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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 8.06.2006

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 355 of June 6, 2006 on the Particulars of Functioning of Economic Subjects Engaged in Activities in the Sphere of Electric Power Supplies Primarily for Own Production Needs

Defines the terms permitting to exempt from the requirements of Article 6 of the Federal Law on the particulars of functioning of electric power industry in the transient period and on the amendments to some of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation and on invalidation of some of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation pursuant to the adoption of the Federal Law on the electric power industry economic subjects engaged in activities of production, transfer and purchase and sale of electric power using power supply stations and other objects of electric power industry owned by them on the proprietary basis or on other legal grounds and directly connected with each other and/or with power consuming devices owned by these subjects primarily for own production needs.

Control over observation by economic subjects of the requirements of Article 6 of the mentioned Federal Law is vested in the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1681-U of May 10, 2006 on the Amendments to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 109-I of January 14, 2004 on the Procedure of Adoption of the Decision of the State Registration of Credit Organisations by the Bank of Russia and Issue of Licenses for Bank Operations

According to the amendments, a division of the credit organisation must be located in a building (room) finished after construction and possessed by the credit organisation on the propriety basis (lease, sublease, gratuitous use). Location of a structural division of the credit organisation is also permitted in a building finished after construction, put in operation but not yet entered in the Joint State Register of Rights for Immovable Property and Transactions with It.

In this connection, when an internal structural division of the credit organisation is opened, the Bank of Russia must receive copies of documents certified appropriately and confirming the right of ownership (lease, sublease, gratuitous use) of the credit organisation for such building (room) or copies of the permission to put the building (room) in operation and the documents certifying opportunities to locate the internal structural division of the credit organisation in the mentioned building (room).

The time limit permitting to locate the structural division in a building not entered in the Joint State Register of Rights for Immovable Property and Transactions with It may not be greater than one year from the moment of entry of information of the opening (change of the place of location) of the internal structural division in the Book of State Registration of Credit Organisations. During this period, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia must get certified copies of documents confirming the right of ownership (lease, sublease, gratuitous use) of the credit organisation for the building (room).

The Direction is entered into force 10 days after the day of its official publication in the Herald of the Bank of Russia.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 2, 2006. Reg. No. 7910.

Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 06-45/pz-n of May 11, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Forms of Applications for the Issue and Redrawing of Licenses, As Well As the Notifications, Orders, Excerpts from Registers of Licenses and Other Documents Used by the Federal Service for Financial Markets in the Course of the Licensing in Compliance with the Federal Law on the Licensing of Individual Types of Activities

Pursuant to the introduction from July 1, 2006 of the new blank licenses, endorses the forms of the applications for the issue and redrawing of licenses, as well as the notifications, orders, excerpts from registers of licenses and warnings used in the course of licensing of activities of investment funds, activities of management of investment funds, shared investment funds and non-state pension funds, activities of specialised depositaries of investment funds, shared investment funds and non-state pension funds and activities of non-state pension funds in pension support and pension insurance.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 2, 2006. Reg. No. 7909.

Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service No. 54 of March 16, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Processing by the Federal Antimonopoly Service and Its Territorial Bodies of Requests and Notifications Submitted in Compliance with Requirements of Article 7 of the Federal Law on Natural Monopolies

Defines the procedure of submission to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and its territorial bodies of requests for permissions to commit any transactions permitting the subject of natural monopoly to acquire the right of ownership or use of fixed assets other than those intended for production with the balance cost greater than 10% of the cost of own capital of the subject of natural monopoly, requests for investments in production exempted from regulation in compliance with the Law on natural monopolies making more than 10% of the cost of own capital of the subject of natural monopoly.

Specifies the procedure of submission of notifications for the cases of purchase at the market of stocks in the registered capital of the subject of natural monopoly or other transactions (including the contracts of agency, trust control, pledge) of purchase of more than 10% of the total number of votes falling on all stocks making the registered capital of the subject of natural monopoly, as well as in all cases of change of the number of votes belonging to them, and in case of purchase by the subject of natural monopoly of stocks in the registered capital of another economic subject providing more than 10% of the total number of votes falling on all stocks.

The territorial body of the Federal Antimonopoly Service shall examine the notifications and requests permitting transactions (investments) in the service sphere of transport terminals, ports and airports with the cost of assets according to the most recent balance report not greater than 20 million minimum amounts of labour remuneration, services of transfer of electric and thermal power, gas transportation, services of non-public-use railway transportation, as well as the services of public tele- and postal communication. In other cases, requests and notification are submitted to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 1, 2006. Reg. No. 7902.

Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication of the Russian Federation No. 66 of May 24, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Method of Calculation of the Economically Substantiated Expenses and the Normative Profit for the Services of Connection and Services of Traffic Transfer and for Multiple Communication Services

Endorses the method defining the procedure of calculation of economically substantiated expenses and the normative profit for the services of connection and services of traffic transfer and for multiple communication services on the basis of accounting information. The method is applied by major operators of a public-use communication network and multiple-service operators.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 1, 2006. Reg. No. 7898.

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