September 8, 2022 on the special procedure for carrying out (execution) of certain types of transactions (operations) between certain persons - The President restricted the ability to make transactions with shares of Russian LLCs for persons from unfriendly countries

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 331n of May 31, 2022 approval of standard additional professional training programs in the area of anti-corruption

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1580 of September 8, 2022 on the temporary ban on the export of rapeseed seeds from the Russian Federation and amendments to the rates of export customs duties on goods exported from the Russian Federation outside the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-3/727@ of August 8, 2022 on amending Annexes to Order of the Federal Tax Service No. KV-7-3/234@ of March 30, 2021 - Declaration on tax on additional income from hydrocarbon production for 2022 will have to be submitted in a new form

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2567-r of September 8, 2022 - The RF Government approved the Strategy for the Development of the Agro-Industrial and Fisheries Complexes until 2030

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2022 on decisions following the results of the strategic session on the development of the domestic financial system - Investments, digital currencies, mining, formation of long-term savings of citizens: strategic instructions of the RF Government

Information Letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Bank of Russia Nos AK/85107/22, IN-02-52/113 of September 13, 2022 on disclosure of information on certain bonus programs - The Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Central Bank recommend that banks disclose cashback conditions in full: not only advantages but also limitations

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1588 of September 12, 2022 on amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 834 of May 9, 2022 - The RF Government clarified the temporary rules for the import of encryption tools and goods containing them

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated September 14, 2022 The temporary restriction of flights to Russian airports in the south and central part of Russia has been extended until September 22

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6153-U of June 14, 2022 on the procedure for calculating the minimum guaranteed deposit rate

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1593 of September 12, 2022 on amending the Regulations on licensing educational activities

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-21/741@ of August 10, 2022 on approval of the form and procedure for filling in a notice on the presence of vehicles and (or) real estate objects in a taxpaying organisation, the tax base for which is determined as their cadastral value, recognized as objects of taxation for the relevant taxes

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6113-U of March 31, 2022 on the procedure for the Bank of Russia to apply measures to a credit institution provided for by Article 74.1 of Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the Bank of Russia) - The Bank of Russia determined the procedure for suspending sales and returning money to consumers during misselling

Information of the Bank of Russia of September 16, 2022 "The Bank of Russia decides to reduce the key rate by 50 basis points to 7.50% per annum

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1619 of September 15, 2022 on amending the Regulations on the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision and Regulations on the Federal Customs Service - From September 1, 2023, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision and the Federal Customs Service will be authorised to carry out state control over agricultural seeds at checkpoints across the state border

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1604 of September 14, 2022 on amending Item 23 of the Rules for registration and de-registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1602 of September 13, 2022 on Agreements to Protect and Encourage Investment: the Government approved a new procedure for concluding agreements on protection and promotion of investments.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1600 of September 13, 2022 on amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organisations

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated September 16, 2022 "On export customs duties on oil and certain categories of goods produced from oil for the period from October 1 to October 31, 2022"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1618 of September 15, 2022 on amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation: the RF Ministry of Natural Resources is entitled to endorse the procedure for extraction of minerals and useful components from subsoil use waste, including from overburden and enclosing rocks, as well as the rules for the use of such waste. The Decision comes into force on September 1, 2023.

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, dated September 16, 2022 - extension of restrictions on information disclosure by credit institutions (parent credit institutions of banking groups)

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, dated September 16, 2022 - extension of restrictions on disclosure of information on activities of credit institutions by the Bank of Russia on its official website

Order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography No. P/0241 of June 22, 2022 - approval of the procedure for registering and accounting for the names of geographical features, publishing dictionaries and reference books for the names of geographical features, as well as performing work on creation of the State Catalogue of Geographical Names and maintaining thereof

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 389n of July 4, 2022 - approval of the form and procedure for filling in the protocol for conducting a medical and social examination of citizens

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 129 of September 13, 2022 - establishing the rate of import customs duty of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union in respect of certain types of containers

Information from the Federal Air Transport Agency, dated September 20, 2022: temporary flight restrictions to Russian airports in the south and central part of Russia are extended until September 28, 2022

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, dated September 16, 2022 - on premiums to risk ratios for the purpose of calculating capital adequacy ratios by credit institutions

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, dated September 16, 2022 - new tariffs are established for the services of the Bank of Russia in the payment system of the Bank of Russia

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 647 of September 21, 2022 - announcement of limited mobilisation in the Russian Federation: from September 21, 2022, limited (partial) mobilisation has been announced in the country, and citizens of the Russian Federation may be called up for military service. All those called up for mobilisation will obtain the status of contract servicemen and may count on an appropriate level of pay.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1624 of September 16, 2022 - approval of the procedure for restricting and resuming access to information contained in the state information resource of accounting (financial) statements, and recognising certain decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation as invalid

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1651 of September 19, 2022 - amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 295 of March 6, 2022: permission for transactions with shares of Russian LLCs for persons from unfriendly countries to be issued by the Governmental Commission for the Control of Foreign Investments.

