A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025
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A law has been developed on financial and commodity indicators and their administrators.
Digital financial assets may be credited to a foreign nominal holder of digital financial assets for recording for rights to digital financial assets owned by other persons in whose interests the recording and disposal of these digital financial assets is carried out.
The creation of cartels activities of which have led to an increase, decrease or maintenance of prices at auctions held on a mandatory basis and are accompanied by causing major damage or obtaining income on a large scale will be classified as a separate offence.
From January 13, 2025, a real estate donation agreement concluded between citizens must be notarized.
Amendments to the Law on experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation come into force on January 5, 2025. In particular, they provide for the following: if, during the implementation of the regime, as a result of the use of artificial intelligence, harm is caused to the life, health or property of a person or legal entity, this may serve as grounds for the suspending of the status of the experimental regime entity.
Blue chip companies engaged in power industry, engineering and trade are allowed to make corporate decisions without taking into account the votes of co-owners from unfriendly countries. It was decided to extend the validity of this rule for a year - until December 31, 2025.
From January 1, 2025, IFRS 4 ‘Insurance Contracts’ will cease to be in effect in Russia.
It is proposed to adjust the accounting procedure for deferred tax liabilities and assets by credit institutions.
The instructions for the submission of supporting documents and information by residents and non-residents to authorised banks when performing foreign exchange transactions do not provide for the registration with an authorised bank of loan agreements concluded by resident individuals with non-residents.
Amendments have been made to a number of federal laws, the purpose of which is to prohibit children from free access to gas lighters and other potentially dangerous gas-containing household goods. These are goods for personal and household use that contain liquefied hydrocarbon gases, if the inhalation of such gases or their vapours poses a danger to life or health.
From November 28 until the end of 2024, the Bank of Russia will not purchase foreign currency on the domestic foreign exchange market as part of mirroring the regular operations of the Ministry of Finance related to the implementation of the budget rule. The decision was taken in order to reduce volatility in financial markets.
The following will be introduced from January 1, 2025:
Criminal liability has been introduced for illegal distribution of digital information containing personal data, as well as creation and operation of information resources for its illegal storage and distribution.
The Agreement with the Government of Belarus on the procedure for recognising an electronic signature in an electronic document during cross-border electronic interaction has been ratified.
Citizens of countries where gender reassignment is permitted cannot adopt Russian children or become their guardians (trustees).
Authorities of the Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation have been expanded. Among other things, the Commission will be responsible for issuing statements concerning the existence of circumstances under which corporate rights are suspended for a foreign legal entity that is not a foreign holding company in relation to an economically significant organisation.
Criminal liability will be introduced for the illegal circulation of computer information containing personal data, as well as the creation and provision of functioning of information resources for its illegal storage and distribution.
Funds placed in the bank on the basis of a bank deposit agreement or account are subject to insurance in the deposit insurance system.
The Russian Government has defined the guidelines of state policy in the field of accounting, financial reporting and auditing activities until 2030. It is expected to develop the system of accounting and financial reporting standards, expand the functionality of the State Register of Accountants and Financial Reporting (GIRBO) and improve the economic model of audit organisations.
Administrative liability is provided for public actions aimed at promoting the refusal to have children, if these actions do not include elements of a criminal offence.
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