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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 24.01.2002

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 33 of January 22, 2002 on the Subprogram "Rehousing of the Citizens of the Russian Federation from Decrepit and Ramshackle Housing Fund" Forming Part of the Tied Federal Program "Housing" for the Years 2002-2010

The goals of the subprogram is providing housing to citizens living in the houses recognized as unfit for permanent living and elimination until 2010 inclusive of the ramshackle housing fund recognized as such in 2000. Achievement of these goals will permit to rehouse about 421,000 citizens from the housing fund failing to meet the fixed sanitary and technical requirements.
The subprogram implies the fixing of the priority order for demolition of the ramshackle fund (according to regions, communities, sites, buildings), as well as the rehousing of the citizens. The right for priority in getting free housing space will be vested in the citizens with the only one place of living in the municipal or state housing fund unfit for living and using it on the lease terms. The Decision defines the mechanism of improving the housing conditions of the relocated citizens.
It is planned to issue the normative act specifying the uniform criteria of qualifying the housing fund as decrepit or ramshackle.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 32 of January 22, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 828 of July 8, 1997

The passports of the citizens of the USSR must be replaced with the passports of the citizens of the Russian Federation before December 31, 2003 (earlier, before December 31, 2005). The bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the bodies of local government are recommended to determine the categories of citizens needing material aid to make photographs and enter payment for the issued passport, as well as the measures to render such aid.
The new rule is the one stating that the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must make notes in the passport of the earlier issued identification documents. At the citizen's desire, the tax bodies may enter the taxpayer identification number in the passport.

Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 353 of December 28, 2001 on the Appointment of the Heads of Institutions and Bodies of the Criminal Execution System of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation According to Contract Procedure

Appointment to positions of the heads of territorial and the central bodies of the criminal execution system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, heads of institutions, enterprises, organizations and divisions directly subordinate to the central body of the criminal execution system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation shall be arranged by concluding personal contacts. The Order provides the type-approved form of the contract.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 17, 2002. Reg. No. 3167.

Decision of the Federal Commission for Securities Market No. 29 of November 23, 2001 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Procedure of Introduction of Securities Emitted by Issuers Registered in the Russian Federation and Intended for Distribution through Foreign Organizers of Trade at Securities Market for Initial Placement outside the Russian Federation and Distribution through Foreign Organizers of Trade at Securities Market

Specifies the procedure of introduction for initial placement of securities of Russian issuers outside the Russian Federation in cases when their distribution is planned to be arranged through foreign organizers of trade at securities market or other organizations engaged in activities providing for conclusion of civil deals with securities, as well as for distribution of such securities through foreign organizers of trade. Lists the documents to be submitted to the Federal Commission for Securities Market of the Russian Federation to get the permission and the reasons of refusal to issue the permission.
The requirements of the Regulation do not apply to securities of Russian issuers placed or distributed outside the Russian Federation as of the moment of entering into force of the Regulation.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 16, 2002. Reg. No. 3164.

Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Revenues of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-09/551 of December 14, 2001 on the Registration in the Tax Body of the Payers of the Tax on Extraction of Mineral Resources

Endorses and enters into force the forms of applications for registration of the organization (independent entrepreneur) in the tax body at the place of location of the part of the mineral resources as the payer of the tax on extraction of the mineral resources No. 9-NDPI-1 and No. 9-NDPI-2, as well as the form of the notification of the registration No. 9-NDPI-3 and No. 9-NDPI-4. The application is submitted at the place of location of the part of the mineral resources.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 15, 2002. Reg. No. 3156.

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