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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 4.08.2005

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 487 of August 2, 2005 On Approval of the Rate of the Import Customs Duty for Aluminum Oxide Which Is Different from Manufactured Corundum

As from August 29, 2005, the import customs duty for aluminum oxide which is different from manufactured corundum (code under the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Russian Federation 2818 20 000 0) shall be fixed at zero rate. The initial rate of the duty was 5% of the customs value and had not thereafter been applied within eighteen months under Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 40 of January 23, 2004 and No. 673 of November 25, 2004.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 483 of August 2, 2005 On the Authorized Body In Charge of Formation and Maintenance of the Register of Disqualified Persons

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation shall be an authorized federal executive body charged with formation and maintenance of the register o disqualified persons.

It establishes that the exclusion from the register of disqualified persons shall be effected either upon the expiration of the term for disqualification or in pursuance of a judicial act carrying legal force which revokes a decision on disqualification.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 480 of August 2, 2005 On Approval of the Rates of Import Customs Duties for Hydraulic Caterpillar Excavators and Parts Thereof

The rates of import customs duties for hydraulic caterpillar excavators and parts thereof fixed by Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 510 of October 1, 2004 for a period of 9 (nine) months shall be imposed on a perpetual basis.

The Decision shall take effect as from August 6, 2005.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 477 of August 2, 2005 On Amending the Rules of Financing the Costs of Provision State Social Aid to Citizens As a Set of Social Services Approved By Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 864 of December 29, 2004

Transport organizations shall be compensated, by using the budget, for the costs of transportation of citizens to the place of medical treatment at sanatoria and resorts within the framework of provision of social services, of treatment at sanatoria and resorts under vouchers granted by executive power bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of public health and social security of the population to sanatorium-resort establishments of Roszdrav and also to the place of medical treatment they may be sent to, given medical recommendations, under the order of executive power bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of public health.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 476 of August 2, 2005 On Amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 275 of April 30, 2005

It orders that the Federal State Department "Federal Center for Assessing the Safety and Quality of Grain and Products of Its Processing" which is accountable to Rosselkhoznadzor shall issue certificates for the quality of grain and products of its processing in case of importation into and exportation from the Russian Federation until November 1, 2005 (earlier - for a period of 3 (three) months).

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 466 of July 29, 2005 On the Procedure for Granting in 2005 State Guarantees of the Russian Federation to Provide State Backing for Export of Industrial Products

The state guarantees shall be given in the export of Russian-make commodities according to a list to be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and also of work and services to be performed by residents of the Russian Federation which are a part of contractual obligations of Russian exporters, provided that the end users of said work and services are foreign importers and foreign states under an export contract. The state guarantees shall be granted for the duration of performance of obligations secured with the state guarantee.

It also fixes the ultimate amounts of state guarantees to be granted with the availability of a state guarantee of a foreign state, maximum time limits for loans covered with state guarantees and conditions for an incident covered with a guarantee.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia shall be granted the right to give in the current year state guarantees of the Russian Federation in the amount of no more than 10 (ten) million US Dollars (under each guarantee) to provide a backing for the export of industrial products

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation N. 465 of July29, 2005 On Approval of the Standard Code of Professional Ethics of Non-Governmental Pension Funs Conducting the Activity of the Insurer Under Obligatory Pension Insurance and Rules for Getting Approval of the Federal Service for Financial Markets for the Codes of Professional Ethics of Non-Governmental Pension Funds Conducting the Activity of the Insurer Under Obligatory Pension Insurance

The standard code shall comprise a set of rules and procedures which are binding upon officials and employees of non-governmental pension funds and also sanctions to be applied to violators in case of non-compliance with said rules and procedures and also lays down standards of professional ethics with the aim of protecting the rights and interests of the insured persons who made a contract of obligatory pension insurance.

It also lays down a procedure for getting approval of the Federal Service for Financial Markets for the codes of professional ethics of non-governmental pension funds.

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 21, 2005. Registration No. 6824.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 444 of June 2, 2005 On the Powers of Officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and FMS of Russia Associated with the Making Up of Protocols In Cases of Administrative Offences and Administrative Detention

It lists officials of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and FMS of Russia duly authorized the make up protocols in cases of individual administrative offences and also officials of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia duly authorized to carry out administrative detention.

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 21, 2005. Registration No. 6824.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. SAE-3-19/329 of July 15, 2005 On Approval of the Procedure For Considering Applications by the Federal Tax Service for Granting Delays, Extension of Time, Tax Credit, Investment and Tax Credit In Paying Taxes and Fees and Also Penalties

Applications received from taxpayers and payers of fees for alteration of the dates for payment of federal taxes and fees and also of penalties in the form of a delay, extension of time, tax credit and investment tax credit shall be forwarded for consideration to the Department for Settlement of Debts and Ensuring Procedures of Bankruptcy of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The total period for considering and decision-making shall not exceed one month as from receipt of the taxpayer's application.

Given a positive decision, the Department shall by a letter inform a tax body at the place of location of the taxpayer, which tax body shall henceforth exercise control over compliance by the taxpayer with its appropriate obligations, of the decision that has been taken. Given a negative decision, it shall be sent to the taxpayer and a tax body at the place of location of the taxpayer, indicating reasons for taking such decision.

It also specifies the rules for considering applications for a delay, extension of time, tax credit and investment tax credit when paying regional and local taxes, fees and penalties.

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