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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 31.05.2002

Federal Law No. 42-FZ of April 29, 2002 on the Amendment to the Federal Law on the Minimum Amount of Labour Remuneration

Beginning with May 1, 2002, the minimum amount of labour remuneration is increased to amount to Rbl 450 per month.
The Federal Law is entered into force from May 1, 2002. The text of the Federal Law has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 of April 30, 2002 on the Licensing of Activities on the Technical Protection of Confidential Information

Defines the licensing procedure for activities of legal entities and independent entrepreneurs in technical protection of confidential information. The licensing applies to the complex of measures and/or services in protection of confidential information against unauthorized access, including the technical channels, as well as against special interference in it for the purposes of destruction, corruption or blocking access to it. The licensing is vested in the State Technical Commission of the President of the Russian Federation. The license is issued for five years, which may be extended at the licensee application according to the procedure envisaged for the drawing up of the license.
The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the day of its first official publication. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 287 of April 29, 2002 on the Amendments to the List of Commodities Subject to Obligatory Certification, List of Works and Services Subject to Obligatory Certification and the List of Products with Compliance Being Certified with Compliance Declaration

The list of commodities subject to obligatory certification does not include now personal medical kits, spectacle lenses, walking sticks, toilet soap, socks, stockings and gloves, as well as stationery. The list includes medicines for prevention and treatment of diseases.
The Decision reduces significantly the list of works and services subject to obligatory certification preserving the following sections: "Maintenance and Repair of Transport Vehicles", "Retail Trade Services" and "Public Catering Services" and omitting respectively the repair and maintenance of household equipment, dry cleaning, barbers' services, transportation, housing and communal and tourist services.
Compliance of commodities from some of the sections may be confirmed with compliance declaration. The list of products with compliance being confirmed with compliance declaration is extended significantly.
The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the day of its first official publication. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 285 of April 29, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 229 of March 23, 2001

The monthly supplement to the state pension (monthly subsistence) of the citizens of the Russian Federation out of the former employees of international organizations within the UN framework is derived from the basic part of the labour pension (earlier, from the minimum amount of the old-age pension).
The Decision is entered into force from the day of its official publication and applies to legal relations emerging from January 1, 2002. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 283 of April 29, 2002 on the Endorsement of the List of Materials for Production of Medical Immunobiological Preparations for Diagnostics, Prevention and/or Treatment of Infections Diseases Imported to the Customs Territory of the Russian Federation with Exemption from the Value Added Tax

The value added tax does not apply to the import to the territory of the Russian Federation of immunal sera, marmosets, roller bottles for cell cultivation and other.
The Decision is entered into force from the day of its official publication. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 282 of April 29, 2002 on the Criteria of Qualifying the Agricultural Organizations as Agricultural Organizations of Industrial Type

Agricultural organizations of industrial type include agricultural organizations (poultry factories, greenhouse integrated works, animal breeding complexes and other):
    that do not use agricultural lands for their agricultural production;
    with the portion of fodders grown on the agricultural lands in their possession, ownership and/or use and used for own production of animal breeding products is less than 20% of the total volume of the used fodders.
The mentioned organizations are not being the payers of the uniform agricultural tax according to Article 346.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the day of its first official publication. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 280 of April 29, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 192 of March 7, 2001

Decision No. 192 endorsing the procedure of reimbursement in 2001 from the federal budget of the part of expenses in payment of the interest on credits obtained in Russian credit organizations by agricultural producers, enterprises and organizations of the agroindustrial complex is extended for the year 2002 and subsequent years.
The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the day of its first official publication. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. NA-6-21/528 of April 23, 2002 on the Regular Payments for the Use of the Mineral Resources

Explains the particulars of filling out column "Purposes of Payment" of the form of estimate of regular payments for the use of mineral resources.
Regular payments for the use of mineral resources are collected only for those types of uses listed in the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 926 of December 2001 endorsing the minimum and maximum rates.
If the license for the use of mineral resources does not show the genetic type of the deposit or says that the works are aimed at exploration of the parent deposits, the rates for precious metals apply. All other cases envisage the rates of regular payments specified for the placer deposits of mineral resources of all kinds.

Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002 on the Obligatory Insurance of the Civil Responsibility of the Owners of Transport Vehicles

Defines the legal, economic and organisational fundamentals of obligatory insurance of the civil responsibility of the owners of transport vehicles.
One of the central provisions of the law is the granting of guarantees to reimburse the damage to the life and health to the victims, as well as to their property. The mentioned guarantees are implemented through the combination of two mechanisms - obligatory insurance of the responsibility of the owners of transport vehicles and compensatory payments to reimburse the damage to the life and health made by the professional association of insurers. In the framework of the first of the mentioned mechanisms, the victims may get reimbursement from the insurance organization in the form of insurance premium under the obligatory insurance. The second mechanism will guarantee the rights of the victims in cases when the trespasser did not fulfil his insurance duty, or is unknown, or disappeared from the place of the accident.
The law defines the minimum insurance amounts separately to reimburse the damage to the life or health, as well as the property damage. The maximum amount of the insurance premium is Rbl 400,000, in particular: Rbl 240, 000 to reimburse the damage to the life and health of several victims, not more than Rbl 160,000 for one victim; Rbl 160,000 to reimburse the damage to the property of several victims, not more than Rbl 120,000 for a single victim.
The obligatory insurance must be arranged according to the uniform insurance tariff rates endorsed by the Government of the Russian Federation, with insurance tariff rate being defined taking into account the object of insurance and the nature of the insured risk. Division of tariff rates by categories takes account of several factors: regional particulars; parameters of the transport vehicle and the nature of its use (by legal entities, citizens for personal use etc.); parameters of the owner of the transport vehicle, including his sever violations of the traffic rules or accidents involving insurance premiums in the previous insurance history.
The Federal Law is entered into force from July 1, 2003 except for the provisions envisaging other time limits for entering into force. The provisions on the creation of the professional association of insurers and the terms of issue of permissions (licenses) to the insurers for obligatory insurance of civil responsibility of the owners of transport vehicles are entered into force from the day of official publication of the Federal Law.
The text of the Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 7, 2002, No. 80.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 284 of April 29, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation

Endorses the new Regulation on the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation - the federal body of executive power in charge of the state policy and management in the sphere of public health including the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and the resort issues.
The new Regulation envisages the duty of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation to work out and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation draft normative acts endorsed by the Government to implement the provisions of the federal legislation. In particular, the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation shall work out the list of vital and most important medicines, as well as the list of the types of free medical aid provided at the expense of the state budget and other.
The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the day of its first official publication. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 278 of April 29, 2002 on the Amount, Procedure of Collection and Registration of the Payment for the Transfer of the Forest Lands into Non-Forest Ones and for the Alienation of the Lands of the Forest Fund in 2002

The amount of payment is defined on the basis of basic amounts of payment fixed in the Decision. The basic amounts of payment for the transfer of forest lands into non-forest ones are fixed for group III reserve forests differentiated according to wood groups and appraisal classes (forest productivity factor). In the estimates of the amounts of payment, coefficients apply taking into account the ecological component of the assessment of the lands of the forest fund of various categories of protection, condition of the forest fund, social and economic conditions of the region for individual administrative regions of the subject of the Russian Federation. Calculation of the amount of payment is vested in the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies.
The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the day of its first official publication. The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 277 of April 29, 2002 on the Amendment to the List of the Territories of the Russian Federation with Regulated Entry for Foreign Citizens

The list of the territories with regulated entry for foreign citizens now includes part of the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.
The Decision is entered into force 7 days after the day of its first official publication. The text of the Decision is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 7, 2002, No. 80.

Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 29, 2002 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Acts of Civil Status

If the first copy of the record of the act of civil status is lost, the law envisages the opportunity to renew the certificate of state registration of this act in the body of executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation keeping the second copy.
At the desire of the parents (one of the parents) living in a rural settlement, they may indicate the place of residence of the parents (one of the parents) instead of the actual place of birth of the child.
The Law defines the mechanism permitting to exclude double registration of the act of divorce if the record of the act was entered at the divorce registration by one of the spouses and the other spouse applies to the same body of registration of the acts of civil status. In this case, information on the second spouse is added to the existing record.
The change of the name of a person under fourteen years of age, as well as the change of his surname for the surname of the other parent, may be carried out on the basis of the Decision of the body of trusteeship.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication. The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 7, 2002, No. 80.

