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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 26.04.2006

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 237 of April 25, 2006 on the Governmental Commission for Traffic Safety

The Governmental Commission shall be a coordinating body formed to ensure coordinated actions of the federal bodies of executive power in the sphere of traffic safety. Decisions of the Commission adopted in its sphere of reference are obligatory for the federal bodies of executive power represented in it.

The Commission shall assess the situation in the sphere of traffic safety, arrange investigation of the reasons of highway accidents, maintain interaction with mass media in elucidation of issues of traffic safety and provide for other functions.

Organisational and technical support of activities of the Commission is vested in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Regulation of the Central Bank of Russia No. 286-P of April 18, 2006 on the Fixing and Publication by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of Official Rates of Foreign Currencies to the Rouble

Defines a new procedure of fixing and publication by the Bank of Russia of official rates of foreign currencies to the rouble. In contrast to the earlier available procedure, the provision is omitted that specified the duty of the Bank of Russia to fix the official rates for the main currencies used in the Russian Federation in foreign trade payments on each working day no later than 13 hours Moscow time.

The official rate of the US dollar to the rouble is calculated and fixed by the Bank of Russia only on the basis of quotations of the interbank internal currency market for USD/rouble operations. Earlier, the mentioned rate was fixed on the basis of quotations of the current working day of the exchange and non-exchange segments of the internal currency market.

The new rule implies that if the official rate of the foreign currency to the rouble is equal to or greater than Rbl 100 per unit of foreign currency, the digital value of the official rate of the foreign currency to the rouble may contain more than 6 significant digits, with four of them being decimals.

The Regulation is entered into force 10 days after the day of its official publication in the Herald of the Bank of Russia.

Letter of the Federal Agency for Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex No. SK-1524/02 of April 21, 2006 on the Prices for Design and Survey Works in Construction for the II Quarter of 2006

The indices of change of the cost of design works in construction for the II quarter of 2006 are fixed in the amount of 2.08 to the level of basic prices as of January 1, 2001 and 16.04 to the level of basic prices as of January 1, 1995.

The indices of change of the cost of survey works in construction for the II quarter of 2006 are fixed in the amount of 2.14 to the level of basic prices as of January 1, 2001 and 24.33 to the basic prices calculated as of January 1, 1991.

Letter of the Federal Agency for Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex No. SK-1523/02 of April 21, 2006 on the Indices of Change of the Estimated Cost for the II Quarter of 2006

Provides the indices of change of the estimated cost for the whole of construction and installation works and by items of expenses for the II quarter of 2006 by the subjects of the Russian Federation for the objects financed while attracting resources of the federal budget.

The indices have been worked out on the basis of reporting information of the regional bodies of price forming in construction for the I quarter of 2006 taking into account the forecasted inflation for the II quarter of 2006. The indices for construction and installation works are determined taking into account overhead expenses and the profit estimate. Overhead expenses are assumed with a reducing coefficient of 0.94 taking account of the reduction from January 1, 2005 of the rate of the uniform social tax.

The Letter defines general issues of application of indices. Thus, in the estimate of the current cost of construction, provided indices should be used in the estimate cost of construction and installation works in the basic level determined without VAT. VAT is accrued for the resulting summary estimate.

When offsetting payments for the fulfilled works, it is recommended to use differentiated indices by the types of works worked out by the regional bodies of price forming in construction and endorsed by administrations of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

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