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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 31.01.2018

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 4638-U of December 6, 2017 on the forms, procedure and deadlines for credit organizations to disclose information on their activities

Information of the Bank of Russia of December 29, 2017 on the revocation of license for bank operations and appointment of interim administration – AO Severny Kredit

Federal Law No. 439-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the ratification of the Convention of the Council of Europe on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health

Federal Law No. 437-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation – disclosing information in heat supplies

Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to Parts 1 and 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – various issues of taxation

Federal Law No. 435-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation improving the state management in the area of export and import of cultural values and archive issues

Federal Law No. 433-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the state regulation of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on the restriction of consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 431-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to Article 4 of the Federal Law on the amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation on the veterinary and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – documents in electronic form

Federal Law No. 430-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation – import of cultural values

Federal Law No. 429-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the plant quarantine

Federal Law No. 428-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to Article 33.1 of the Federal Law on the obligatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation – tariff rates for insurance contributions

Federal Law No. 427-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the currency regulation and currency control – various issues

Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – consumer cooperatives

Federal Law No. 425-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the circulation of medicines – identification of medicines

Federal Law No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to Articles 5 and 6 of the Federal Law on the development of agriculture – agrarian higher education

Federal Law No. 422-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to Article 14 of the Federal Law on the ecological expert evaluation and Article 12 of the Federal Law on the amendments to the Federal Law on the environmental protection and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – objects of capital repair

Federal Law No. 421-FZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation increasing the minimum amount of labour remuneration to the cost of living for able-bodied population

Federal Constitutional Law No. 5-FKZ of December 28, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law on the admission in the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the forming in the Russian Federation of new subjects – the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal significance of Sebastopol – communal payments

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 7 of January 2, 2018 on the amendments to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 553 of November 8, 2015 on the individual measures of the national security of the Russian Federation and protection of citizens of the Russian Federation against criminal and other illegal actions – flights to Cairo

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1706 of December 30, 2017 on the endorsement of the rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organisation to reimburse the incomes short-received by them under the credits granted to small and medium-size businesses to implement the projects in priority areas at preference rates

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1702 of December 30, 2017 on the procedure for determination of the cost of living in per capita figures and for the main socio-demographic groups of population for the whole of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 507-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the City Planning Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 506-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the assistance of development of housing construction and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 505-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – purchase in electronic form

Federal Law No. 504-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the contract system in the area of purchase of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs – purchase in electronic form

Federal Law No. 503-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the waste of production and consumption and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 502-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to Article 360 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation – employer checks

Federal Law No. 496-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the purchase of goods, works, services by individual types of legal entities – investment projects

Federal Law No. 491-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation ensuring aviation safety – pre-flight checks of passengers

Federal Law No. 490-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the state corporation for nuclear energy Rosatom

Federal Law No. 489-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to Article 14 of the Federal Law on advertising

Federal Law No. 487-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to Article 4.7 of the Federal Law on the use of cash registers in the cases of cash payments and/or payments using electronic means of payment and Articles 5 and 8 of the Federal Law on the fundamentals of state regulation of trade activities in the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 486-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the syndicated credit (loan) and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 485-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 484-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the insurance tariff rates for obligatory social insurance against occupational accidents and diseases for the year 2018 and for the planned period of 2019 and 2020

Federal Law No. 483-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the Fund of Assistance of Reformation of the Housing and Communal Sector

Federal Law No. 481-FZ of December 31, 2017 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – information on legal entities

Federal Law No. 480-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the organisation of regular passenger and luggage transportation by road and urban ground electric transport in the Russian Federation and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 475-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the contract system in the area of purchase of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs and Article 18 of the Federal Law on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 473-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation improving the state management in the area of special construction

Federal Law No. 471-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation improving the procedure of use of forests when providing or not providing the forestry plots

Federal Law No. 470-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – bank operations

Federal Law No. 469-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedures of the Russian Federation – state defence orders

Federal Law No. 466-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to Article 74.1 of Part 1 and Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation – bank guarantees

Federal Law No. 460-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Code of Merchant Marines of the Russian Federation and invalidation of individual provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 455-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the City Planning Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – public hearings

Federal Law No. 454-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the Bank of Development

Federal Law No. 453-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to Article 20 of the Federal Law on motor roads and road activities in the Russian Federation and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation and Article 32 of the Federal Law on the preparation for and carrying out in the Russian Federation the FIFA 2018 World Cup, FIFA 2017 Cup of Confederations and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 452-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation – water transport

