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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation
Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 30.04.2002
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 301 of March 31, 2002 on the Draft of the Citizens of the Russian Federation for Military Service in April-June 2002 and on the Dismissal of the Draftees from the Military Service
Order of the Ministry of Communication of the Russian Federation No. 24 of March 15, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Transfer and Use of Resources Obtained to Finance the Activities of the Departments of State Enforcement of Communication and Informatization in the Subjects of the Russian Federation
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 192 of March 29, 2002 on the Amendments to the Regulation on the Purchase, Distribution, Issue of Accommodations for Sanatoria and Resort Treatment and Rehabilitation of Employees and Members of Their Families
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 191 of March 29, 2002 on the Rest, Rehabilitation and Engagement of Children in 2002
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 190 of March 29, 2002 on the Licensing of Auditing Activities
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 187 of March 29, 2002 on the Labour Remuneration for Citizens Engaged in Works with Chemical Weapons
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 188 of March 29, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Lists of Production Facilities, Professions and Positions with Hazardous Working Conditions Providing for the Right of Citizens Engaged in Works with Chemical Weapons for the Benefits and Compensations
Letter of the Pension Fund of Russia No. MZ-09-25/2186 of March 11, 2002 on the Methodology Recommendations on the Procedure of Calculation and Payment of Insurance Contributions for Obligatory Pension Insurance
Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/05-1886 of March 18, 2002 on the Calculation of the Temporary Disability and Maternity Allowance
Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2002 on the Case of Constitutionality of Individual Provisions of the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the Procedure of Recall of a Deputy of the Representative Body of the Local Government and the Law of the Koryakiya Autonomous District on the Procedure of Recall of a Deputy of the Representative Body of the Local Government, Elective Official of the Local Government in the Koryakiya Autonomous District Pursuant to the Appeals of Applicants A.G.Zlobin and Y.A.Khnayev
Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 32-FZ of March 28, 2002 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on Accounting Work
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 196 of March 29, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 993 of September 3, 1999
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 194 of March 29, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Procedure of Assigning Scientific Degrees
Decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 9 of February 12, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Typical Interindustry Instructions on Labour Safety for Retail Trade Workers
Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 180-P/01-100/3 of February 15, 2002 on the Amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia and the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 101-P and No. 01-23/32005 of December 22, 1999 (Respectively) on the Application of the Instruction of the Bank of Russia and the State Customs Committee of Russia on the Currency Control Procedure for the Receipts from the Export of Commodities in the Russian Federation No. 86-I and No. 01-23/26541 of October 13, 1999 (Respectively)
Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 179-P/01-100/2 of February 15, 2002 on the Amendments to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia and the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 86-I and No. 01-23/26541 of October 13, 1999 (Respectively) on the Currency Control Procedure for the Receipts from the Export of Commodities in the Russian Federation
Letter of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation Nos. 274-AP, 02-08/10-765P of April 1, 2002
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. SA-6-05/270@ of March 7, 2002 on the Restructuring of the Debt of Organizations to Non-Budgetary Funds
Federal Law No. 33-FZ of March 28, 2002 on the Amendment to the Federal Law on the Use of Nuclear Power
Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-03/113 of March 5, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Amendments to the Instruction for Filling Out the Declarations for the Value Added Tax
Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-23/31 of January 24, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Tax Estimate (Information) on the Amounts of Incomes Paid Out to Foreign Organizations and Collected Taxes
Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 16-00-17/07 of March 13, 2002 on the Use of Cash Registers
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 210 of April 2, 2002 on the Endorsement of the List of Strategic Types of Mineral Resources Information of Which Comprises the State Secret
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 208 of April 2, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 727 of October 15, 2001 on the Procedure of Providing Allowances in Obligatory State Social Insurance to the Convicts Engaged in Paid Labour
Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-23/128 of March 12, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Form of Estimate of the Property Tax and the Average Annual Cost of the Property of a Foreign Organization
Regulation of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of Russia Nos. 17n, MZ-03-25/2237 of March 12, 2002 on the Procedure of Transfer in 2002 of the Resources of the Uniform Social Tax Entered in the Federal Budget and Allocated to the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to Finance the Payments of the Basic Part of the Labour Pension
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 211 of April 2, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Committee of the Russian Federation for Financial Monitoring
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 425-r of April 4, 2002
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. VG-6-02/392@ of April 1, 2002
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 216 of April 4, 2002 on the Procedure of Fixing the Limiting Margin of the Fluctuation of the Market Price for the Works (Services) in the Development of the Natural Resources
