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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 29.04.2011

Order of the Federal Agency for Tourism No. 77 of April 1, 2011 on the Elimination of Consequences Showing the Presence of Danger to Security of Tourists at the Red Sea Resorts of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh

Tour operators and agents are permitted to renew services from April 1, 2011.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 10n of February 2, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Submission of Financial (Accounting) Reports for Credit Consumer Cooperatives

Specifies the above procedure for credit consumer cooperatives with the number of members more than 5,000 natural persons and/or legal entities.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1172 of December 27, 2010 on the Endorsement of the Rules of the Wholesale Market of Electric Energy and Power and on the Amendments to Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Issues of Organisation of Functioning of the Wholesale Market of Electric Energy and Power

Endorses new such rules.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 231 of March 31, 2011 on the Amendment to Item 4 of the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 40 of January 29, 2011

Shifts the entry into force of the above decision from April 1 to June 1, 2011.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-2/168@ of February 17, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Sending of the Demand to Submit Documents (Information) and the Procedure of Submission of Documents (Information) at the Demand of the Tax Body in the Electronic Form over Telecommunication Channels

Specifies the above procedures.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 238 of March 31, 2011 on the Cost of Insurance Year for the Year 2011

The cost of insurance year for 2011 makes Rbl 13,509.6.

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 2-P of March 29, 2011 on the Case of Constitutionality of the Provision of Item 4 of Part 1 of Article 16 of the Federal Law on the General Principles of Organisation of Local Government in the Russian Federation Pursuant to the Appeal of the Municipal Formation – Urban District of the City of Chita

Investigates the issues of heat supplies in the urban district.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 594 of March 2, 2011 on the Adjustment of the Rates of Import Customs Duties of the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for Individual Types of Vegetables

Introduces the zero rates of import customs duties for some fresh and chilled vegetables.

Federal Law No. 65-FZ of April 6, 2011 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Pursuant to the Adoption of the Federal Law on the Electronic Signature

The amendments are stipulated by the adoption of the law on the electronic signature replacing the law on the electronic digital signature.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 243 of April 6, 2011 on the List of Personal Identification Documents Permitting to Determine the Age of the Buyer of Alcoholic Products That the Seller May Demand if He Has Doubts That This Buyer Has Come of Age

The list of documents that may be demanded by the seller is specified by the Ministry of the Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Federal Service of Enforcement in the Area of Mass Communication and Information Technologies No. 191 of March 22, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Application to Confirm the Powers of the Payers of Insurance Contributions to the State Extra-Budgetary Funds of Russian Organisations and Individual Entrepreneurs to Produce, Release in the Air and/or Publish Mass Media

In 2011-2014, some Russian organisations and entrepreneurs are permitted to reduce tariff rates of insurance contributions.

Order of the Federal Service for Tariff Rates No. 74-e of March 21, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Determination of the Price for the Power of Generating Objects of Participants of the Wholesale Market of Electric Energy (Power) That Will Not Use the Right to Conclude Contracts for Power Supplies before Expiry of the Transient Period of the Deadline of Acceptance of Applications for Participation in the Contest Power Take-Off for 2011 Specified in the Rules of the Wholesale Market of Electric Energy (Power)

The long-term power take-off on the basis of competition is arranged to ensure sufficient generating capacity at the wholesale market.

Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 11-3/pz-n of January 21, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Regulation on the Procedure of Notification of Persons of Their Inclusion in the Insider List and Exclusion from Such List, Regulation on the Handing over of Insider Lists to Trade Organisers Carrying out Operations with Financial Instruments, Foreign Currencies and/or the Goods, Regulation on the Procedure and Deadlines for Insiders to Send Notifications of Operations Carried out by Them

The Order is endorsed in execution of the law expected to prevent illegal use of insider infromation.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-6/773@ of December 28, 2010 on the Endorsement of the Format of Documents Used by Tax Bodies When They Implement Their Powers in Relations Regulated by the Legislation on Taxes and Fees

Specifies the formats of the above documents.

Federal Law No. 63-FZ of April 6, 2011 on the Electronic Signature

Provides a new wording for the law on the electronic signature.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 246 of April 6, 2011 on the State Metrological Enforcement

Endorses the regulation on the state metrological enforcement.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-2/169@ of February 17, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure of Submission of Documents Used by Tax Bodies When Implementing Their Powers in Relations Regulated by the Legislation on Taxes and Fees in the Electronic Form over Telecommunication Channels, As Well As on the Amendments to Some Normative Legal Acts of the Federal Tax Service

Regulates the above procedure.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 248 of April 6, 2011 on the Amendments to the Regulation on the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

The agency shall form and keep the national parts of the joint registers of the bodies of certification and testing laboratories, as well as the issued certificates of compliance and registered declarations of compliance.

