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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 25.02.2003

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 117 of February 19, 2003 on the Payment in 2003 to Individual Categories of Citizens of the Russian Federation of the Preliminary Compensation (Compensation) for the Deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation and Some of Insurance Companies

Defines the procedure of paying out in 2003 to individual categories of citizens of the Russian Federation of the compensation for the deposits in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation as of June 20, 1991 and for the deposits in state insurance organisations as of January 1, 1992 being guaranteed savings according to the Law on the restoration and protection of the savings of the citizens of the Russian Federation.
The preliminary compensation will be paid out in the amount of Rbl 1,000 to citizens having the year of birth to 1945 inclusive, group I invalids, group II invalids having the year of birth to 1950 inclusive, parents, as well as trustees of invalid children and invalids from childhood, former underaged prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by fascists and their allies during World War II, parents whose sons were undergoing draft military service and were killed (deceased) during the service in peace time.
The compensation to the citizens of the Russian Federation born in 1943-1945 shall be paid out from October 1, 2003.
The preliminary compensation will also be paid out in the amount of up to Rbl 1,000 for tied deposits for children, for deposits for orphan children and children left without parental support.
The preliminary compensation includes Rbl 1,000 (proceeding from the nominal value of the banknotes in 1991) for each deposit exceeding this amount or the whole deposit if its amount is less than Rbl 1,000. The particular amount of the compensation depends on the length of the deposit and is determined using supplied coefficients.
The Decision also defines the procedure of paying out of the additional compensation and compensation of ritual services.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 115 of February 19, 2003 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 403 of June 11, 2002

The rules of reimbursement from the federal budget of the part of expenses to pay the interest under investment credits obtained by agricultural producers, enterprises and organisations of the agroindustrial complex, as well as farmers' enterprises, for up to 3 years in the Russian credit organisations are prolonged for the year 2003.

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