Federal Law No. 41-FZ of April 25, 2002 on the Amendments to the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Pursuant to the Adoption of the Federal Law on the Obligatory Insurance of the Civil Responsibility of the Owners of Transport Vehicles

The Federal Law on traffic safety is amended to introduce the changes and additions to prohibit the use of a transport vehicle on public highways in the absence of obligatory insurance of the civil responsibility of the owners of transport vehicles. Control over the presence of the obligatory insurance will be carried out at the registration and during the annual technical inspection of transport vehicles, at the licensing of activities pertaining to their operation, as well as during traffic patrol measures on the highways.
The amendments are also introduced in the Code of Administrative Violations to institute the responsibility of the persons driving without the documents confirming the obligatory insurance (the fine is 3 minimum amounts of labour remuneration), as well as the owners of uninsured transport vehicles (the fine is from 5 to 8 minimum amounts of labour remuneration).
Amendments are also introduced to some other laws.
The Federal Law is entered into force from July 1, 2003 with exceptions. The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 7, 2002, No. 80.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 307 of April 2, 2002 on the Amendment to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 304 of May 20, 1996

Specifies that the cargo documents accompanying the commodities may show the number of the registration card of the participant of foreign-trade activities (recipient of commodities) issued according to the procedure of registration of participants of foreign-trade activities in the customs bodies of the Russian Federation endorsed by the Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 787 of August 31, 2000.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 25, 2002. Reg. No. 3411.

Order of the State Standards Committee of the Russian Federation No. 82 of April 2, 2002 on the Amendments to the Procedure of Issue, Obtaining and Use of the Blank Forms of Compliance Certificates, Blank Forms of Appendices to Compliance Certificates and Blank Forms of the Licenses for the Use of the Compliance Sign Endorsed by the Order of the State Standards Committee of Russia No. 290 of September 5, 2001

The amendments are introduced pursuant to the entering into force from February 10, 2002 of the Federal Law No. 128-FZ of August 8, 2001 on the licensing of individual types of activities stating that the use of the compliance sign is not subject to licensing.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 25, 2002. Reg. No. 3409.

Decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 26/40 of April 15, 2002 on the Amendments to the Explanation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 3/02-18/05-2256 of April 4, 2000 on the Procedure of Granting and Payment For the Additional Days-Off per Month to One of the Working Parents (Trustee) to Take Care of the Invalid Children Endorsed by the Decision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 26/34 of April 4, 2000

Four additional paid days-off per month to take care of invalid children and invalids from childhood before they reach 18 years of age are provided to the parent engaged in labour relations with an employer if he presents a document (copy) confirming that the other parent is not engaged in labour relations with an employer or is a self-employed person. Earlier, it was necessary to present the document confirming that the second parent is a self-employed person.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 24, 2002. Reg. No. 3404.

Decision of the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation No. 10 of March 14, 2002 on the Entering into Force of the Sanitary Rules and Norms "Zones of Sanitary Protection of the Sources of Water Supplies and Potable Water Conduits SanPiN"

Defines the sanitary and epidemiological requirements to the organization and operation of the zones of sanitary protection of the sources of water supplies and potable water conduits. The rules are obligatory for citizens, independent entrepreneurs and legal entities and are entered into force from July 1, 2002.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 24, 2002. Reg. No. 3399.

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 16-00-13/03 of April 29, 2002 on the Application of the Normative Documents Regulating the Issues of Registration of Expenses for Production and Calculation of the Net Cost of Products (Works , Services)

Before the end of the work in the sphere of development and endorsement by the ministries and agencies of the appropriate industry-sector normative documents on organization of registration of expenses for production, calculation of the net cost of products (works, services) in compliance with the Program of reformation of accounting work, organizations, as earlier, should be guided by the industry-sector instructions (directions) being in effect at the moment taking into account the requirements, principles and rules of acknowledgement in the accounting work of indicators, disclosing of information in the accounting work in compliance with already adopted normative documents on accounting work in execution of the mentioned Program.

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 28-01-21/871/SSh of April 25, 2002

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation informs of the exchange, beginning with May 1, 2002, of the qualification certificates of the auditor issued before the entry into force of the Federal Law on the audit activities for the certificates envisaged in this Law. The Letter provides the list of documents, requirements and conditions necessary for the exchange of the qualification certificates of the auditor. The Letter also provides the recommended form of the application for the exchange of the certificates.

Letter of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 01-06/13128 of April 3, 2002 on the Methodology Recommendations on the Control over the Export of the Results of Intellectual Activities

Customs control shall apply to any transferred by legal entities and natural persons results of intellectual activities on magnetic, paper or other material media (charts, diagrams, descriptions of the technological processes, software products, methodology materials, results of research works etc.) including the ones included in the product sets.
The Letter indicates the documents confirming the presence of the right for the results of intellectual activities. Lists the cases when it is necessary to present the deal certificate.
Material media containing the results of intellectual activities must be declared in writing with obligatory filling out of the cargo customs declaration when their cost is greater than the amount equivalent to ? 100 or if they are subject to non-tariff regulation measures. If the cost of the commodities declared under one application is not greater than ? 100 and there are no export restrictions, the declaring may be done by way of presenting a written application drawn up in a free style.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 302 of May 8, 2002 on the Amendments to and Invalidation of Some of the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Licensing of Individual Types of Activities

The amendments are introduced pursuant to the entering into force from February 11, 2002 of the Federal Law on the licensing of individual types of activities exempting form licensing some types of activities. The Decision invalidates 45 decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation specifying the licensing procedure for the types of activities now exempt from licensing.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 301 of May 8, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Granting and Spending of Subsidies from the Fund of Reformation of the Regional Finances

Specifies the procedure of selecting the subjects of the Russian Federation for granting subsidies from the Fund of Reformation of the Regional Finances formed in the framework of the federal budget, as well as the principles, procedure and terms of granting and spending of subsidies from the mentioned Fund. The subsidies are granted to the subjects of the Russian Federation selected on the contest basis and providing for the implementation of the program of reformation of state and municipal finances.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 286 of March 28, 2002 on the Monthly Supplement for the Command Function (Management) of the Military Divisions and Military Units of Internal Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Contract Servicemen

Beginning with January 1, 2002, contract servicemen occupying the listed military positions shall get monthly supplement for the command function (management) of the military divisions and military units in the amount of Rbl 300 to Rbl 500. The supplement shall be paid out depending on the rank and amount of subordinate personnel according to the manning table. The supplement shall be paid out together with the monetary subsistence for the current month.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 25, 2002. Reg. No. 3412.
The text of the Order is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 8, 2002, No. 81.

Decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 20 of March 25, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Terms of Labour Remuneration of Freelance Experts Engaged in Expert Evaluation of the Cultural Values Declared for Export, Temporary Export from the Territory of the Russian Federation and Returned after Temporary Export

Endorses the norms of labour remuneration of freelance experts engaged in expert evaluation of cultural values declared for export, temporary export from the territory of the Russian Federation and returned after temporary export. Also endorses the norms of additional time of a single expert evaluation of the mentioned cultural values in cases of increased complexity of works.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 24, 2002. Reg. No. 3406.
The text of the Decision is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on April 24, 2002, No. 74.

Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 2792 of March 11, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the Territory of the Russian Federation

Representations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are its territorial bodies and are subdivided into representations in the central federal districts and the subjects of the Russian Federation. The representations shall provide for the interaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.
Representations shall handle the passport and visa services to the Russian citizens and legal entities and provide visa support for the entry and exit of foreign citizens and stateless persons.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 24, 2002. Reg. No. 3405.
The text of the Order is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 8, 2002, No. 81.