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 214 of April 4, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the State Expert Evaluation of the Land Planning Documentation
Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia No. 186-P of March 19, 2002 on the Monitoring of Enterprises to Be Carried Out by the Bank of Russia
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. SA-6-05/415@ of April 4, 2002 on the Uniform Social Tax
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. VG-6-02/401/01-MM-17 of April 2, 2002 on the Procedure of Determination of the Taxable Base and Calculation of the Profit Tax in Compliance with the Provisions of Article 10 of the Federal Law No. 110-FZ of August 6, 2001
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. SA-6-05/394@ of April 1, 2002 on the Application of the Codes of the Types of Documents Identifying the Taxpayer
Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 16-00-24/18 of March 21, 2002
Report of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 35-FZ of April 8, 2002 on the Execution of the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Year 2000
Federal Law No. 34-FZ of April 8, 2002 on the Amendments to Article 6 of the Federal Law on Additional Guarantees of Social Protection to Orphan Children and Children Left without Parental Support
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 311 of April 3, 2002 on the Invalidation of Some of the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Taxation Issues
Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-05/150 of March 27, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of Russia No. BG-3-05/49 of February 1, 2002
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1131-U of April 5, 2002 on the Non-Application on the Territory of the Russian Federation of Some of the Normative Acts of the State Bank of the USSR
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. AS-6-21/337 of March 22, 2002 on the Methodology Directions on the Tax Control over the Payers of the Tax on Extraction of Mineral Resources
Letter of the Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy of the Russian Federation No. AK/2362 of February 18, 2002 on the Procedure of Obtaining Consent of Antimonopoly Bodies
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 226 of April 2, 2002 on the Pricing for Electric and Thermal Power
Decision of the Federal Commission for Securities Market No. 5/ps of March 21, 2002 on the Procedure of Calculation of Own Resources of the Managing Company of Investment Funds, Shared Investment Funds and Non-State Pension Funds
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1134-U of April 8, 2002 on the Amendments to the Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 842-U of October 3, 2000 on the Entering into Force of Individual Normative Documents of the Bank of Russia Regulating the Granting of Credits to Banks Backed with Collateral and Guarantees
Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-32/169 of April 2, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Submission of the Tax Declaration in the Electronic Form Via Telecommunication Channels
Decision of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 16 of April 8, 2002 on the Measures to Switch Over to the New Normative Estimate Base of Pricing in Construction
Telegram of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1133-U of April 8, 2002
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. 27-0-10/44-M033 of March 28, 2002
Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. BG-6-15/326 of March 21, 2002 on Some Issues of Implementation of the Federal Law on the State Pension Support in the Russian Federation
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 454-r of April 2, 2002
Order of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation No. 106 of April 1, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Medical Industry of Russia No. 325 of August 20, 1996
Report of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation
Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2002 on the Case of Constitutionality of Provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of the Federal Law on the General Principles of Organization of Legislation (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation Pursuant to the Appeal of Citizen A.P.Bykov, As Well As Requests of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Federal Law No. 36-FZ of April 11, 2002 on the Amendments to Articles 7 and 8 of the Federal Law on the State Registration of the Rights for Immovable Property and Deals with It
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 232 of April 12, 2002 on the Creation of the Commission for Organization of the All-Russia Population Census of 2002 in the Federal Districts
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 233 of April 12, 2002 on the Procedure of Defining the Degree of Protection of the Census Sheets and Other Documents of the All-Russia Population Census of 2002
Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 16-00-16/51 of April 3, 2002
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 240 of April 15, 2002 on the Procedure of Organization of Measures to Prevent and Eliminate the Spills of Oil and Oil Products on the Territory of the Russian Federation
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 231 of April 12, 2002 on the Organization of the All-Russia Population Census in 2002
Decision of the Federal Commission for Securities Market No. 7/ps of March 22, 2002 on the Procedure of Permitting for Circulation outside the Russian Federation of Emission Securities of Issuers Registered in the Russian Federation Not Intended for Distribution through Foreign Organizers of Trade at Securities Market
Order of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Nos. 57, 21n of March 25, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Financing of Measures to Aid Population Employment and Social Support to Unemployed Citizens at the Expense of the Federal Budget
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-05/153 of March 28, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Estimate Form for Advance Payments of Insurance Contributions for Obligatory Pension Insurance and the Procedure for Filling It Out
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-05/173 of April 3, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Certificate of the Amounts of the Uniform Social Tax Accrued and Paid Out for the Past Tax Period by the Board of Lawyers (Its Institution) for a Lawyer
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 245 of March 15, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 1230 of December 28, 2000