Federal Law No. 451-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the power supply industry and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation pertaining to licensing of power sales activities

Federal Law No. 450-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law on the sea ports in the Russian Federation and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 448-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to Articles 11.1 and 12 of the Federal Law on the obligatory insurance of civil liabilities of owners of transport vehicles

Federal Law No. 447-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to Articles 1 and 14.1 of the Federal Law on the circulation of lands of agricultural destination

Federal Law No. 446-FZ of December 29, 2017 on the amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation pertaining to liabilities for violations in the area of release and circulation of fuel at the market

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1711 of December 30, 2017 on the endorsement of the rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organisations and the joint-stock company Agency for Mortgage Housing Crediting to reimburse short-received incomes under the granted (obtained) housing (mortgage) credits (loans) provided to citizens of the Russian Federation having children

Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 639 of December 21, 2017 on the amendments to the permitted volume of import to the Russian Federation of goods intended for making baby foodstuffs specified in the appendix to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 778 of August 7, 2014 on the measures of implementation of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 560 of August 6, 2014, No. 320 of June 24, 2015 and No. 305 of June 29, 2016 endorsed by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 558 of December 15, 2016

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. SD-4-3/10@ of January 9, 2018 on the value added tax – compensation for foreigners

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 1-P of January 11, 2018 on the case of constitutionality of Part 1 of Article 81.1 and Item 3.1 of Part 2 of Article 82 of the Code of Criminal Procedures of the Russian Federation pursuant to the appeal of the limited-liability company Sinklit – material evidence in the cases of economic crimes

Information of the Federal Tax Service of January 6, 2018 on the amendments to the procedure for calculation and payment of VAT from January 1, 2018

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 2-P of January 12, 2018 on the case of constitutionality of provisions of Articles 36 and 82 of the Federal Law on the service in the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation pursuant to the appeal of citizen N.V.Kurgayeva – unmarried mothers

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 889n of December 29, 2017 on the endorsement of the procedure for making monthly payments in the cases of birth (adoption) of the first and second child, applying for the mentioned payments, as well as the list of the necessary documents (information)

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 1052 of December 6, 2017 on the endorsement of the lists of substances and/or methods prohibited for use in sports

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 517 of December 13, 2017 on the amendments to the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Service for Supervision over Transport on the provided state service of acceptance and registration of notifications of the beginning of individual types of works and services by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs according to the list endorsed by the Government of the Russian Federation endorsed by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 145 of April 29, 2013

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 853n of December 18, 2017 on the amendments to the procedure for making monthly monetary payments to individual categories of citizens in the Russian Federation endorsed by Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 35n of January 22, 2015

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 4593-U of October 30, 2017 on the amendments to Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 3379-u of September 11, 2014 on the list of insider information of the persons specified in Items 1-4, 11 and 12 of Article 4 of the Federal Law on the countermeasures against illegal use of insider information and manipulation of the market and on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 10 of January 15, 2018 on the cases of exemption for a joint-stock company and a limited-liability company from the duty to disclose and/or provide information on major transactions and/or transactions with interest

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 165n of October 30, 2017 on the endorsement of the procedure for keeping the Joint State Register of Legal Entities and the Joint State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, introduction of corrections in the information included in records on electronic media failing to correspond to the one in the documents used to introduce such records (correction of technical errors) and on invalidation of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 25n of February 18, 2015

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. SD-4-3/540@ of January 16, 2018 on the information necessary for calculation of the tax on extraction of mineral resources for oil for December 2017

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. SD-4-3/480@ of January 16, 2018 on the procedure for VAT application by tax agents specified in Item 8 of Article 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation – raw skins and metal waste

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 3-P of January 17, 2018 on the case of constitutionality of Part 1 of Article 46 of the Federal Law on the insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund of Obligatory Medical Insurance and Article 20 of the Federal Law on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invalidation of individual legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation pursuant to the adoption of the Federal Law on the amendments to Parts 1 and 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in view of the transfer to tax bodies of the powers of administration of insurance contributions for obligatory pension, social and medical insurance pursuant to the request of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow and the appeal of the limited-liability company Proekt

Information of the Federal Tax Service of January 11, 2018 on the calculation of insurance contributions for the year 2017