Decision of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 10 of February 1, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Methodology Directions on the Procedure of Assigning, Carrying Out of On-Site Documentary Checks of Insurers under the State Social Insurance and Taking Measures as a Result of Them

Defines uniform requirements to the assigning, carrying out by the divisions of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and their branches of on-site documentary checks of insurers under the state social insurance paying insurance constitutions and the uniform social tax, to the drawing up and form of the acts of checks, as well as the procedure of taking decisions as a result of them. In particular, specifies the procedure of checking of the assigning and paying out of the temporary disability allowances, maternity allowances, lumpsum child birth allowance and other allowances and payments.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 23, 2002. Reg. No. 3397.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the date of preparation of the monitoring.

Federal Law No. 50-FZ of May 7, 2002 on the Amendments to Articles 188 and 189 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Refines the sings of crimes envisaged in Articles 188 "Smuggling" and 189 "Illegal Export of Technologies, Scientific-and-Technical Information and Services, Raw Materials and Equipment Used in the Creation of Mass Destruction Weapons, Armaments and Military Equipment".
Extends the circle of items of crime illegal actions with which form the crimes envisaged in the mentioned articles. Thus, in Part 2 of Article 188 "Smuggling", responsibility will occur for the illegal moving across the customs border of the Russian Federation of radiation sources, nuclear materials, as well as any armaments and military equipment or materials and equipment that may be used in the creation of mass destruction weapons and means of its delivery and any other types of armaments and military equipment subject to special rules of moving across the customs border.
According to the new wording of Article 189, responsibility under it, besides the illegal export, occurs also for the illegal transfer to a foreign organization or its representative of raw materials, equipment that are known for the person engaged in foreign trade activities to be used in the creation of armaments and military equipment. Article 189 is also extended to include Parts 2 and 3 containing qualification signs of corpus delicti envisaged in it.
The Federal Law is entered into force one month after the day of its official publication. The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 14, 2002, No. 83.

Federal Law No. 48-FZ of May 7, 2002 on the Amendments to Articles 225 and 226 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

The new wording is provided for Part 2 of Article 225 "Improper Execution of the Duties in the Guarding of Armaments, Ammunition, Explosives and Demolition Devices" and Part 2 of Article 226 "Stealing or Extortion of Armaments, Ammunition, Explosives and Demolition Devices". The wordings are in compliance with the obligation of the Russian Federation to never under any circumstances develop, produce, stockpile, purchase in any other way and store bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons ("Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of the Reserves of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction"). Earlier, the presence in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of sanctions for the improper execution of the duties in the guarding of the "biological weapons" or for the stealing or extortion of "biological weapons" showed indirectly the presence of such weapons of mass destruction in the Russian Federation.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication. The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 14, 2002, No. 83.

Federal Law No. 49-FZ of May 7, 2002 on the Amendments to Some of the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Pertaining to Monetary Subsistence of Servicemen and Individual Benefits Granted to Them

Beginning with July 1, 2002, envisages reformation of the system of monetary subsistence by fixing on the stepwise basis the amounts of salaries for the rank and grade for contract servicemen not lower than the appropriate amounts of salaries and monthly supplements for skilled grades of state federal servants of the federal bodies of executive power. The reformation implies the abandoning of the pension supplement to servicemen, benefits in the payment for the housing, communal services and the telephone and their transfer into the monetary form.
The compliance of the typical military ranks and grades of contract servicemen to state positions of the state federal service and qualification grades of appropriate categories of state federal servants of the federal bodies of executive power is endorsed by the President of the Russian Federation.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication. The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 14, 2002, No. 83.

Federal Law No. 47-FZ of May 7, 2002 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation

Specifies that the law of the subject of the Russian Federation may endorse the budgets of the territorial state non-budgetary funds of the subject of the Russian Federation and reports of their execution.
Also lists the state positions which may not be occupied by the deputy of the legislative (representative) body of the subject of the Russian Federation during the period of his authority.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication. The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on May 14, 2002, No. 83.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 303 of May 8, 2002 on the Amendment to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 536 of July 18, 2000

Refines the authority of the Ministry of Property Relations in the adoption of decisions on the privatisation of the federal property. Specifies, in particular, that the Ministry implements on behalf of the Russian Federation the rights of the stock-holder of open-type joint-stock companies with the stocks owned by the Russian Federation; protects the property and other rights and legal interests of the Russian Federation; publishes in official publications decisions on the terms of privatisation of the federal property.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the moment of preparation of the monitoring.

Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. GKPI 01-1709 of April 1, 2002

Invalidates provisions of Paragraph 3 of Item 2 and Paragraph 2 of Item 12 of the Instruction of the Central Bank of Russia on the procedure of obligatory sales of the part of the currency receipts inasmuch as it restricts the opportunities of the authorized banks to sell the part of these receipts at the order of the exporter directly to other authorized banks.
Earlier, authorized banks had to sell part of the export currency receipts only at interbank currency exchanges or directly to the Central Bank of Russia which, according to the applicant, increased expenses for conversion operations by the cost of mediation services.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 309 of May 13, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Licensing of Activities in the Rendering of Prosthesis and Orthopaedic Aid

Defines the procedure of licensing of production and selling of prosthetic appliances of various designs, orthopaedic appliances, surgical boots and other items; repair and maintenance of these items; diagnostics of the functional defects, condition of the anatomic defects and rehabilitation potential in persons needing prosthetic and orthopaedic aid and other types of activities.
The licensing is vested in the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation. The effective period of the license is 5 years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 308 of May 13, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Licensing of Activities in Public Demonstration of Audio and Visual Pieces of Art if the Mentioned Activities Are Carried Out in a Cinema Hall

Defines the procedure of licensing of activities of legal entities and independent entrepreneurs in public demonstration of audio and visual pieces of art if the mentioned activities are carried out in a cinema hall. The cinema hall is implied to be a special room meeting the requirements of ecological, sanitary and epidemiological, hygienic and fire safety norms and rules outfitted with seats for spectators (listeners) and possessing stationary (mobile) technological equipment for public demonstration of audio and visual pieces of art. The licensing is vested in the bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
The effective period of the license is 5 years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1148-U of May 7, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Normative and Other Acts of the Bank of Russia in View of the Termination by the Bank of Russia of the Licensing of and Control over the Professional Activities of Credit Organizations at Securities Market

In view of the termination by the Bank of Russia of the licensing of and control over the professional activities of credit organizations at securities market, invalidates a number of normative acts of the Bank of Russia. In particular, invalidates the Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1-P of October 23, 1997 on the particulars of the licensing of professional activities of credit organizations at securities market of the Russian Federation.
The Direction is entered into force from the day of its official publication in the Herald of the Bank of Russia.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1147-U of May 6, 2002 on the Amendments to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia No. 1 of October 1, 1997 on the Procedure of Regulation of Activities of Banks

The amendments are introduced pursuant to the entering into force of the Directions of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1054-U of November 20, 2001 (from April 1, 2002) and No. 1118-U of March 13, 2002 (from March 20, 2002) Changing the Rules of Accounting Work in Credit Organizations.
The Direction is entered into force from the day of publication in the Herald of the Bank of Russia.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1144-U of April 29, 2002 on the Amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 51 of November 4, 1996 on the Obligatory Reserves of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation Deposited in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Provides the new wording for the mentioned Regulation. Sets forth that the normatives of obligatory reserves are specified by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia depending on the type of monetary resources attracted by the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. The normatives of obligatory reserves may not be greater than 20% of the obligations of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation. Earlier, the normatives of obligatory reserves were fixed in the Regulation.
The Direction is to be published in the Herald of the Bank of Russia and is entered into force from June 1, 2002. The Direction is to be used for regulation of obligatory reserves beginning with June 1, 2002.