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 282 of March 28, 2002 on the State Registration Plates for Transport Vehicles
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-05/172 of April 3, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-07/456 of December 26, 2000
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 346 of April 9, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 1219 of December 27, 2000
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 167/9n of February 20, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Interaction of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the Recognizing as Desperate for Collection and Writing Off of Arrears and Debts in Penalties for the Federal Taxes Due for Payment because of the Moving of Commodities across the Customs Border of the Russian Federation
Decision of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 26 of March 19, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Covering in 2002 at the Expense of the Resources of the Obligatory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases of Expenses Pertaining to the Travel of the Victim to Get Individual Types of Medical, Social Rehabilitation, As Well As When He Is Sent by the Fund for Recertification to the Institution of Medical and Social Expert Evaluation and to Solve Expert Issues of the Occupational Nature of the Disease
Decision of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 28 of March 19, 2002 on the Procedure of Organization of Work to Grant Respites and Extension Schedules for the Advance Payment for the Uniform Social Tax Inasmuch As It Pertains to the Amount Transferred to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-22/122 of March 11, 2002 on the Amendments to the Instruction of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 50 of August 28, 1998 on the Procedure of Calculation and Payment to the Budget of the Gambling Tax
Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. FS-6-26/360 of March 27, 2002 "Information Exchange"
Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. VG-6-23/356 of March 26, 2002 on the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-23/13 of January 15, 2002
Message of President V.V.Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "Russia Must Be Strong and Competitive"
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 315 of April 3, 2002 on the Places of Customs Registration of Motor Oils
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-23/118 of March 7, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Instruction for Filling Out the Tax Declaration for the Profit Tax from a Foreign Organization
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-21/170 of April 2, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Methodology Recommendations for Application of Chapter 26 "Tax on Extraction of Mineral Resources" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 02-2-10/6-8951 of January 29, 2002 on the Tax Profit
Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. ShS-6-14/967 of December 21, 2001 on the Procedure of Application of the Federal Law No. 134-FZ of August 8, 2001 on the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Independent Entrepreneurs during State Control (Enforcement) Measures
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 22-O of February 20, 2002 Pursuant to the Appeal of the Open-Type Joint-Stock Company Bolshevik against the Violation of the Constitutional Rights and Freedoms by the Provisions of Articles 15, 16 and 1069 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 245 of April 17, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Submission of Information to the Committee of the Russian Federation for Financial Monitoring by Organizations Engaged in Operations with Monetary Resources or Other Property
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 244 of April 17, 2002 on the Payment for the On-Site Services to the Old-Age Citizens and Invalids
Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/04-2086 of March 22, 2002 on the Procedure of Confirmation of the Main Type of Activities of the Insurer
Federal Law No. 38-FZ of April 19, 2002 on the Amendment to Article 8 of the Federal Law on the Fundamentals of Municipal Service in the Russian Federation
Federal Law No. 37-FZ of April 17, 2002 on the Handing Over to the Federal Republic of Germany of the Stained Glass Panels from St.Mary's Church (Marienkirhe) in the City of Frankfurt-on-Oder Moved to the USSR As a Result of World War II and Stored in the State Hermitage
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 260 of April 19, 2002 on the Selling of the Arrested, Confiscated and Other Property Transferred to the State Property
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 259 of April 20, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Spending of the Resources of Obligatory Social Insurance to Pay for the Cost of Accommodations to the Suburban Stationary Children Rehabilitation Camps in 2002 for the Period of the Summer School Vacations
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 258 of April 20, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Allocation and Spending in the 1st Six Months of 2002 of the Resources of the Fund of Compensations Allocated to Finance the Current Expenses to Reimburse the Benefits in the Housing and Communal Services and Communication Services
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 255 of April 18, 2002 on the Partial Changes to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1198 of October 28, 1999
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 253 of April 18, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1364 of December 9, 1999
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1137-U of April 12, 2002 on the Amendments to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 17 of October 1, 1997 on Financial Reports
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 265 of April 22, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Federal Agency of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 261 of April 22, 2002 on the Method of Determination of the Area of Agricultural Lands Comparable in Cadastral Cost
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 252 of April 18, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941 of September 22, 1993
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 251 of April 18, 2002 on the Procedure of Writing Off of the Debt Having Emerged because of the Untimely Payment to the Chief Executors and Executors for Works under the State Defence Order of 1994-1999 in the Penalties Accrued as of January 1, 2002 for the Overdue Tax Payments Entered in the Federal Budget and Non-Budgetary Funds