Information of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2018 on the procedure for setting up the pension rights of citizens in the system of obligatory pension insurance of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 5 of January 12, 2018 on the cases prohibiting publication of individual information specified in Item 7 of Article 7.1 of the Federal Law on the state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the Internet, as well as the pertinent persons

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 239n of December 19, 2017 on the endorsement of the procedure for treasury support of obligations in the cases of treasury administration of targeted resources

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of January 18, 2018 on the export customs duties for oil and individual categories of goods of oil for the period from February 1 to February 28, 2018

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 21-r of January 16, 2018 – advance payments

Information of the Bank of Russia of January 19, 2018 on the revocation of license for bank operations and appointment of interim administration – AO AltayBusinessBank

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. SD-4-3/532@ of January 16, 2018 on the value added tax – declaration

Order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 579 of November 24, 2017 on the endorsement of the forms of registers of information necessary for assigning and paying out the appropriate type of allowance, their filing procedures

Order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 539 of November 2, 2017 on the endorsement of the procedure for banks (other credit organisation) to submit information on the presence of accounts and/or residues of monetary recourses on the accounts, operations on the accounts of organisations, individual entrepreneurs to requests of territorial bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the form of certificate of the presence of accounts, form of certificate of resides of monetary resources on the accounts, form of excerpt from operations on the accounts

Recommendations for audit organisations, individual auditors, auditors of annual accounting reports of organisations for the year 2017 (Appendix to Letter No. 07-04-09/2694 of January 19, 2018)

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 238n of December 19, 2017 on the amendments to the appendices to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 183n of December 23, 2010 on the endorsement of the chart of accounts of autonomous institutions and its application instruction and on invalidation of Subitem "d" of Item 3.7 and Subitem "c" of Item 3.29 of the appendix to Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 228n of December 31, 2015

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 51-r of January 20, 2018 – restrictions for published information

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 28 of January 19, 2018 on the amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 272 of March 25, 2015 – terrorist activities

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1-r of January 8, 2018 – road traffic safety

Information of the Bank of Russia of January 22, 2018 on the amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia on the obligatory reserves of credit organizations

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 31 of January 19, 2018 on the amendments to the joint list of products requiring confirmation of compliance in the form of adoption of declaration of compliance

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 50 of January 23, 2018 on the amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 688 of September 15, 2008 – medical goods

Information of the Bank of Russia of January 25, 2018 on the revocation of license for bank operations and appointment of interim administration – OOO Star Alliance

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 45 of January 23, 2018 on the amendment to the list of foreign states whose carriers pay the fee for the use of motor roads of the Russian Federation

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-11/18@ of January 17, 2018 on the amendments to the appendices to Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-11/450@ of October 14, 2015 – Form 6-NDFL

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over the Use of Natural Resources No. 566 of November 28, 2017 on the amendments to the Federal Calcification Catalogue of Waste endorsed by Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over the Use of Natural Resources No. 242 of May 22, 2017 – updating the catalogue

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 65 of January 25, 2018 on the restrictions for publication of information on the pledge holder of movable property in the Internet

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Health No. 10450 of December 20, 2017 on the endorsement of the forms of check sheets (lists of control questions) used by the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Health and its territorial bodies in the cases of planned checks to implement the state control of quality and safety of medical activities

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Health No. 9438 of November 9, 2017 on the endorsement of the forms of check sheets (lists of control questions) used by the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Health and its territorial bodies in the cases of planned checks to implement the federal state supervision in the area of circulation of medicines

Order the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Health of the Russian Federation No. 10449 of December 20, 2017 on the endorsement of the forms of check sheets (lists of control questions) used by the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Health and its territorial bodies in the cases of planned checks to implement the state control over circulation of medical items

Order of the Ministry for Communication and Mass Communication Infrastructure of the Russian Federation and the Ministry for Construction and the Housing and Communal Sector of the Russian Federation No. 550/1434/pr of October 16, 2017 on the amendments to Order of the Ministry for Communication and Mass Communication Infrastructure of the Russian Federation and the Ministry for Construction and the Housing and Communal Sector of the Russian Federation No. 74/114/pr of February 29, 2016 on the endorsement of the composition, deadlines and periods for placing information by suppliers of information in the state information system of the housing and communal sector

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 542 of December 28, 2017 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Service for Supervision over Transport on the execution of the state function of control (supervision) of observance by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the area of road transport and urban ground electric transport, as well as at objects of transport infrastructure

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