Decision of the Federal Commission for Securities Market No. 4/ps of March 21, 2002 on the Requirements to the Amount of Own Resources of the Managing Company of Investment Funds, Shared Investment Funds and Non-State Pension Funds

The minimum amount of own resources of the managing company of investment funds, shared investment funds and non-state pension funds is Rbl 5,000 thousand beginning with October 1, 2002.
According to the Letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 07/3375-YuD of April 9, 2002, the present Decision does not need state registration.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 310 of May 13, 2002 on the Procedure of Granting and Spending in 2002 of Resources Allocated from the Fund of Compensations to Implement the Law of the Russian Federation on the Social Protection of Citizens Exposed to Radiation As a Result of the Disaster at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station (in the Wording of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 3061-I of June 18, 1992), Federal Laws on the Social Protection of Citizens of the Russian Federation Exposed to Radiation Because of the Accident in 1957 at Mayak Industrial Association and Radioactive Waste into the Techa River and on Social Guarantees to Citizens Exposed to Radiation Because of the Nuclear Tests at Semipalatinsk Test Grounds

Defines the procedure of distribution and spending in 2002 of the subsidies allocated to the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation to implement the laws on the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of Chernobyl and other nuclear disasters inasmuch as it pertains to the reimbursement of expenses to grant benefits to the victims in the payment for the housing and communal services, communication services, as well as travel by public urban and suburban transport.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 33n of April 23, 2002 on the Amendment to the Methodology Directions on Registration in Accounting Work of Material and Production Reserves

The former wording of Item 210 of the Methodology Directions on the registration in accounting work of material and production reserves contained a reference to the invalid at present Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 46 of January 19, 2000 on the amendments to the procedure of keeping the logbooks of invoices in the payments of the value added tax. Now, the given item of the Methodology Directions contains the general reference to the "specified form" of invoices.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 14, 2002. Reg. No. 3429.

Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-12/185 of April 9, 2002 on the Procedure of Assigning Thematic Checks Carried Out by the Structural Divisions of the Central Office of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia and Interregional Inspections of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia in the Federal Districts and of Consideration of Their Resulting Materials

Thematic checks shall be arranged according to the quarterly plans endorsed by the orders of the Minister of Taxation of the Russian Federation on the basis of the programs of checks worked out by the structural divisions of the central office of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia in charge and endorsed by the Deputy Ministers of Taxation of the Russian Federation supervising them and are drawn up as orders of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation. In exclusive cases, the thematic checks may be arranged out of schedule at the orders of the Minister.

Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 16-O of February 7, 2002 on the Refusal to Accept for Consideration the Appeal of Citizen A.K.Dressen against Violation of his Constitutional Rights by Individual Provisions of Articles 235 and 241 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

The applicant challenged articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation qualifying the lawyers in the same category of payers of the uniform social tax as independent entrepreneurs, but after the entry into force of the Federal Law introducing remuneration of the lawyers' work at the expense of the budgets when they render free legal aid to natural persons, they will pay this tax at the same rates as independent entrepreneurs. However, this claim of the applicant does not have any substantiation, because the challenged provision has been removed from the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
The applicant also stated that the particulars of the lawyers' work permit to rate the lawyers as hired employees permitting them to pay the uniform social tax in the same amount as hired employees. However, according to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, this conclusion cannot be derived from either the tax legislation or from the legal status of lawyers.

Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 5-O of January 10, 2002 on the Refusal to Accept for Consideration the Appeal of the Open-Type Joint-Stock Company Spetsremstroyneft against Violation of the Constitutional Rights and Liberties by the Provisions of Item 2 of Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Profit Tax from Enterprises and Organizations

The applicant challenged the constitutionality of the provision of the Law of the Russian Federation on the profit tax from enterprises and organizations because the payments in the form of the difference between the amount of advance contributions for the profit tax and its amount for the actually obtained profit do not have the object of taxation, thus not being considered as taxes. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation refused to accept the appeal for consideration, because the procedure of calculation and payment of the profit tax is not arbitrary, does not prevent implementation by citizens and their associations of their constitutional rights and does not question the compliance of the provisions of the mentioned item with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. ShS-6-14/535 of April 25, 2002

The wording of the Law No. 5215-1 of June 18, 1993 on the use of cash registers in the monetary payments with the population that is in effect now does not envisage the responsibility of the enterprises for the use of defective cash register, carrying out of trade operations (rendering services) by the enterprise after it stops functioning, failure to put out the price tag for the sold commodity (price list for the rendered services) . However, the tax bodies preserve their right to appeal to courts to liquidate legal entities committing repeated violations of the requirements of the mentioned Law.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 314 of May 16, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 939 of December 9, 2000

Beginning with June 1, 2002, the rate of export customs duty for raw oil and oil products obtained form bituminous materials (code according to the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature 2709 00) is fixed to amount to USD 20.7 per 1,000 kg (from April 1, 2002 - USD 9.2 per 1,000 kg).
The Decision is entered into force from June 1, 2002.

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1306 of April 9, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Uniform State Examination

Sets forth the procedure of the state (final) certification of the leavers of 11th(12th) forms of secondary educational institutions, as well as the procedure of carrying out entrance tests and admission to institutions of the secondary professional and higher professional education on the territory of the subjects of the Russian Federation taking part in the experiment introducing the uniform examination.
To arrange the examination, the state examination commission of the subject of the Russian Federation is created with the period of authority of 1 year. The conflict commission is created to solve the disputes in assessment of examination papers, protect the rights of school leavers and entrants taking part in the experiment. The conflict commission shall check the correspondence of marks or examination (entrance testing) procedure to the specified requirements.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 8, 2002. Reg. No. 3420.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1143-U of April 29, 2002 on the Amendments to the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 37 of March 30, 1996 on Obligatory Reserves of Credit Organizations Deposited in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The Regulation on obligatory reserves of credit organizations deposited in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is provided in the new wording entering into force from June 1, 2002.

Federal Law No. 51 of May 7, 2002 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Budget Classification of the Russian Federation

The budget classification of the Russian Federation is extended to include the new section - "Structure of Expenses of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Municipal Formations". In view of the changes in the tax legislation, the new wording is provided for the classification of incomes of the budgets of the Russian Federation. The changes are also introduced to other sections of the budget classification.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication. The Law applies to relations emerging in the drawing up and execution of the budgets of all levels beginning with January 1, 2002.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 37n of April 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Terms of Issue and Circulation of the Bonds of the Federal Loan with Debt Amortization

The interest rate for the coupon income for the given bonds is fixed for each coupon of the separate emission. The amount of the coupon income for all coupons of the separate emission of the bonds is determined proceeding from the interest rate of the coupon income specified in the decision on the issue of the separate emission of the bonds and is accrued for the unredeemed portion of the nominal cost. The redemption of the nominal cost in portions (debt amortization) shall be carried out within the time limits specified in the decision on the issue of the separate emission of the bonds coinciding with the dates of paying out the coupon income for them. In the debt amortization, the amount of the redeemed portion of the nominal cost is determined for each date of its paying out. The date of the redemption of the bonds is the date of payment of the last unredeemed portion of the nominal cost.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 13, 2002. Reg. No. 3427.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 35n of April 25, 2002 on the Amendments to the Directions on the Procedure of Application of the Budget Classification of the Russian Federation Endorsed by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Amends the list of the tied items of the functional classification of expenses of the budgets of the Russian Federation and the procedure of distribution of expenses according to subject items and subitems of the economic classification of expenses of the budgets of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 319 of May 17, 2002 on the Authorized Federal Body of Executive Power in Charge of the State Registration of Legal Entities

Beginning with July 1, 2002, the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation will carry out the state registration of legal entities as the authorized federal body of executive power.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 317 of May 17, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Use of Gas and Granting of Services in Gas Supplies in the Russian Federation

The endorsed Rules set forth the requirements ensuring rational and efficient use of gas as the fuel or raw material during extraction, production, processing, transportation, storage, supplies, distribution and consumption.
The Rules apply on the whole territory of the Russian Federation and are obligatory for legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal form and natural persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without the forming of the legal entity consuming gas or carrying out the types of activities listed in the Rules.
The Rules do not apply to consumers using gas for household purposes in dwelling and public buildings; independent heating of dwelling and public buildings with the total estimated heating power of gas employing equipment less than 100 kW.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 16n of March 4, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 92N of November 12, 2001 on the Amounts of Daily Subsistence for the Short-Term Business Trips on the Territory of Foreign Countries

Increases the amounts of the daily subsistence for the persons sent on business trips to Afghanistan. For the employees sent on business trips to this state from the Russian Federation and other countries, the daily subsistence is fixed to amount of USD 97 (earlier, 65), for the employees of institutions located on the territory of Afghanistan within this country, the daily subsistence must be USD 67 (earlier, 54).
The Order is entered into force from January 1, 2002.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 15, 2002. Reg. No. 3434.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. AS-6-06/476 of April 15, 2002

Strict reporting forms may be printed by any printing houses under the condition of obligatory observation by them of the requirements to the strict reporting documents provided in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 16-00-24/70 of August 23, 2001. Besides, the strict reporting forms must contain printed source data (printing house (short name)), place of its location, order number and year of execution, number of printed copies).

