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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 15.05.2006

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 282 of May 11, 2006 on the Reports Submitted by Construction Parties on Activities Pertaining to Attraction of Monetary Resources of Participants of Shared Construction

The quarterly reports of construction parities engaged in activities pertaining to attraction of monetary resources of participants of shared construction shall be submitted to the Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia.

The mentioned body shall implement the authority to accept from construction parties quarterly reports without additional changes in the staff and labour remuneration fund before the body is nominated in charge of control and enforcement in the sphere of shared construction of apartment houses and/or other objects of immovable property.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 281 of May 11, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Submission of the Quarterly and Annual Reports of Execution of the Federal Budget to the Government of the Russian Federation

Endorses the Regulation defining the procedure of submission by the Ministry of Finance of Russia of the quarterly and annual reports of execution of the federal budget to the Government of the Russian Federation.

The quarterly reports shall include the report of execution of the federal budget and the explanatory note. The annual report shall include the balance report of execution of the federal budget, report of financial results of activities, report of execution of the federal budget and the explanatory note.

The report of execution of the federal budget shall be drawn up on the basis of information of the budget accounting work and reports of the bodies of the Federal Treasury and chief administrators of resources of the federal budget. The quarterly and annual reports of execution of the federal budget shall be signed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation and the head of the Federal Treasury.

The Regulation on the submission of the quarterly and annual reports of execution of the federal budget endorsed by the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 695 of September 15, 2000 is invalidated.

In contrast to the earlier available Regulation, the endorsed procedure envisages submission, together with the annual reports, of summary information of execution of court rulings envisaging vindication of resources of the federal budget; summary report of the spending of resources of the federal budget allocated in registered (shared) capitals of legal entities and on incomes from such investments; as well as the orders of the Minister of Finance redistributing resources of the federal budget among chief administrators of resources of the federal budget and blocking expenses.

Letter of the Federal Service of Enforcement in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Well-Being No. 0100/5155-06-23 of May 5, 2006 on Additional Measures to Stop Circulation of the Mineral Waters Nabeglavi and Borjomi Failing to Comply with Specified Requirements

Suspends from May 10, 2006 the sanitary and epidemiological statements and certificates of the state registration for the mineral water Nabeglavi, and from May 7, 2006, the certificate of the state registration for the mineral water Borjomi produced in the Republic of Georgia.

The sale of the mentioned waters shall be prohibited, and revealed consignments shall be withdrawn from circulation. The customs bodies shall stop transfer of the Georgian-made mineral waters Nabegalvi and Borjomi to the territory of the Russian Federation.

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