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-21/139 of March 18, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Instruction for Filling Out the Tax Declaration for the Tax on Extraction of Mineral Resources
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 30n of April 15, 2002 on the Amendments to the Directions on the Procedure of Application of the Budget Classification of the Russian Federation Endorsed by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 38n of May 25, 1999
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1135-U of April 11, 2002 on the Amendments to the Direction of the Bank of Russia on the Procedure of Drawing Up and Submission of the Reports by Credit Organizations to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 7-U of October 24, 1997
Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 27-0-10/73-P425 of April 23, 2002
Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/06-1377 of February 28, 2002
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 268 of April 22, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 481 of June 23, 2001
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 204 of February 28, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Customs Control of Commodities Exported from the Russian Federation in the Highway Transfer Points Across the State Border of the Russian Federation
Order of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation No. 134 of March 5, 2002 on the Delimitation of Authority of the Bodies of the Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation in Cases of Investigation in the Sphere of Protection and Safeguarding of the State Border of the Russian Federation, Protection of Internal Sea Waters, Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation, Aquatic Animals and Plants
Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 99 of April 10, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Forms of Registers to Register Notary Acts, Notary Certificates and Endorsements on the Deals and Certified Documents
Decision of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 5 of January 28, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Amendments to the Directions for Use and Filling Out of the Unified Forms of Initial Registration Documentation Endorsed by the Decision of the State Statistics Committee of Russia
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1142-U of April 19, 2002 on the Amendments to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 41 of May 22, 1996 on the Fixing of the Limits of the Open Currency Position and Control over Their Observation by the Authorized Banks of the Russian Federation
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1141-U of April 18, 2002 on the Adjustment of the Acts of the Bank of Russia
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1140-U of April 16, 2002 on the Amendments to the Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 1051-U of November 15, 2001 on the Published Reports of Credit Organizations and Bank Groups
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 30-O of February 7, 2002 on the Refusal to Accept for Consideration the Appeal of OAO Votkinsk Dairy and Citizens V.V.Odnoralov, A.Y.Pankin and F.F.Khalikov against Violation of the Constitutional Rights and Liberties by the Provisions of Item 4 of Article 79 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Item 3 of Article 2 and Item 1 of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 29-O of February 7, 2002 on the Appeal of the Closed-Type Joint-Stock Company Nizhegorodoblsnab against Violation of the Constitutional Rights and Liberties by the Provisions of Article 2 of the Federal Law on the Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation on the Profit Tax from Enterprises and Organizations
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 269 of April 24, 2002 on the Writing Off of the Amount of the Debt in Penalties and Fines
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-21/220 of April 22, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Form of Estimate of the Regular Payments for the Use of Mineral Resources and Procedure of Filling It Out
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 260 of March 21, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Instruction on the Customs Registration of Transport Vehicles Classified under Headings 8701-8704, 8706 00, 8707, 8711 of the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature of Russia
Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 28-O of April 9, 2002 on the Appeal of Citizen N.P.Yefimov against Violation of His Constitutional Rights by Part 3 of Article 386 and Part 2 of Article 387 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the RSFSR
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 292 of April 1, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 834 of August 22, 2001
Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 279 of March 29, 2002 on the Amendment to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 1070 of November 27, 2000
Decision of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 32 of March 22, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Submission by Insurers of Information to Fix the Discounts and Mark-Ups to Insurance Tariff Rates for Obligatory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases
Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 28-05-01/781/SSh of April 11, 2002
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 273 of April 26, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Control over the Land Planning Activities
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 271 of April 26, 2002 on the Partial Changes to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1358 of December 8, 1999
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 270 of April 26, 2002 on the Amount and Types of Expenses for Organization and Carrying Out of the Privatisation of the Federal Property
Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1139-U of April 16, 2002 on the Transfers of Securities Registered on Special, Type S Accounts of Non-Residents
Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-03/167 of April 2, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. BG-3-03/572 of December 26, 2001
Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 26n of April 1, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Blank Form of the License for Audit Activities
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