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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 2.03.2022

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 26n of January 28, 2022 - approval of the standard of activities for implementation of authority in the field of employment of population to provide public services to assist employers in search of necessary employees

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 27n of January 28, 2022 - approval of the standard of activity for implementation of authority in the field of employment of population to provide public services to assist citizens in finding a suitable job

Order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 1229 of November 25, 2021 - approval of the Requirements for organisational and technical support for the sustainable operation of a public communications network

Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-03-23/19 of March 1, 2022 - explains specifics of compliance with the short-term liquidity ratio N26 (N27)

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Healthcare No. 826 of February 9, 2022 - approval of the forms of documents used by the Federal Service for Supersvision over Public Healthcare in the process of licensing activities for circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, and also the cultivation of narcotic plants

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated March 1, 2022 - on organising flights of Russian airlines taking into account the restrictions

Order of the Federal Service for Supersvision over Public Healthcare No. 825 of February 9, 2022 - approval of the forms of documents used by the Federal Service for Supervision over Public Healthcare in the process of licensing pharmaceutical activities

Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-01-23/17 of February 28, 2022 - explains specifics of the calculation of mandatory ratios and capital

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