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. NA-6-21/525 of April 23, 2002 on the Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. VT-6-04/351 of April 27, 2001

Pursuant to the appeal of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, recalls the Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. VT-6-04/351 of April 27, 2001 conveying Explanations on individual issues pertaining to calculation and payment of the land tax.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 34n of April 25, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Blank Form of the Qualification Certificate of Auditor

Endorses the blank form of the qualification certificate of auditor consisting of the qualification certificate of auditor itself and information on the obligatory annual professional development.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 17, 2002. Reg. No. 3445.

Order of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation No. 117 of April 17, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Warning Labels of the Danger of Tobacco Smoking

Endorses the main warning label of the danger of tobacco smoking and additional labels of the danger of tobacco smoking placed on the package of tobacco items. The main warning label is: "The Ministry of Public Health of Russia warns: smoking is dangerous to your health".
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 17, 2002. Reg. No. 3444.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 381 of April 19, 2002 on the Places of Customs Registration

The place of the customs registration of the new Mercedes-Benz cars classified in Headings 8702-8704 of the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature of Russia and imported to the customs territory of the Russian Federation is the Automobile Customs Station of the Central Excise Duty Customs Office.
The provisions of the Order do not apply to the commodities imported by natural persons for other than production or other commercial purposes.
The Order is entered into force 30 days after its official publication.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 17, 2002. Reg. No. 3442.

Decision of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 33 of March 25, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Organization of Work to Grant in 2002 Respites (Extension Schedules) to Redeem the Debts in Obligatory Payments to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in Obligatory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases

Respites (extension schedules) are granted to the payers registered in the Social Insurance Fund having the debt in the payment of insurance contributions for obligatory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, penalties and fines and not being able to redeem this debt because of the heavy financial standing.
The respite (extension schedule) is granted to the payers on the basis of the agreements concluded by executive bodies of the Fund and the payers. During the period of the agreement, the penalties for the amount of the debt are not being accrued.
The Decision lists the documents submitted by the payers to the executive body of the Fund to get the respite (extension schedule).
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 15, 2002. Reg. No. 3432.

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 28-01-22/804/AP of April 16, 2002

Conveys Supplement 1 to the protocol of the session of the Central Certification-and-Licensing Audit Commission of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation including some issues pertaining to the exchange of the qualification certificates of auditor for the right of audit activities in the sphere of bank audit.
If the certificate expires before May 1, 2002, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation exchanges the qualification certificates of auditor for the right of audit activities in the sphere of bank audit without submission at the given stage by auditors of the documents confirming their professional development.
If the auditor fails to pass the annual professional development in the required volume in 2002 and in each subsequent calendar year after the endorsement by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of the new system of certification, teaching and professional development of auditors, the qualification certificate of auditor is revoked or the auditor may be refused to exchange the certificate.

Federal Law No. 55-FZ of May 20, 2002 on the Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation on the Privatisation of the Housing Fund in the Russian Federation

Institutes the right of the citizens of the Russian Federation to privatise the separate dwelling space (rooms) in communal apartments occupied by them, as well as institutes the mechanism of alienation by the owner of the dwelling space in a communal apartment taking into account the priority right of its purchase by owners of other dwelling space in the same apartment.
Sets forth, in particular, that the owner of the privatised dwelling space in a communal apartment possesses the share in the property right for the common property in the communal apartment. This share is proportional to the share of the area of the owned by him dwelling space in the communal apartment, if otherwise is not specified by the agreement of all owners of the privatised dwelling space in the communal apartment.
Citizens that privatised the dwelling space being their only place of permanent residence may hand over their owned and free from obligations dwelling space into the state or municipal property, with the appropriate bodies of executive power, bodies of local government or their authorized persons being obliged to accept it as property and conclude social lease agreements for this dwelling space.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication.

Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 20, 2002 on the Temporary Prohibition to Clone the Human Being

Introduces the temporary - for the term of five years - prohibition to clone the human being. It is also prohibited to import and export the clones of human embryos within the specified time limits. The Federal Law does not apply to the cloning of other organisms.
The Federal Law is entered into force one month after the day of its official publication.

Federal Law No. 53-FZ of May 20, 2002 on the Amendments to Articles 5, 6 and 21 of the Federal Law on the Fundamentals of Labour Safety in the Russian Federation

The state expert evaluation of the working conditions shall be carried out by the federal body of executive power and bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation in charge of labour safety issues (earlier, the All-Russia State Expert Commission for the Working Conditions and the state export commissions of the subjects of the Russian Federation). The Law also refines the sphere of reference of the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of labour safety.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication.

Federal Law No. 52-FZ of May 20, 2002 on the Amendments to Article 13 of the Federal Law on the Principles and Procedure of Delimitation of the Sphere of Reference and Authority between the Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and the Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation

Defines clearly the issues of participation of the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the consideration of the draft federal laws in common sphere by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. In particular, regulates the issues of creation and functioning of the conciliation commission involving representatives of the subjects of the Russian Federation to work over the draft federal laws opposed by more than one third of the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The commission may be created only to prepare the draft law for consideration by the State Duma in the first reading. The effective period of the commission may not be greater than one month from the day of adoption of the decision on its creation.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326 of May 20, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 532 of July 14, 2001 on the Introduction of Special Duties for Individual Commodities Originating in the Republic of Hungary

In view of the termination of application by the Hungarian Republic of measures violating economic interests of the Russian Federation and Russian enterprises, abandons the rates of special duties for the imported frozen vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, ready-made soups and bouillons, as well as rape oil and other commodities originating in the Hungarian Republic.
The Decision is entered into force one month after the day of its official publication.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 324 of May 20, 2002 on the Licensing of Activities in the Sphere of Hydrometeorology and Adjacent Spheres, As Well As Works in Active Interference in the Hydrometeorological and Geophysical Processes and Phenomena

The licensing applies to the determination of meteorological, climatic and other characteristics of the natural environment; determination of the level of pollution of the natural environment; presentation of information on the condition of the natural environment to consumers. The licensing shall also apply to the works in active intervention in the hydrometeorological and geophysical processes and phenomena, including protection of agricultural plants against hail, regulation of precipitation, fog dissipation, prevention or reduction of ground frost.
The licensing is vested in the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. The license is issued for 5 years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.

