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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 29.02.2024

Federal Law No. 1-FZ of January 30, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on the Circulation of Medicines and certain articles of federal laws on amending the Federal Law on the Circulation of Medicines - Electronic registration of medicines is being introduced in Russia

Federal Law No. 2-FZ of January 30, 2024 on amending certain legal acts of the Russian Federation - Transport security units will be allowed to shoot down drones

Federal Law No. 3-FZ of January 30, 2024 on amending Article 236 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation - Employees may receive compensation if payments due to the employee were not accrued on time

Federal Law No. 4-FZ of January 30, 2024 on amending Article 1248 of Part Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - It was decided to reimburse the costs of dispute resolution in the Federal Service for Intellectual Property

Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 30, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Man-made Emergencies - It was decided to clarify the procedure for preventing emergencies

Information of the Federal Service for Control of Alcohol and Tobacco Markets dated January 31, 2024 on the issue of retail sale of alcohol-containing food products - On remote retail sale of ice cream with added alcohol

Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2024 on the International Court of Justice finding no discrimination against Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians in Russia and completely rejecting Ukraine‘s reparations claims

Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2024 The International Court of Justice rejected Ukraine's claim to recognize Russia as an "aggressor state" and the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics as "terrorist organisations"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76 of January 31, 2024 on amending certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - Technical requirements for cars have changed. The rules were introduced due to the shortage of components

Order of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation No. 720n of December 26, 2023 - approval of the list of medical contraindications for carrying out certain types of activities due to mental disorder

Order of the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 2392 of December 5, 2023 - approval of the Procedure for submitting by banks (other credit institutions) information on the availability of accounts opened with banks (other credit institutions) and (or) cash balances in accounts and (or ) on transactions on the accounts of organisations, individual entrepreneurs in banks (other credit institutions) upon the request of territorial bodies of the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as form of the corresponding information

Order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 953 of November 7, 2023 - approval of the Procedure for ensuring accessibility of official websites of state bodies, local governments and subordinate organisations for persons with vision disabilities

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 203n of December 25, 2023 - amendments to the codes (lists of codes) of the budgetary classification of the Russian Federation for 2023 (for 2023 and for the planning period of 2024 and 2025), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 75n of May 17, 2022

Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, dated February 2, 2024 - Commentary provided by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs M.V. Zakharova due to a decision of the International Court of Justice to reject Ukraine’s charges of violation by Russia of the Genocide Convention

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 104 of February 2, 2024 - amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 845 of June 1, 2021: Rules for admitting Russian carriers to international road transport have been adjusted.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-14/4@ of January 9, 2024 - amendments to the Annexes to Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-14/617@ of August 31, 2020: due to expanding the scope of information in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the forms of certain applications have been changed.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 105 of February 2, 2024 - conducting an experiment on labelling by means of identification of certain types of tinned foods on the territory of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 121 of February 5, 2024 - amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 67 of January 28, 2022 : procedure for licensing activities in the field of cultural heritage protection should be simplified.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 5 of January 8, 2024 - approval of the forms of documents required for compensations provided for by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 582 of August 3, 2023 on Measures to Ensure Compulsory State Insurance of Life and Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation Federations Participating in Volunteer Units

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 135 of January 16, 2024 - the list of goods for parallel import is adjusted to provide more foreign-made goods allowed for import into the country without the consent of the copyright holders.

Information from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated February 9, 2024 - average price level for Urals oil for January 2024

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/1@ of January 9, 2024 - amendments to Annexes to Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/649@ of September 19, 2023: it was decided to adjust the new form 6-NDFL, its format and procedure for filling it in, as well as the form of an individual’s income certificate, used for calculations for the first quarter of 2024.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/3@ of January 9, 2024 - amendments to Annexes 1 and N 2 to Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-11/387@ of September 10, 2015: Federal Tax Service has clarified the lists of codes for types of income and deductions for personal income tax.

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 37n of February 1, 2024 - amendments to Annexes Nos 1 to 3 to Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 884n of December 22, 2023 on distribution by constituent entities of the Russian Federation quotas approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for 2024 for the issuance of foreign citizens arriving to the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa, work permits and invitations to enter the Russian Federation for the purpose of work activities: some regions will be able to attract more foreign workers.

