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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 15.02.2002

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 103 of February 14, 2002 On the Approval of a List of Vital and Essential Medicines and Articles of Medical Purpose To Be Provided At No Charge To Citizens Permanently Residing (Working) In Residence Zones With the Right of Resettlement, In Accordance with Item 19 of Part One of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation On the Social Protection of Citizens Exposed to the Effect of Radiation Due to The Chernobyl Atomic Power Station Accident

It lists vital and most essential medicines and articles of medical purpose to be provided at no charge (at prescriptions of physicians) to citizens who permanently reside or work in territories of the residence zone with the right to resettlement.
Explanations on the application of the List shall be given by the Public Health Ministry of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 102 of February 14, 2002 On the Introduction of Amendments In Items 7, 14, 20 and 27 of the Regulations On the Procedure For Awarding and Payment of State Allowances to Citizens Having Children

The changes are made in connection with the entry into force as from January 1, 2002 of amendments in the Federal Law On State Allowances to Citizens Having Children. It provides for the increase in amounts of the lumpsum allowance upon the birth (adoption) of a child (from Rbl.1500 up to Rbl.4500) and the monthly allowance for the duration of maternity leave until the child's achieving the age of one year and a half (from Rbl.200 up to Rbl.500).

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 121n of December 28, 2001 On the Procedure For Putting Into Effect of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 110n of December 11, 2001

The procedure of completion of fulfillment of the federal budget for 2001 approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 110n of December 11, 2001 shall be put into effect as from its signature date.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1154 of December 5, 2001 On Places of Customs Clearance of Goods of Individual Categories in St.Petersburg and the Leningrad Region

It enumerates places of customs clearance of individual goods (chip wood boards and fiber boards, woodwork, furniture as seats, medical furniture. etc.) imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation by truck to the address of consignees based in St.Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Fees for customs clearance of the said goods shall be charged at a one-fold rate. It lists goods which are not subject to the provisions of the order.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in January 31, 2002. Registration No. 3219.

Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/05-433 of January 21, 2002 On the Changes In the Procedure of Social Insurance as from January 1, 2002

As from January 1, 2002 amounts of the single tax on imputed income paid by organizations and individual businessmen shall not be entered in the state extra-budgetary funds, including the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. However, beginning from the said date, the payers of the given tax shall charge the single social tax on payments in favor of citizens working under labour contracts. A portion of amounts of the Single Social Tax shall be entered in the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. The spending of assets of the state social insurance shall be made in accordance with the procedure established by the Instructions on the procedure of spending assets of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
It also states that the accounting period in respect of the single social tax now coincides with the period of submission of reports on the assets of the state social insurance.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation No. VB-6-21/79 of January 24, 2002 On the Introduction of Changes and Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

For purposes of realization of provisions of Chapter 26.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation which introduced the single agricultural tax, it clarifies a procedure for interaction of legislative (representative) bodies of authority of the subjects of the Russian Federation and taxation bodies in the submission of data on the aggregate amount of taxes and fees assessed by all agricultural commodity producers of the region for the preceding calendar year.

Letter of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation Nos. 01-06/1987, AC-6-06/51@ On Selective Issues of Application of Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of Russia No. 830/BG-3-06/299 of August 21, 2001 and Letter of the State Customs Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of Russia No. 01-06/45626/AC-6-06/868@ of November 15,2001

It explains a procedure for the interaction of taxation and customs bodies in the exercise of control over the compensation of the value added tax in respect of goods placed under the customs regime of export as well as control over the export of those goods. It specifies that the joint order shall apply to goods placed under the customs regime of export, provided their owner is an organization or an individual businessman.

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 16-00-14/573 of December 27, 2001 On the Accounting of the Fixed Assets

In showing the receipt and movement of property considered as part of the fixed assets which was withdrawn from the category of low-valued and rapidly wearing-out items, it is allowed to use unified forms N MB-2, MB-4, MB-7, MB-8.
It is also allowed to write off objects of the fixed assets worth up to Rbl. 10 000(say ten thousand Rubles) per unit for purposes of accounting towards production costs as they are released for production or operation.

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