Decision of the State Standards Committee of the Russian Federation No. 31 of April 22, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Normative Documents on the Licensing of Works in Obligatory Certification

Invalidates the rules of issue of licenses to carry out works in obligatory certification and application of the compliance sing endorsed by the Decision of the State Standards Committee of the Russian Federation No. 12 of May 26, 1994. The given measure is adopted pursuant to the Federal Law on the licensing of individual types of activities that does not envisage the licensing of works in obligatory certification and application of the compliance sign.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 20, 2002. Reg. No. 3457.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 442 of April 30, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 349 of April 10, 2001

Beginning with July 1, 2002, invalidates the Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation endorsing the Instruction on the procedure of prolongation of proceedings in the cases of violation of the customs rules. The given measure is adopted pursuant to the entering into force from July 1, 2002 of the Code of Administrative Violations.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 20, 2002. Reg. No. 3455.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 443 of April 30, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Direction of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 01-50/55 of June 5, 1992

Beginning with May 1, 2002, invalidates the Direction of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 01-50/55 on the procedure of customs registration of commodities dispatched form localities significantly detached form the structural customs divisions.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 20, 2002. Reg. No. 3454.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 320 of April 4, 2002 on the Amendments to the Instruction No. 605 of September 15, 1997 Endorsed by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Amends the Instruction on the procedure of issue, replacement, registration and storage of the passports of the citizens of the Russian Federation. Specifies, in particular, that besides personal information of the citizens, the passport shall be used by the bodies of internal affairs to enter records of the earlier issued main documents identifying the citizens of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. Besides, if the citizen wishes so, appropriate tax bodies may also enter the taxpayer identification number in the passport.
The Order also provides the sample stamp of the military duty status, marriage registration stamp entered by the special printer, stamp of the earlier issued main documents identifying the citizen of the Russian Federation.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 20, 2002. Reg. No. 3452.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 390 of April 27, 2002 on the Working Out and Endorsement of the Specimens of Special Products Permitting the Access of Transport Vehicles and Drivers to Participation in Traffic

Endorses the Instruction on the procedure of working out and endorsement of the specimens of blank driver's licenses, certificates of registration of transport vehicles and other special printed products permitting the access of transport vehicles and drivers to participation in traffic. Also endorses the Instruction on the procedure of endorsement of the specimens of the state registration plates for transport vehicles, coordination of technical specification and design documentation for making them for legal entities and independent entrepreneurs.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 18, 2002. Reg. No. 3451.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 15n of March 4, 2002 on the Limiting Norms of Reimbursement of Lodging Expenses during Short-Term Business Trips on the Territories of Foreign Countries

The issue of the new norms of the lodging expenses during short-term business trips pertains to the introduction of euro as the national currency in a number of European countries. The earlier Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 51n of July 11, 2001 on the limiting norms of reimbursement of the lodging expenses during short-term business trips on the territories of foreign countries is invalidated.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 15, 2002. Reg. No. 3435.

Federal Law No. 56-FZ of May 21, 2002 on the Amendments to Item 1 of Article 19 of the Federal Law on the Status of Servicemen and Item 6 of Article 35 of the Federal Law on the Military Duty and Military Service

Sets forth that military institutions of the secondary and higher professional education implement professional educational program and issue to persons having passed the final state certification the state documents of the level of education and qualification. The procedure of working out and implementation of the professional educational programs for the military institutions of the secondary and higher professional education is defined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Introduced amendments provide for professional training of the military specialists in compliance with the military professional educational programs. The terminology of the mentioned Federal Laws is brought in compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation on education.
The Federal Law is entered into force from the day of its official publication.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 323 of May 20, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Providing Free Meals from the Dairy Dispensary (Payment of the Monthly Monetary Compensation If the Dairy Dispensary is not Available) for Children up to 3 Years of Age Living Permanently on the Territory of Radioactive Contamination Zones because of the Accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station

Defines the procedure and terms of providing free meals from the dairy dispensary (payment of the monthly monetary compensation if the dairy dispensary is not available) for children up to 3 years of age living permanently on the territory of the radioactive contamination zones because of the accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station and not attending child preschool educational institutions. The free meals are provided to prescriptions. The prescriptions are issued on prescription forms with the stamp "Free" by local paediatricians of the child outpatient clinics in the cities and local paediatricians of the central (regional) hospitals, doctors of district hospitals, feldshers or obstetricians in rural areas. The handing out of the free meals is vested in the dairy dispensaries.

Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 69-O of April 9, 2002 Pursuant to the Appeal of Citizen M.V.Ignatyichev against Violation of his Constitutional Rights by the Provisions of Articles 2, 4 and 5 of the Federal Law on the Gambling Tax, Law of the Nizhny Novgorod Province on the Rates of the Gambling Tax and the Law of Ivanovo Province on the Rates of the Gambling Tax

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation has found out that the provision of Item 3 of Article 5 of the Federal Law on the gambling tax is not in compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, shall loose its power and may not be applied. The mentioned Item envisaged opportunities of fixing by legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation of particular tax rates for gambling institutions on the territories of the subjects of the Russian Federation in excess of the minimum amounts of tax rates specified in the mentioned Federal Law without restriction of the limiting amounts of such rates in the Federal Law.
The Ruling on the appeal is final and must be observed from January 1, 2003 if the legislator does not introduce amendments to the Federal Law on the gambling tax before the mentioned time limit.

Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 68-O of April 9, 2002 on the Request of the Court of Arbitration of the Republic of Karelia on the Constitutionality of Item 5 of Article 83 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 4 and 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Donorship of Blood and Its Components

According to the challenged provision of the Budget Code, if the legislative or other legal acts introduce budget obligations not envisaged in the budget law (decision), the budget law (decision) shall apply. According to the applicant, the given norm is in violation of Articles 1, 7, 18 and 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation because it lifts budget obligations from the state pertaining to the reimbursement of benefits and compensations guaranteed and specified in the federal legislation, thus preventing from implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens and legal entities. Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation on the donorship of blood and its components specifying that the financing of the measures in development, organization and promotion of the donorship of blood and its components is carried out on the basis of the federal, republican, territorial and local programs at the expense of the resources of appropriate budgets and Article 11 of the same Law specifying the benefit in the payment for the housing and communal services for the persons awarded with the badge "Distinguished Donor of Russia" is in violation of Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation inasmuch as they are being of declarative nature as indefinite in their essence and not envisaging the mechanism of reimbursement of the fixed benefits and compensations.
In spite of the fact that the request was associated with reimbursement of benefits to donors in the payment for the housing and communal services, the resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is more generic and applies also to the rest of the benefits envisaged in the Law on the donorship of blood and its components. According to the Ruling, the absence of the federal, regional and local programs of development of donorship and the gaps in the legislative regulation of the procedure of reimbursement of expenses in benefits to donors may not block the solving of disputes, protection of legal rights and interests of citizens. The federal legislator must immediately define the procedure of reimbursement from the budget of expenses pertaining to benefits to persons awarded with the badge "Distinguished Donor of Russia".

Decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 32 of April 30, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Methodology Recommendations on the Monetary Compensation (Amount) of Reimbursement of the Damage to Citizens' Health Because of the Radiation Disasters

The financing of the mentioned expenses is vested in the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation and the bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation in compliance with the concluded state contracts within the fixed budget allocations.
The necessary resources from the federal budget are allocated according to the budget list on the basis of the monthly request submitted by the body in charge of the social protection of population of the subject of the Russian Federation together with attached copy of the writ of execution, act of a court, as well as documents on the results of appeal in the cassation and enforcement instances.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. NA-6-21/639 of April 29, 2002 on the Information Comprising the State Secret

Explains some of the particulars of filling out the tax declaration for the tax on extraction of mineral resources endorsed by the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-21/555 of December 18, 2001 for such mineral resources as tantalum, niobium, beryllium, lithium, yttrium group rare earths, especially pure quartz raw materials. Also explains the particulars of filling out the estimate for the property tax from enterprises endorsed by the Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-21/22 of January 18, 2002 when submitting information on mobilization capacities of the industry in production and repair of the military equipment.

Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/07-2880 of April 23, 2002

Explains the procedure of application in 2002 of the method of calculation of discounts and mark-ups to tariff rates for obligatory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
Applications for discounts from insurers are accepted before May 15 of the current calendar year. The Letter provides the forms of estimates of the discount or mark-up for insurance tariff rate for obligatory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. The executive body of the Fund shall take the decision on the discount or mark up for the insurer on the basis of the estimate.

Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/10-2810 of April 19, 2002 on the Spending of the Resources of Obligatory Social Insurance to Pay for the Cost of Accommodations in Child Rehabilitation Camps in 2002

Before the endorsement by the Government of the Russian Federation of the rules of spending of the resources of obligatory social insurance to pay for the cost of accommodations in countryside stationary child rehabilitation camps, the financing shall be carried out in compliance with the Federal Law on the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the year 2002, Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the leisure, rehabilitation and employment of children in 2002.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. FS-6-10/454@ of April 11, 2002 on the Drawing Up of the Documents for Tax Payments by the Tax Agents

If the payment is effected by the independent entrepreneur being tax agent in cashless form using the payment order, the field "Destination of Payment" of the payment documents - the "Note" code - should show the number of the appropriate personal account card together with the mark "Tax Agent", and if the payment is made by the independent taxpayer, the mark "Own Payment".
If the payment order is filled out by the legal entity, the field "Destination of Payment" of the payment document - the "Note" code - is used to enter "Tax Agent" as the tax agent, and "Own Payment" in the case of independent taxpayer.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 03-1-09/161/14-V601 of January 28, 2002 on the Value Added Tax

The writing off as losses of the creditor organization of the unrecalled (unredeemed) receivables on the balance of the creditor organization for the purposes of collection of the value added tax is regarded as free donation.
When the receipts from the sales of commodities (works, services) are determined for taxation purposes as soon as they are paid, the amount of the value added tax for commodities (works , services) recorded as unrecovered receivables by the creditor organization shall be transferred to the budget within the time limits specified for the payment of the tax for the reporting period when the receivables are written off.

Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on Strategic Offensive Reductions (Moscow, May 24, 2002)

Each of the parties of the Treaty reduces and restricts strategic nuclear warheads so that by December 31, 2012 the aggregate amount of such warheads with each party does not exceed 1,700-2,200.
The Treaty is entered into force on the day of exchange of ratification instruments. The Treaty remains in force until December 31, 2012 and may be prolonged at the agreement between the parties or replaced before it with subsequent agreement.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 340 of May 23, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Licensing of Activities in Handling Hazardous Waste

Defines the licensing procedure for activities in handling hazardous waste. The licensing body is the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies. The license is issued for 5 years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the moment of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 339 of May 23, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 546 of May 7, 1997, No. 1154 of October 13, 1999 and No. 217 of March 10, 2000

Invalidates the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation endorsing the List of payments exempted from insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the changes to the List.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the moment of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 338 of May 23, 2002 on the Invalidation of Some of the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on Foreign Investments

Pursuant to the entry into force of the Federal Law No. 160-FZ of July 9, 1999 on foreign investments, invalidates a number of Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Among them: Decisions No. 757 of June 30, 1994 on the procedure of determination of the products imported by enterprises with foreign investments for own needs, No. 751 of July 24, 1995 on the endorsement of the Regulation on the procedure of concluding and implementation of investment agreements. Besides, invalidates some of the provisions regulating the export of oil and oil products, as well as some types of medicines and pharmacy substances.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the moment of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 331 of May 22, 2002 on the Amendments to the Rules of Restructuring of the Debts of the Subjects of the Russian Federation in the Bonds of the Subjects of the Russian Federation Owned by the Russian Federation Endorsed by the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 619 of August 22, 2001

The debt of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the bonds due for restructuring does not include from January 1, 2001 the amounts of fines (penalties) accrued for the untimely redemption of the bonds at the nominal cost and untimely payment of interest for them. To carry out the restructuring of the rest of the amount of the debt (under the condition of preliminary payment by the subject of the Russian Federation as incomes to the federal budget before December 15, 2002 of at least 20% of this amount as a lumpsum transfer), the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the body of executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation shall conclude an agreement.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the moment of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 330 of May 22, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Use of the Resources of the Federal Budget Allocated to Implement the Measures to Support Compatriots Living Abroad

The chief administrator of the resources allocated to support the compatriots is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The allocation of the resources to support the compatriots is carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the monthly basis according to the endorsed summary budget list of expenses of the federal budget for the appropriate year.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the moment of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 328 of May 22, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1021 of December 29, 2000

Provides the new wording for the main provisions of the forming and state regulation of the prices for gas and tariff rates for the services in its transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation endorsed by the mentioned Decision. The price for gas for the end user at the boundaries of gas distribution networks and the end user networks is build from the regulated wholesale price for gas, tariff rates for the services in its transportation over the gas distribution networks and the payment for the supply services.
The text of the Decision has not been published officially as of the moment of preparation of the monitoring.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 336 of May 22, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Promotion of Relocation of Citizens within the Pilot Project of Social Restructuring of the Regions of the Far North

Sets forth the procedure of issue and redemption of the housing certificates for the purchase of housing and payment for transportation to promote relocation of citizens of the Russian Federation from the regions of the Far North. Participation in the pilot project is free.
The housing subsidy is granted to purchase ready-made outfitted housing in urban or rural localities meeting the sanitary and technical requirements.
The housing subsidy is granted under the condition of handing over of the occupied housing space, dismissal from work and removal from all types of social records and support including the waiting list to improve the housing conditions. The housing subsidy is the compensation for the leased housing. The citizen may get the housing certificate within five months from the date of his inclusion in the list of participants of the pilot project.

Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-21/197 of April 12, 2002 on the Amendments to the Instruction of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia No. 56 of February 21, 2000 on the Application of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Payment for the Land

Brings in compliance with the actual legislation the provisions of the Instruction of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 56 of February 21, 2000 on the application of the Law of the Russian Federation on the payment for the land. In particular, takes account of the norms of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, latest changes in the Law on the payment for the land, provisions of the Federal Law No. 163-FZ of December 14, 2001 on the indexing of the rates of the land tax. Provides the new wording for the blank form of the tax declaration for the land tax.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 20, 2002. Reg. No. 3453.

Letter of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 593-21 of April 27, 2002

In all cases of preservation of the average earnings envisaged in the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, the payments are made in compliance with the procedure of calculation of the average earnings in 2000-2001 being extended for the year 2002 inasmuch as it does not contradict the norms of Article 139 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
In individual cases, the particulars of the procedure of calculation of the average earnings are defines by the Government of the Russian Federation taking into account the opinion of the Russian Trilateral Commission for the Regulation of the Social and Labour Relations.

Letter of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 966-10 of April 25, 2002

Before the practice of application of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation is formed, the payment of the monetary compensation for the earlier unused leaves is arranged at the agreement between the parties. The compensation may be paid out for all of the unused days of the leave, i.e. when several leaves are combined, the compensation is paid out for all of the days in excess of the leave longer than 28 calendar days, or the compensation applies only to the part of each of the unused leaves exceeding 28 calendar days.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. 14-3-04/218-G530 of February 1, 2002

The duty of the taxpayers to report within ten days to the tax body at the place of registration the opening or closing of the accounts applies to the current foreign currency, transit foreign currency and special transit foreign currency accounts. If the taxpayer violates the time limits for submission to the tax body of information on the opening or closing of the mentioned accounts in a bank, the taxpayer assumes responsibility envisaged in Article 118 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 351 of May 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Making Testamentary Dispositions for the Rights for Monetary Resources in Banks

Defines the procedure of making testamentary dispositions for the rights for monetary resources of citizens in banks or branches of banks.
The testamentary disposition is effected in writing (hand written or using technical means) free of charge in the bank keeping the account while observing the secrecy terms. It indicates the place and date of making it, place of residence of the testator, full names of citizens, full name and place of location of the legal entity inheriting the deposit.
The testamentary disposition may be drawn up for all of the monetary resources available on several accounts in the bank or the monetary resources available on one of these accounts. The testamentary disposition may contain certain conditions of handing out the deposit.
The Decision regulates the procedure of drawing up the testamentary disposition in favour of several persons, actions of the testator if he wishes to change or revoke the compiled document and the terms of payment of the monetary resources from accounts of deceased testators that drew up the testamentary disposition after March 1, 2002 - the date of entering into force of Part 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 350 of May 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Maximum Amount of Remuneration under the Custody Contract for the Patrimony and Trusteeship Control Contract for the Patrimony

The mentioned maximum amount may not be greater than 3% of the estimated cost of the patrimony determined according to Item 1 of Article 1172 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 349 of May 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Licensing of Activities in the Making and Repair of the Means of Measurement

The licensing of activities in the making and repair of the means of measurement is vested in the State Standards Committee of the Russian Federation. The licenses are issued for 5 years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 347 of May 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Licensing of Activities in the Carrying Out of Works and Rendering Services in Storage, Transportation and Destruction of Chemical Weapons