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 3-P of March 3, 2011 on the Case of Constitutionality of Part 3 of Article 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Pursuant to Appeals of Citizens S.V.Kaporin, I.V.Korshun and Other

Investigates introduction of criminal responsibility for the illegal production, sale and purchase of special technical means of secret collection of information.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 13n of February 8, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure for the Body of Insurance Enforcement to Adopt a Decision to Assign an Interim Administration of the Insurance Organisation, Suspend the Powers of the Management Bodies of the Insurance Organisation, As Well As Dismiss the Head of the Interim Administration from his Duties, Interaction of the Interim Administration, Body of Insurance Enforcement and Representatives of the Body of Insurance Enforcement When They Implement Their Powers, Forms of Control over the Interim Administration by the Body of Insurance Enforcement and Its Representatives

The body of insurance enforcement may suspend the powers of the management bodies of the insurance organisation and assign an interim administration in it in the cases envisaged in the law on bankruptcy.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 8n of February 2, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure for the Body of Insurance Enforcement to Control Execution of the Plan of Restoration of Solvency of Insurance Organisation and Carry out an On-Site Check of the Work of Insurance Organisation

Specifies the above procedures.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 88 of March 9, 2011 on the Energy Efficiency Requirements for the Goods That Have Energy Efficiency Classes Specified by the Authorised Federal Body of Executive Power

Endorses the energy efficiency requirements for the above goods.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 289 of December 21, 2010 on the Endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Highway Agency on the State Service of Adoption of Decisions to Withdraw, Including the Buy out, for Federal Needs Land Plots and/or Other Objects of Immovable Property Located on Them for Construction and Reconstruction of Public-Use Highways of Federal Significance

Regulates the above procedures.

Federal Law No. 60-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Procedure for Natural Persons to Move the Goods for Personal Use Across the Customs Border of the Customs Union and Carry out Customs Operations of Their Release

Ratifies the above agreement.

Federal Law No. 59-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Ratification of the Treaty on the Particulars of Criminal and Administrative Responsibility for the Violation of the Customs Legislation of the Customs Union and the Member-States of the Customs Union

Ratifies the above treaty.

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Ratification of the Agreement on the Particulars of Use of Vehicles of International Transportation Carrying Passengers, As Well As the Trailers, Semi-Trailers, Containers and Railroad Rolling Stock Carrying Cargo and/or Luggage for Internal Transportation over the Customs Territory of the Customs Union

Ratifies the above agreement.

Federal Law No. 57-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Ratification of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway on the Maritime Delimitation and Cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean

The agreement defines the border line between the two countries.

Federal Law No. 56-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Organisation of the Meeting of the Heads of States and Governments of the Participating Countries of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in 2012, on the Development of the City of Vladivostok As a Centre of International Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region and on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Adjusts the above law and some other acts.

Federal Law No. 61-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Military and Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation with Foreign States

The federal law is expected to protect the rights of the state for the results of intellectual activities in the military and technical cooperation.

Federal Law No. 51-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Amendments to Article 64 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation

The amendments pertain to tariff rates and fees in the area of civil aviation.

Federal Law No. 50-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Amendments to Article 85.1 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation

The carriers must submit passenger personal infromation to special databases.

Federal Law No. 48-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Simplifies the procedure of crossing of the state border for Russian fishing vessels.

Federal Law No. 47-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Amendments to the Code of Internal Water Transport of the Russian Federation

Introduces the notion of the infrastructure of internal water ways.

Federal Law No. 45-FZ of April 5, 2011 on the Amendments to Article 19.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Subsoil Resources

Simplifies extraction of commonly available mineral resources and subsurface waters at the deposits of other raw materials

Declaration of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of Russia of April 5, 2011 on the Strategy of Development of the Banking Sector in the Russian Federation for the Period Until 2015

Specifies the above issues.

Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 30 of March 24, 2011 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 36 of May 28, 2009 on the Application of the Code of Arbitration Procedures of the Russian Federation When the Cases Are Processed in the Arbitration Court of the Appellate Instance

Updates earlier prepared explanations on the application of the norms of the Code of Arbitration Procedures in the courts of the appellate instance.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 51 of February 14, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure to Carry out the Qualification Examination for the Certificate of Professional Competence of the International Highway Carrier

Persons carrying passengers and cargo must have such certificate.

