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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 30.06.2010

The Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation in Respect of Budget Policy in 2011-2013

The message defines the basic objectives and tasks of the budget policy for 2011-2013 and further on. Its main reference pints shall be the comprehensive modernization of the economy, enhancement of its effectiveness and competitive ability, improvement of the investment climate and attainment of concrete results. The problem of budget deficit is still urgent. The task is set to gradually reduce it. By 2013 the budget deficit shall be at least halved as compared to 2009. The use of oil and gas receipts must be restricted. Special attention shall be paid to rendering support to innovative technologies, first and foremost in such areas as energy efficiency, medical equipment and pharmaceutics, outer space and telecommunications, nuclear technologies, strategic computer technologies and software. One more important task lies in enhancing the effectiveness of the population|s social protection. The State must discharge all its obligations as to payment of social allowances and compensations. In so doing, it is necessary to increase support to families whose incomes are below the cost of living. As from April 1, 2011 it is planned to raise monetary allowance for military servicemen and for persons who are equated to them, as from June 1, 2011 - the salary funds of employees of federal state institutions (amounts of subsidies to budget-financed and autonomous institutions) and monetary allowances to judges and prosecutors and as from September 1, 2011 - to increase the scholarship fund. By the end of 2010 all the previous obligations as to providing permanent living quarters to military servicemen must be discharged and by 2012 this must be done in respect of service housing. It is worth supporting companies where intellectual labour is predominant. Their tax burden may be reduced. Besides, there is the intention to relieve before 2020 educational and public health care institutions of value-added tax ( as regards the activities which are socially important).

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community No. 314 of June 18, 2010 on Correcting the Rates of Import Customs Fees of the Uniform Customs Tariff of the Customs Union in Respect of Components for Eye-Glass Frames

The rate of the import duty in respect of plastic parts of eye-glass frames and fittings for eye-glasses (in particular for sun glasses) and other similar optical instruments (CC FEA Code of the Customs Union 9003 90 000 1) shall be raised from 0 to 15% of the customs value thereof. Other parts shall be charged at the 0 rate (Code 9003 90 000 9). The decision shall enter into effect starting from the date when it is officially published by the Commission of the Customs Union.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community No. 311 of June 18, 2010 on the Instructions on the Procedure for Making Customs Operations in Respect Commodities Intended for Personal Use Which Are Moved by Natural Persons Across the Customs Border and for Showing the Fact That Such Commodities Are Not under Customs Control

As from July 1, 2010, the Customs Code of the Customs Union shall enter info force. Starting from the cited date the international agreement concerning movement of commodities for personal use by natural persons across the customs border of the Customs Union shall apply. In this connection, the instructions consolidating the way of making customs operations in respect of these commodities have been endorsed. They also establish the way of showing the fact of recognizing them as not being under customs control At the places where the appropriate operations are made shall be placed the information which is required for declaring commodities and presenting them for release. Some documents drawn up in a foreign language shall be accepted without having been translated. The passenger customs declaration shall be registered. In certain instances, such registration shall be denied. If a declarant follows the procedure and observes the terms provided for by the legislation of the Customs Union, the customs authority shall release commodities. The decision establishes the specifics of making customs operation in respect of motor vehicles. It shall enter into force as from the starting date of temporary application of the international agreement.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community No. 310 of June 18, 2010 on Endorsing the Instructions on the Procedure for Using as the Customs Declaration the Documents Provided for by Acts of the Universal Postal Union

According to the Customs Code of the Customs Union, the documents provided for by acts of the Universal Postal Union may serve as the customs declaration in respect of the commodities contained in international postal sendings. The decision endorses the instructions on the procedure for such use thereof. The cited documents may be accepted by customs authorities as the transit declaration and the declaration in respect of commodities. The decision defines the data which must be contained in the cited documents for their use as the customs declaration (data on the sender and recipient, countries of dispatch and destination, commodities| gross weight etc.), as well as the requirements for completing them. Where it is established by acts of the Universal Postal Union, commodities that have been sent may be returned to the sender thereof. In such case, an application in writing of the postal communication operator shall be accepted as the declaration. The accompanying documents provided for by acts of the Universal Postal Union shall be attached to the application. The decision shall enter into effect as from the date when the Agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union enters into force.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Community No. 309 of June 18, 2010 on the Specifics of Commodities| Customs Declaring, Norms of Carrying Some Categories of Commodities Moved by Diplomatic Representative Offices, Consular Offices, Other Official Representative Offices of Foreign States, by International Organisations, the Personnel of These Representative Offices, Institutions and Organisations for Official Use Thereof

The decision defines the way of declaring commodities moved for official use by diplomatic and other representative offices of foreign states, consular offices, international organisations and by the personnel thereof. The customs transit is not meant here. Commodities shall be declared with a customs authority of the member state of the Customs Union where the cited person is to stay. The legislation of a member state of the Customs Union shall define the specifics of commodities| customs clearance and endorse the declaration|s form. The carriage rate may be also established. The decision shall enter into force as from July 1, 2010.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 229 of June 4, 2010 on the Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Commodities Used for Making Construction Units of Buildings, Structures, in Particular Engineering Resource-Supply Systems Affecting the Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Constructions and Structures

Orders for meeting state and municipal needs shall be placed subject to the energy efficiency requirements. The order defines such requirements for commodities used in making construction units of buildings, constructions and structures (including engineering resource-supply systems affecting the energy efficiency of the cited immovable property items).
Heating radiators must have on the heat carrier supply pipes heat capacity control devices (thermostatic or manual regulating cocks). At public places combination faucets and cocks shall have the function of automatic blocking of water supply, Entrance doors shall be equipped with door closers, except when it is impossible to install them.
Metering devices for electric energy (power) registration shall have the accuracy class of 0.5 and more. The function of registration of electric energy consumed at various time periods of the day shall be likewise provided for.
When placing orders to supply double-glass panes with the total glass area over 200 square meters per year, the share of double-glass panes whose heat transmission resistance indices are lower than those of double-glass panes which have glass with low-emission solid covering shall not exceed 90 %. If an order to supply illumination devices for buildings, thoroughfares and major streets exceeds 500 units per year, the share of illumination devices, other than light-emitted diodes, shall not exceed 95%.
The order is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 24, 2010 under registration No. 17626.

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