Sets forth the procedure of licensing of activities of legal entities in the carrying out of works and rendering of services in storage, transportation and destruction of chemical weapons including development of technologies of destruction of chemical weapons. The licensing is vested in the Russian Agency for Ammunition. The licenses are issued for 5 years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 346 of May 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulations on the Licensing of Activities in the Sphere of Air Equipment

The licensing applies to development, production, repair and testing of air equipment including the dual-purpose air equipment. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry. The licensing is vested in the Russian Air and Space Agency. The licensing of repair of air equipment carried out by civil aviation organizations is vested in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The licenses are issued for 5 years.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 345 of May 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulations on the Licensing of Individual Types of Activities in Inland Water Transport

The licensing applies to transportation by inland water transport of cargo, passengers, as well as to cargo handling works. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry. The licensing is vested in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The licenses are issued for 5 years.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 344 of May 25, 2002 on the Cost of Living in Per Capita Figures and for the Main Socio-Demographic Groups of Population for the Whole of the Russian Federation for the 1st Quarter of 2002

In the 1st quarter of 2002, the cost of living increased by Rbl 150 on the average and amounted to: Rbl 1,719 per capita, Rbl 1,865 for the able-bodied population, Rbl 1,313 for pensioners, Rbl 1,722 for children.

Order of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-29/235 of April 30, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Writing Off of the Amount of Debt in Penalties and Fines from Organizations Subject to the Restructuring of the Debt in Federal Taxes, As Well As the Debt in Accrued Penalties and Fines in Pursuance of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1002 of September 3, 1999

The rules have been worked out pursuant to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 269 of April 24, 2002 on the writing off of the amount of debt in penalties and fines. The Decision on the writing off of the debt in penalties and fines is taken by the head of the tax body at the place of location of the organization on the basis of the certificate of the tax body of the amount of the debt to be written off.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2002. Reg. No. 3459.

Order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Financial Rehabilitation No. 63-r of April 1, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Explanation on the Issues of Application of the Bankruptcy Procedures

The explanation is issued for the purposes of uniform application of the procedures envisaged in the legislation of the Russian Federation on insolvency (bankruptcy). It lists the issues where the tax and other authorized bodies have the right of vote at the meetings of creditors.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 20, 2002. Reg. No. 3458.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 355 of May 28, 2002 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1198 of October 28, 1999

Sets forth that the rates of customs duties do not apply to ferrous metals (codes according to the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature 7201-7203, 7205-7229) exported from the territory of the Russian Federation outside the member-states of the Customs Union agreements.
Abandons the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 138 of March 4, 2002 endorsing the rates of export customs duties for individual types of items of ferrous metals in the amount of 3% of the customs cost.
The Decision is entered into force one month after the date of its official publication.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 348 of May 27, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Licensing of Activities in the Development and/or Production of the Means of Protection of Confidential Information

The licensing applies to activities of legal entities and independent entrepreneurs in the development and/or production of the means of protection of confidential information. The licensing is vested in the State Technical Commission of the President of the Russian Federation and in special, listed cases, the Federal Agency of Governmental Communication and Information of the President of the Russian Federation. Effective time period of the license is 5 years.

Decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 27 of April 18, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Explanation on Some Issues of Pension Support to Independent Entrepreneurs Having Switched Over to the Payment of the Uniform Imputed Income Tax in Compliance with the Federal Law on the Uniform Imputed Income Tax for Certain Types of Activities

The total length of service for conversion of the pension rights into the estimated pension capital includes the period of independent work with the paid uniform imputed income tax, as well as the periods of work under the labour contract with independent entrepreneurs paying the given tax. The Decision explains the procedure of calculation of the average monthly earnings (income) to determine the estimated pension capital and the procedure of confirmation of the total length of service for the mentioned categories of citizens.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2002. Reg. No. 3472.

Decision of the Federal Commission for Securities Market No. 15/ps of April 27, 2002 on the Minimum Cost of Property Comprising the Shared Investment Fund Making the Shared Investment Fund Formed

Sets forth the requirements to the minimum cost of property of the open-type, closed-type and interval shared investment funds. The requirements mentioned in the Decision comply with the practice of regulation of collective investment schemes in the countries with developed financial markets.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2002. Reg. No. 3471.

Order of the State Standards Committee of the Russian Federation No. 107/109 of April 19, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Instruction on the Procedure of Labelling with Compliance Marks with Registered Information Protected Against Forgery of Commodities and Products Sold on the Territory of the Russian Federation and on Registration of Their Flow

Invalidates the Instruction endorsed by the Order of the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation No. 200 of December 30, 1998 and the Order of the State Standards Committee of the Russian Federation No. 30 of December 29, 1998.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 27, 2002. Reg. No. 3469.

Decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation No. 21 of March 25, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Explanation on the Procedure of Application of Item 2 of Article 31 of the Federal Law on Labour Pensions in the Russian Federation

The terms and norms of pension support adopted before January 1, 2002 where the Law on labour pensions of December 17, 2001 does not envisage other legal solution or does not regulate the given sphere of pension legal relations at all apply also after January 1, 2002.
In particular, obligatory for application are the terms of assigning of the early pension to the unemployed envisaged in the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-I of April 19, 1991 on the employment of population in the Russian Federation. Also remaining in effect is the procedure of granting of social benefits including those pertaining to reduced pension age for individual categories of citizens.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2002. Reg. No. 3467.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 1152-U of May 24, 2002 on the Amendments to the Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 1025-U of August 27, 2001 on the Procedure of Initiation of the Revocation of Licenses for Bank Operations from Credit Organizations Pursuant to Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law on Banks and Banking Activities

In cases of multiple violations within one year of the requirements envisaged in individual norms of the Law on the countermeasures against legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way, the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia may prepare and send to the Bank of Russia request on the revocation of the license from the credit organization.
The Direction is entered into force from the moment of publication in the Herald of the Bank of Russia.

Federal Law No. 57-FZ of May 29, 2002 on the Amendments to Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Amends significantly Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulating the procedure of calculation and payment of the profit tax from organizations. The changes are both of technical and conceptual nature. The Law provides the new wording for Article 10 of the Federal Law No. 110-FZ of August 6, 2001 defining the procedure of calculation of the taxable base of the transient period for the profit tax.
Amends also other Chapters of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. As to the value added tax, it changes the norms on the procedure of application of the tax in cases of export, on the amounts of the tax qualified as production and sales expenses and other. The changes in excise duty tax pertain to the tax warehouse regime, time periods for paying the tax and other. Changes the rates of the income tax from natural persons (lotteries) and the uniform social tax (entrepreneurs, lawyers).
Most of the provisions of the Law apply to relations emerging from January 1, 2002.
The text of the Federal Law is published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta No. 97 of May 31, 2002.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 360 of May 28, 2002 on the Licensing of Activities in the Sphere of Geodesy and Cartography

Defines the procedure of licensing of activities in the sphere of geodesy and cartography carried out by legal entities and independent entrepreneurs. The licensing is vested in the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Geodesy and Cartography and its territorial bodies (in some cases, in coordination with the Ministry of Defence). The license is issued for 5 years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 357 of May 28, 2002 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Exemption of Legal Entities Having Redeemed before October 1, 2002 Overdue Debt in the Resources of the Federal Budget Provided on Payback Basis and Accrued Interest from Accrued and Uncollected Fines and Penalties for the Untimely Return of the Mentioned Resources

Defines the procedure and terms of exemption of legal entities having redeemed before October 1, 2002 overdue debt in the resources of the federal budget provided on the payback basis in the currency of the Russian Federation (except for the tax credit and investment tax credit provided after January 1, 1999) and accrued interest from accrued and uncollected fines and penalties for the untimely return of these resources.
The debt does not include the debt in penalties and fines collected earlier in favour of the federal budget or due for collection on the basis of the court act, as well as the debt of legal entities undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. The Decision indicates the types of documents sent by the legal entity to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for exemption purposes.

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