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated September 16, 2022 on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 3916-U of December 28, 2015

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated September 16, 2022 on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 3805-U of September 24, 2015

Information of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 21, 2022: the validity period of certification documents for crew members of sea vessels is extended

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1652 of September 19, 2022: approval of the amounts of fees to be paid in connection with the legal protection of appellations of origin and geographical indications on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications and on the introduction amendments to the Regulations on patent and other fees for legally significant actions related to a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial design, with state registration of a trademark and service mark, with state registration and granting the exclusive right to a geographical indication, appellation of origin of goods, as well as with state registration of alienation of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or means of individualisation, pledge of an exclusive right, granting the right to use such result or such means under an agreement, transfer of the exclusive right to such result or such means without a contract

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1635 of September 17, 2022 on the features of the functioning of the One Window information system in the field of foreign trade activities in terms of selecting applications for services in the One Window information system in the field of foreign trade activities that provide for rendering public services and other functions necessary for implementation of foreign trade activities by Russian legal entities and Russian individuals registered as individual businessmen, services provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) international law, other services, including paid services, provided to participants in foreign trade activities and other persons, administrative procedures in the field of foreign trade activities

Information from the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, dated September 23, 2022: IT, communications and media specialists are entitled to a deferment from limited mobilisation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1658 of September 19, 2022 - standard terms are established for contracts concluded for the purpose of fulfilling the state defense order, and also certain amendments should be made into the Regulations on the approximate terms of state contracts (agreements) for the state defense order

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6139-U of May 17, 2022 - the Minimum (Standard) Requirements for the conditions and procedure for implementation of optional life and health insurance of a borrower under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, and for the scope and content of the information provided on a voluntary life and health insurance agreement by a borrower under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, as well as on the form, methods and procedure for providing such information

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1665 of September 21, 2022 - approval of the Rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to Russian organisations to reimburse the costs of sea transportation of goods to (from) the Kaliningrad region under the external sanctions

Clarification of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, dated September 23, 2022: clarification regarding the procedure for including companies into the consolidated register of companies engaged in the military and industrial establishment

Information from of the Federal Notarial Chamber, dated September 26, 2022: draft persons are entitled to notarial assistance on preferential terms

Information from the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, dated September 23, 2022: IT specialists, as well as communications and media specialists will receive a deferment from the limited mobilisation

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-21/766@ of August 24, 2022: approval of the form and format for submitting a tax return for property tax of organisations in electronic form and the procedure for filling it in

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1654 of September 19, 2022: approval of the Rules for conducting evacuation measures in case of threat or occurrence of natural or industrial emergencies

Federal Law No. 367-FZ of September 24, 2022 - ratification of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus on Harmonisation of the Customs Legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus and Cooperation in the Customs Sphere

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 664 of September 24, 2022: peculiatities of granting a deferment from military service in terms of mobilisation

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency, dated September 26, 2022: temporary restriction of flights to Russian airports in the south and central part of Russia has been extended until October 4, 2022

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1670 of September 22, 2022: specifics of implementation of state control (supervision) over international road transportation at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation

Clarification of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, dated September 23, 2022: clarification regarding the procedure for including organisations into the consolidated register of organisations of the military-industrial sector

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 629 of July 27, 2022 - approval of the Procedure for arranging and implementing educational activities for vocational programs within general education

Order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography No. P/0295 of July 27, 2022 - amendments to certain Orders of the Rosreestr on issue of sending notifications provided for by Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 13, 2015 "On the State Registration of Real Estate"

Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 803-P of August 1, 2022 - approval of the Chart of Accounts for Non-Bank Financial Institutions, Credit History Bureaus, Credit Rating Agencies and the Procedure for Its Application

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 110n of July 18, 2022 - establishment of the Procedure for holding consultations between customs authorities and declarants in order to reasonably select the cost basis for determining the customs value of goods imported into the Russian Federation, in accordance with Articles 41 and 42 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-15/636@ of July 8, 2022 - approval of the procedure for submission by electronic document management operators of invoices, universal transfer documents and universal corrective documents containing traceability details in electronic form

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 150 of September 23, 2022 - establishing the rates of import customs duties of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union for certain types of goods, as well as on amending certain Resolutions of the Commission of the Customs Union and the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Zero rates and tariff breaks are extended for certain critical imports.

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6219-U of August 16, 2022 - setting the deadline for commencement of mandatory application of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 17 "Insurance Contracts" and International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 9 "Financial Instruments" by insurance organisations, mutual insurance and non-state pension funds, on amendments to certain banking regulations on accounting and accounting (financial) statements of non-bank financial organisations and on the repeal of certain Bank of Russia regulations on accounting by non-bank financial organisations

Information from the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, dated September 26, 2022 - a form to confirm the employee's compliance with the requirements for not being involved in the military service as part of the limited mobilisation

Information from the Russian Railways, dated September 27, 2022 - drafted persons involved in limited mobilisation may return train tickets, including non-refundable ones

Decision of the Bank of Russia, dated September 27, 2022 - on the level of credit ratings established in accordance with Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 590-P of June 28, 2017. Credit ratings have been updated to form reserves for possible losses.

Decision of the Bank of Russia, dated September 27, 2022 - determining the form of a document confirming a decision of the Bank of Russia to approve reorganisation of a credit institution carried out in accordance with Article 8 of Federal Law No. 292-FZ of July 14, 2022, the requirements for the content of such document and the procedure for obtaining it by a reorganised credit institution

Decision of the Bank of Russia, dated September 27, 2022 - on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 199-I of November 29, 2019 and Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 183-I of December 6, 2017: calculation of capital adequacy ratios for transactions with increased risk ratios - credit ratings are determined.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 681 of September 29, 2022 - certain issues of international road transport of goods

Decision of the Bank of Russia dated September 27, 2022 - establishing credit rating levels for the purpose of applying Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 626-P of December 28, 2017 and Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 135-I of April 2, 2010

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 686 of September 29, 2022 - recognition of independence of the Kherson region, based on the results of the referendum held, and the UN Charter, which enshrines the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 685 of September 29, 2022 - recognition of independence of the Zaporozhye region, based on the results of the referendum held on September 27, 2022, and the UN Charter, which enshrines the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples

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