Letter of the Central Bank of Russia No. 47-T of April 7, 2011 on the Recommendations for Credit Organisations Serving Clients Accepting Payments of Natural Persons

Prepares recommendations for credit organisation serving paying agents.

Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 196n of March 5, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Requirements to the List of Medical Items of the First Aid Kit for Employees

The employer must observe labour safety requirements.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 596 of March 2, 2011 on the Adjustment of the Rates of Import Customs Duties of the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for Individual Types of Chains and Part Thereof of Ferrous Metals

Introduces a combined rate of import customs duty for heading 7315 82 100 0 of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union.

Letter of the Central Bank of Russia No. 14-27/150 of April 7, 2011 on the Transfer of Money by a Legal Entity in Favour of the Natural Person Who Does Not Have a Bank Account

Explains the procedure for an organisation to transfer money to a natural person who does not have a bank account with subsequent payment of cash.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 654-r of April 15, 2011 on the Basic State Information Resources

Endorses the list of the basic state information resources used when providing (executing) state or municipal services (functions).

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 285 of April 16, 2011 on the Endorsement of the List of the Types of Entrepreneurial Activities in the Area of Education, Development of the Underage, Organisation of Their Recreation and Rehabilitation, Medical Support, Social Protection and Social Services, Children's and Youth Sports, Culture and Arts Involving the Underage Requiring That the Natural Person Registered As an Individual Entrepreneur Submit to the Registration Body a Certificate of Presence (Absence) of a Criminal History and/or the Fact of Criminal Process or Termination of Criminal Process Because of Rehabilitation

Some types of entrepreneurial activities require submission of the above certificate for registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 286 of April 16, 2011 on the Databank of Employment of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation

The keeping of the databank is vested in the Federal Migration Service.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 30 of January 31, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Agency of the Air Transport on the Execution of the State Function of Licensing of Passenger Transportation by Air Transport

Specifies the above procedure.

Decision of the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation No. 23 of March 23, 2011 on the Endorsement of SP "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements to the Outfit, Equipment and Maintenance of Hostels for Employees of Organisations and Educational Institutions"

The requirements are introduced from September 1, 2011.

Letter of the Department of the Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-02-07/1-113 of April 8, 2011 on the Documents Necessary for the Calculation and Payment of Taxes Demanded by Tax Bodies

Tax bodies may demand documents necessary for the calculation and payment of taxes or confirming correctness of estimates.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 283 of April 16, 2011 on the Improvement of the Procedure of Fixing of Tariff Rates (Prices) for Production of Thermal Energy and for the Services of Its Transfer

Heat producers and suppliers will get payment for their services proceeding from their reliability and quality.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 282 of April 16, 2011 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 934 of November 16, 2009

Specifies the amount of damage to highways from vehicles with pneumatic suspension if they exceed the limiting axle loads.

Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 152 of January 27, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Forms of the Declaration of the Customs Cost (DTS-3 and DTS-4) and the Procedure of Declaring of the Customs Cost of Goods Exported from the Russian Federation

Endorses new such forms.

Direction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 2591-U of March 11, 2011 on the Amendments to the Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 1375-U of January 16, 2004 on the Rules of Drawing up and Submission of Reports by Credit Organisations to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Refines the above procedures.

Federal Law No. 79-FZ of April 21, 2011 on the Amendments to the Federal Law on the Placing of Orders for Supplies of Goods, Carrying out Works, Rendering Services for the State and Municipal Needs

The area of state supplies must be more efficient and transparent.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 272 of April 15, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Cargo Transportation by the Highway Transport

Introduces new such rules.

Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 396 of February 25, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Form of the Decision Assigning the Customs Expert Evaluation, Form of Statement of the Customs Expert (Expert), Procedure for Taking Samples and Prototypes of Goods for the Customs Expert Evaluation and Suspension of the Customs Expert Evaluation

Specifies the amount of goods necessary for the customs expert evaluation.

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. KE-4-3/6128@ of April 18, 2001 on the Information Necessary for the Calculation of the Tax on Extraction of Mineral Resources for Oil for March 2011

Specifies the above information.

Federal Law No. 80-FZ of April 21, 2011 on the Amendments to Article 13 of the Federal Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation and Article 25.6 of the Federal Law on the Procedure of Exit from the Russian Federation and Entry in the Russian Federation

Specifies exemptions from common rules of employment of foreign citizens.

