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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 2.02.2007

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 113 of January 31, 2007 on the Increase of the Salaries for the Occupied Position to the Judges of the Russian Federation

To provide material guarantees to judges for a full and independent implementation of justice, increases from January 1, 2007 1.075 times salaries for the occupied position to the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and other federal judges of general jurisdiction, Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and other federal arbitration courts, as well as the justices of the peace of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 51 of January 29, 2007 on the Experiment of Mortgage Crediting of Participants of the Accumulated Mortgage System of Housing Support of Servicemen

To carry out an experiment of mortgage crediting of participants of the accumulated mortgage system of housing support for servicemen, endorses the rules of granting of targeted housing loans, the typical contract of the targeted housing loan, the rules of drawing up the mortgage.

Letter of the Federal Service of Enforcement in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Well-Being No. 0100/820-07-23 of January 30, 2007 on the Execution of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 770 of December 15, 2006

In pursuance of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 770 of December 15, 2006, introduces amendments to the rules of sale of individual types of commodities stating that from February 1, 2007 retail sale of alcoholic products is not permitted if consumer containers do not have a warning of the hazard of excessive use of alcoholic products for the human health, as well as information on contraindications of their use, the content being specified by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of Russia.

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