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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 6.03.2003

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 140 of March 4, 2003 on the Procedure and Amounts of Compensation of Expenses of Some of Participants of the Cases of Administrative Violations and Their Labour Remuneration

Specifies the procedure of reimbursement of expenses of the victim, evidence, specialist, expert, interpreter and the witness when summoned to the court, body, official processing the case of administrative violation, as well as the labour remuneration procedure for specialists, experts and interpreters attracted for procedural actions in cases of administrative violations.
The mentioned expenses include travel, lodging and the daily allowance.
The payments to the mentioned persons are made upon fulfilment of their duties on the basis of the ruling of the court or official processing the case of administrative violations who attracted these persons for procedural actions.
Specialists, experts and interpreters get their remuneration according to the norms specified by the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 139 of March 4, 2003 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1198 of October 28, 1999

Specifies that individual types of fertilisers (codes according to the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature of the Russian Federation 3102 10 and 3102 30) shall be exported outside the member-states of the Customs Union agreements duty free. Earlier, the rates of the export customs duties amounted to: 5% of the customs cost, but not less than EUR 4 for urea (FTCN code 3102 10) and 5% for ammonium nitrate (FTCN code 3102 30).
The Decision is entered into force one month after the day of its official publication.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 252-r of February 28, 2003

Endorses the plan of actions of the Government of the Russian Federation for the year 2003 to implement the main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. The main priorities of the Government of the Russian Federation are declared to be: reform of the system of state management, tax and budget reform, institutional and infrastructure reforms, stimulation of diversification of the economy, improved openness of the economy, forming of the efficient system of obligatory social insurance and social services.
The tax and budget reform implies to:
- exclude reserves, expenses and non-material assets from the objects of taxation for the property tax from organisations;
- switch over to the market cost of the property as the taxable base;
- reduce the list of tax exemptions;
- make more alike the tax record systems and the accounting work;
- exclude advance payments from the taxable base and change the procedure of confirmation of the zero rate for the export supplies followed by subsequent reimbursement of the value added tax;
- reduce the average rate of the uniform social tax;
- increase the amounts of property deductions, including those for stimulation of the development of the mortgage crediting;
- abandon tax control over the expenses of natural persons.

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