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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation
Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 27.07.2005
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 466 of July 23, 2005 on Endorsing the Regulations on the Council for Investing Savings Intended for Provision of Military Servicemen with Living Quarters
Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 444 of July 23, 2005 on the Procedure for Reducing the Indebtedness of Executive Bodies of the Subjects of the Russian Federation by the Amount of Fines and Penalties Charged for Failure to Return in Due Time the Material Valuables Supplied from the State Material Reserve Prior to January 1, 2001
Order of the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 89 of July 7, 2005 on Measures Aimed at Enhancing the Level of Legal Support to the Activities of the Federal Registration Service
Order of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation No. 235 of June 16, 2005 on Measures Aimed at the Implementation of Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 909 of December 31, 2004
Regulations of the Central Bank of Russia No. 271-P of June 9, 2005 on Considering the Documents Submitted to a Territorial Institution of the Bank of Russia for Deciding on the State Registration of Credit Organisations, the Issue of Licences for Making Bank Operations and Keeping Databases on Credit Organisations and Subdivisions Thereof
Order of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation No. 243 of June 16, 2005 on Lump Sum Payments to the Staff Members of the Foreign Intelligence Body of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation and to Their Family Members
Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence Issues, Emergency Situations and Liquidation of the Consequences of Natural Disasters of the Russian Federation No. 543 of July 18, 2005 on the Cash Allowance to the Federal Civil Servants Holding Public Offices of the Federal Civil Service at Territorial Agencies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence Issues, Emergency Situations and Liquidation of the Consequences of Natural Disasters
Letter of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 02-18/11-6502 of July 20, 2005
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