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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 16.06.2009

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 179 of May 26, 2009 on Endorsing the Procedure for Enrolment of Foreign Citizens in State-Accredited Higher Professional Education Institutions for the Academic Year 2009/2010 and on Amending Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 4 of January 15, 2009 on Endorsing the Procedure for Enrolment of Citizens in State-Accredited Secondary Vocational Education Institutions

According to the new version of the Federal Law on Higher and Post-Graduate Professional Education foreigners enrol in state-accredited higher education institutions in the procedure established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Accordingly, a detailed procedure is fixed for admitting foreigners in such institutions for the academic year 2009/2010.
Enrolment takes place under international treaties and inter-governmental agreements at the expense of budget funds (for instance within the quotas set by the government of Russia) and under contracts for payment.
Also, the Procedure for Foreigners' Admittance to State-Accredited Institutions is updated in line with the amendments made to the Law of the Russian Federation on Education. Henceforth, the Procedure extends to foreigners.
The formerly effective procedure for enrolment and study of foreign citizens in state higher education institution is superseded.
Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration No. 14052 of June 9, 2009.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 128 of April 14, 2009 on Endorsing the Procedure for Recognising and Establishing the Equivalence of Foreign States' Documents on Education

A new procedure is defined for recognising and establishing in Russia the equivalence of foreign states' documents on education and issuing relevant certificates. This enables citizens to keep studying and working in Russia. A person concerned (or his/her representative) is to file an application together with a document on foreign educational background with a Russian translation. If the document is subject to an international treaty on mutual recognition and equivalence its compliance with the treaty is verified (no recognition procedure takes place), and if it is not then it undergoes an expert examination paid for by the applicant. Assessment is made of the guidelines and level of education on which recognition is possible; comparison is made of the scope of courses and subjects, the requirements applicable to the results of studies under curricula; the equivalence of academic and/or professional rights is established. Previously account had been also taken of scores and topics of graduation qualification works, and sometimes interviews and tests had been held. If the document on education is recognised in Russia a relevant certificate is issued to the applicant.
If the document on education is recognised only as a paper confirming that the person has covered a set of subjects and/or has undergone training under a curriculum of a certain level a statement is issued.
The persons holding documents on education recognised in Russia are not relieved from the duty to observe the general rules for enrolment in educational institutions or for being hired.
The formerly effective recognition and equivalence-establishing procedure is deemed no longer valid.
Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration No. 14043 of June 9, 2009.

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