Federal Law No. 77-FZ of April 21, 2011 on the Amendments to Articles 224 and 333.29 of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Article 19 of the Federal Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation

The amendments pertain to participants of the state program of assistance of the voluntary resettlement to Russia of compatriots living abroad.

Federal Law No. 75-FZ of April 21, 2011 on the Ratification of the Protocol on the Amendments to the Agreement of the Customs Union on the Sanitary Measures of December 11, 2009

Ratifies the above protocol.

Federal Law No. 72-FZ of April 21, 2011 on the Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation on the State Border of the Russian Federation and Invalidation of Part 5 of Article 32 of the Federal Law on the Sea Ports in the Russian Federation and on the Amendments to Individual Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

The Government of the Russian Federation shall specify the requirements to the marking and outfit of the parts of railroads and highways from the state border to the points of transfer, as well as the procedure of economic and other activities within the points of transfer.

Federal Law No. 70-FZ of April 21, 2011 on the Amendments to Article 333.3 of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Introduces reduced rates of fees for the use of objects of aquatic bioresources for individual entrepreneurs.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 312 of April 25, 2011 on the Estimate of the Rate of Export Customs Duty for Unalloyed Nickel

Specifies the above procedure.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 311 of April 25, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Rates of Export Customs Duties for Raw Oil and Individual Categories of Goods of Oil Exported Outside the Territory of the Russian Federation and the Territories of the Member-States of the Customs Union

Adjusts the rates of export customs duties for the above commodities.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-3/253@ of April 7, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Form and Format of the Tax Declaration for the Tax on Extraction of Mineral Resources and Its Filling Procedure

Introduces a new form and the filling procedure.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 612 of April 7, 2011 on the Amendments to Note 8 to the Joint Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union

Adjusts the list of oil deposits of Russia and Belarus for the purpose of collection of the customs duty.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 610 of April 7, 2011 on the Introduction of the Interim Prohibition to Export Some Types of Agricultural Goods from the Territory of the Republic of Belarus

Russia and Kazakhstan have to take this information into account.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 608 of April 7, 2011 on the Amendments to the Joint Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union and the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for Cast Iron or Steel Parts for Hydraulic Turbines

Introduces new subheadings for the above items.

Decision of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 62 of April 1, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Average Values of the Main Figures for Calculation of Mark-Ups and Mark-Downs to Insurance Tariff Rates for Obligatory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases in 2011

Specifies the above information.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 318 of April 25, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Rules of State Control of Observance of Requirements of the Legislation on Energy Saving and Improvement of Energy Efficiency and on the Amendments to Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Endorses the above rules.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 297 of April 21, 2011 on the Procedure to Label Alcoholic Products with Special Federal Stamps

Refines the above procedure.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 294 of April 21, 2011 on the Particulars of Financing, Assigning and Paying out in 2011 of Insurance Support, Other Payments and Expenses Envisaged in Part 2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law on the Budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the Year 2011 and for the Planned Period of 2012 and 2013, Particulars of Payment of Insurance Contributions for Obligatory Social Insurance in the Cases of Temporary Disability and Maternity and for Obligatory Social Issuance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases

Specifies the above procedures.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 729-r of April 25, 2011

Lists the services of the state and municipal institutions and other organisations that must be provided in the electronic form.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 41n of April 8, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Procedure to Carry out a Contest to Determine the Expert Body to Carry out an Expert Evaluation of Opportunities of Application of Documents Included in the International Financial Reporting Standards on the Territory of the Russian Federation

Specifies the above procedure.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 329 of April 28, 2011 on the Amendments to the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 311 of April 25, 2011

The rate of the export customs duty for gasoline is increased from USD 283.9 to USD 408.3 per ton.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326 of April 26, 2011 on Some Issues of Activities of the Federal Bodies of Executive Power in the Area of Financial Markets

The Federal Service of Insurance Enforcement is incorporated in the Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia.

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 6-P of April 25, 2011 on the Case of Constitutionality of Part 1 of Article 3.7 and Part 2 of Article 8.28 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation Pursuant to the Appeal of the Limited-Liability Company StroyKomplekt

Confiscation of wood felling equipment is not permissible if the owner is not involved.

Order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 67 of April 12, 2011 on the Endorsement of the Forms of Bank Reports of the Opening and Closing of the Account, Changing of Account Details

The above reports are sent now to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Information of the Central Bank of Russia of April 29, 2011

From May 3, 2011, the rate of refinancing of the Central Bank of Russia makes 8.25%.

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