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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 24.06.2009

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 715 of June 24, 2009 on All-Russia Compulsory Publicly Available Television and Radio Channels

A list of the free-of-charge television and radio channels to be compulsorily broadcast on the entire territory of Russia is endorsed.
The ground broadcasting of said television and radio channels including the formation and deployment of digital ground networks is to be provided by the federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network".
The government is instructed to arrange for the approval of the federal target programme "The Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for the Years 2009-2015".
The Decree takes effect as of the date of its official publication.

Order of the Federal Fund for Mandatory Medical Insurance No. 98 of May 8, 2009 on Endorsing the Recommendations for Making Sure Citizens Are Informed of Rights When They Receive Medical Assistance in the Conditions of Mandatory Medical Insurance

The territorial funds for mandatory medical assistance and medical insurance organisations are provided with recommendations for the provision of information to the public on rights in the area of public health including the details to be provided and the means whereby this is to be done, for instance the Internet.
Medical personnel are to be fully knowledgeable of the Russian legislation on public health, and special training is envisaged to make sure they are.

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