A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025
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The amendments specify in which regions subsoil plots are provided for use for geological study of subsoil for a period of up to 7 years. Additionally, the Murmansk Region and certain territories of the Republic of Karelia, classified as the land territories of the Arctic zone, are included.
It is not considered a violation of the exclusive right to the results of intellectual activity, or means of individualisation, the use of results of intellectual activity expressed in certain goods, as well as means of individualisation with which such goods are marked. This concerns foreign goods that are allowed to be imported into Russia without the consent of the right holders, the list of which is established by the RF Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The Tax Code of the Russian Federation is supplemented with a new Chapter providing for tax deductions for participants in investment protection and promotion agreements (IPPAs) concluded after June 1, 2022. Deductions will be provided only for those agreements one of the parties to which is the Russian Federation.
Trademarks may be registered in the name of citizens, including those that are self-employed. Also, obligatory registration of a pledge of the exclusive right to a computer program or database registered with Rospatent has been introduced. Amendments will enter into force upon the expiry of a year after publication.
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