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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 15.02.2007

Decision of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 2 of January 12, on the Endorsement of the Forms of the Request and the Report of the Use of Resources of the Monthly Child-Care Allowance to Persons Actually Taking Care of the Child and Not Covered by the Obligatory Social Insurance under the Federal Law on the State Allowances to Citizens with Children

In pursuance of the Federal Law on the state allowances to citizens with children, the state allowances are paid out also at the expense of resources of the federal budget allocated to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the monthly child-care allowances to persons actually taking care of children that are not covered by the obligatory social insurance.

Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 50 of January 19, 2007 on the Procedure and Terms of Spending of Resources Pertaining to the Payment to the State and Municipal Public Health Institutions (in Their Absence, Medical Organisations Where the State and/or Municipal Order Is Placed in Compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation) for the Services of Medical Aid Rendered to Women During Pregnancy, Delivery and Afterwards, As Well As Dispensary Care of the Child During the First Year of Life

Specifies the procedure of spending of resources transferred in 2007 by the regional divisions of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation to the state and municipal public health institutions (in their absence, medial organisations where the state and/or municipal order is placed) to pay for the services of medical aid rendered to women during pregnancy, delivery and afterwards, as well as the dispensary care of the child during the first year of life.
      Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 14, 2007. Reg. No. 8943.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1105 of December 28, 2006 on the Endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Migration Service on the Rendering of the State Service of Issue, Replacement and Execution of the State Function of Registration of the Passports of the Citizens of the Russian Federation to Identify the Citizens of the Russian Federation on the Territory of the Russian Federation

The issue, replacement and registration of the passports are vested in the Federal Migration Service of Russia, its territorial bodies and structural divisions.
      Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 8, 2007. Reg. No. 8910.

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