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 34 of January 24, 2024 on deflator coefficients for the mineral extraction tax rate for coal mining

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 144 of February 13, 2024 on conducting an experiment to provide a comprehensive service for state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, issuing a qualified key certificate for verifying the electronic signature of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, opening a current account and concluding a remote banking service agreement - A new service will help to open its own business in a few clicks

Federal Law No. 8-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Frozen funds of mutual fund participants are exempt from taxes

Federal Law No. 9-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending Articles 131 and 132 of the Criminal-Procedural Code of the Russian Federation - The concept of procedural costs has been clarified

Federal Law No. 12-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending the Labour Code of the Russian Federation - Employers are prohibited from dismissing lone parents with children under 16 on their own initiative

Federal Law No. 13-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending Article 51 of the Budgetary Code of the Russian Federation - The standards for transferring regular payments to the federal budget for the use of subsoil have been clarified

Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending the Code of Administrative Court Proceedings and the Federal Law on Counteracting Extremist Activities - Cases on recognition of information materials as extremist have been transferred to the courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 17-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on the Promotion of Housing Construction - The procedure for transferring state land plots for tourism infrastructure has been simplified

Federal Law No. 18-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on the Ensuring of the Uniformity of Measurements - From March 1, 2025, the system for ensuring uniformity of measurements will change

Federal Law No. 19-FZ of February 14, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on the peculiarities of the functioning of the electric power industry - Compulsory sale of shares of companies combining the production and transmission of electricity is provided

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 263-r of February 7, 2024 - The “Swimming for All” program is being started in Russia

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 of February 13, 2024 on amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 252 of March 3, 2017 - Tourists must report access to a difficult route to the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6660-U of January 9, 2024 on amending Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6007-U of December 8, 2021 - Insurance rates for compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners have been updated

Information of the Bank of Russia of February 16, 2024 The Bank of Russia decided to maintain the key rate at 16.00% per annum

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-3/933@ of December 5, 2023 on approval of the tax return form for value added tax for the provision of services by foreign taxpayers in electronic form, and the procedure for filling it out

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2024 on average prices for the past tax period for the corresponding types of hydrocarbon raw materials extracted from a new offshore hydrocarbon raw material deposit, for the period from January 1 to January 31, 2024

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 122 of February 15, 2024 - A special subcommittee will deal with the use of inventions, utility models and industrial designs to ensure the economic security of Russia

Information statement of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated February 16, 2024 - on the rates of export customs duties on oil and certain categories of goods produced from oil, for the period from March 1 to March 31, 2024

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science No. 59/137 of January 31, 2024 - on the specifics of conducting state final certification upon completion of educational programs of basic general and secondary general education in 2024

Information letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-02-28/9 of February 8, 2024: approaches to determining and disclosing dividend policy

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, dated February 16, 2024: requirements for the activities of trade organisers. The moratorium on downgrading the listing level of securities of Russian issuers in case of non-compliance with corporate governance requirements has been extended.

Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 7-P of February 20, 2024: verifying the constitutionality of subitem 22.1 of Item 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the complaint of the limited liability company "DOM.RF Asset Management"

Information statement of the Bank of Russia, dated February 21, 2024: the license to banking operations has been revoked from QIWI Bank (JSC)

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6658-U of January 9, 2024 - amendments to Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 3210-U of March 11, 2014 on the Procedure for conducting cash transactions by legal entities and the simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions by individual businessmen and small businesses

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2024 on the rates of export customs duties on goods specified in Item 1 of Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1538 of September 21, 2023, as well as certain types of mineral fertilizers

Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 8-P of February 26, 2024 in the case of verification of constitutionality of the provisions of Item 6 of Article 367 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation clarified the rule on the termination of a guarantee, the period of which is not established by the contract

Federal Law No. 28-FZ of February 26, 2024 on amending certain legal acts of the Russian Federation - Russian shipowners will be able to transfer the technical management of the vessel to a specialised company

Federal Law No. 31-FZ of February 26, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on Credit Histories and the Federal Law on Consumer Credits (Loans) - From March 1, 2025, citizens will be able to establish a self-ban on issuing consumer loans

Federal Law No. 35-FZ of February 26, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on Priority Development Areas in the Russian Federation - The procedure for transferring state property to residents of priority development areas has been simplified

Federal Law No. 37-FZ of February 26, 2024 on amending Articles 149 and 343 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Amendments to legislation regarding VAT and mineral extraction tax are adopted

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 143 of February 26, 2024 on introducing amendments into Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 520 of August 5, 2022 on the Application of Special Economic Measures in the Financial and Fuel and Energy Sectors in Connection with the Unfriendly Actions of Certain Foreign States and International Organisations - The Government Commission on Foreign Investments will make recommendations on transactions with foreign shares in Russian companies

Order of the Federal Treasury No. 26n of December 28, 2023 on approval of the Procedure for submitting powers of attorney in cases provided for in Item 2 of part 1, Item 2 of part 3 of Article 17.2 and Item 2 of Article 17.3 of the Federal Law on Electronic Signatures, and the features of their storage in information systems operated by the Federal Treasury

Information of the Bank of Russia of February 28, 2024 The licence for banking operations was revoked from LLC KB Gefest

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