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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 13.01.2006

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of December 31, 2005 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 880 of July 31, 1998

From January 1, 2006, increases the frequency of state technical inspections. All cars owned by citizens will be subject to the formula 3+2+2, i.e. the technical inspection token for new cars will be handed out for three years. In the following four years, technical inspection will be carried out two times, and the cars older then 7 years will be checked every year as before. The same frequency of technical inspections (every six months) is preserved for busses and passenger taxis.

The amendments, first and foremost, pertain to those undergoing technical inspection in 2006. The earlier issued tokens will preserve their force until expiry. The frequency does not depend on whether the automobile is home-made or imported.

The amendment will also envisage creation and keeping of the federal database of the results of state technical inspections.

The Decision is entered into force from January 1, 2006.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 837 of December 29, 2005 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 18, 2005

Adjusts the list of the names of communication services entered in the licenses for activities in the sphere of communication services. Changes the lists of license terms pertaining to access to telematic communication services and services of regional, intercity and international telephone communication, as well as the services of data transfer.

Introduces an additional license requirement for data transfer in communication services, as well as the data transfer for the purpose of voice information transfer: the license holder must provide for multiple communication services under contracts concluded with the authorised body of executive power.

License terms specified in the earlier issued licenses must be fulfilled taking into account the amendments.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 803 of December 23, 2005 on the Tied Federal Program of Development of Education for the Years 2006-2010

In the framework of the tied federal program of development of education envisages creation of new mechanisms of regulation in the sphere of education, renewal of the structure and content of education, development of fundamental and practical approaches of educational programs, creation of the system of uninterrupted education.

Envisages three stages of its implementation. At the first stage (2006-2007), it is planned to work out the models of development of education in individual directions, their approbation, as well as the beginning of large-scale reforms and experiments. At the second stage (2008-2009), the priority is attached to the purchase of equipment, modernisation of material infrastructure of education and other resource-consuming works, methodology, personnel and information support of the program. The third stage (2010) envisages introduction and dissemination of the results obtained at the previous stages.

The volume of financing of the mentioned measures will make Rbl 61,952.35 million, Rbl 4,115 million is expected to be provided from extra-budgetary sources.

The following results of implementation of the program are expected: new standards of general education will be worked out and implemented in 60% of subjects of general education, the share of students admitted to institutions of the secondary and higher professional education on the basis of the uniform state examination will increase form 40% to 90%; the share of students getting education on the basis of information technologies will increase 1.5 times; the share of foreign students in the system of the secondary and higher professional education will increase. Russia's rating in international surveys of the quality of education is expected to grow to the average level (20th position) of the countries forming the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (now, Russia's position is number 30).

The functions of the state coordinator of the program are vested in the Ministry of Education and Science.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2343-r of December 29, 2005

Provides a list of vital medicines endorsed for the purpose of state regulation of prices for medicines. The state regulation of prices for medicines is implemented through the state registration of the limiting sale prices of Russian and foreign producer organisations and fixing the limiting wholesale and limiting retail trade mark-ups to the prices for these medicines.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 142 of November 28, 2005 on the Endorsement of the Federal Aviation Rules "Aviation Safety Requirements to Airports"

The aviation rules "Aviation Safety Requirements to Airports" shall apply to airports and air fields and are obligatory for execution by administrations of airports, air companies, operators, as well as other legal entities and natural persons working on the territory of the airport.

Aviation safety is provided by a complex of measures envisaging creation and functioning of the aviation safety services, guarding airports, air vessels and objects of civil aviation, inspection of crew members, service personnel, passengers, personal belongings, luggage, mail, cargo and on-board reserves, prevention of high-jacking attempts. The functions of aviation safety are implemented by: aviation safety services of the airports, divisions of agency guards of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, bodies of internal affairs, aviation safety services of operators, as well as the specially authorised bodies.

The rules shall regulate the procedure of organisation of trespassing and internal regime in the airport, procedure of guarding of air vessels and airport objects. Describes the procedure of pre-flight and after-flight inspection of passengers, luggage, crew members, on-board reserves, cargo, mail on the territory of the airport. Specifies the procedure of pre-flight inspection of the air vessels.

Regulates separately security issues in the airports of the Moscow node, international airports, and airports of federal significance.

Defines the procedure of resolving of emergency situations pertaining to illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation.

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 28, 2005. Reg. No. 7321.

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. MM-6-10/1059@ of December 16, 2005

Provides a table of codes of classification of incomes of the budgets of the Russian Federation administered by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The codes apply when preparing notifications and payment documents to pay the taxes. The classification is entered into force from January 1, 2006.

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