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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 29.07.2008

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 10-P of July 18, 2008 on the Case of Constitutionality of the Provisions of Paragraph 14 of Article 3 and Item 3 of Article 10 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Rights of Legal Entities and Independent Entrepreneurs in the Course of State Control (Enforcement) Measures Pursuant to the Appeal of Citizen V.V.Mikhaylov

The interconnected provisions of Paragraph 14 of Article 3 and Item 3 of Article 10 of the Federal Law on the protection of rights of legal entities and independent entrepreneurs in the course of state control (enforcement) measures are recognised as not complying with the Constitution of the Russian Federation where they pertain to the opportunities of collection from independent entrepreneurs at the demand of the state control (enforcement) body of expenses for the tests and expert evaluations having revealed the violations of obligatory requirements.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 563 of July 26, 2008 on the Interim Rates of Import Customs Duties for Individual Types of Civil Airplanes

Prolongs for 9 months a reduced rate of the import customs duty in the amount of 20% of the customs cost for civil airplanes with the number of seats from 19 to 200.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 550 of July 21, 2008 on the Endorsement of the Rules of Reimbursement of the Execution Fee to the Debtor

Introduces a procedure of reimbursement of the execution fee to the debtor.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 of July 21, 2008 on the Procedure for Gas Supplies for the Housing and Communal Needs of Citizens

Endorses the rules of supply of gas for the housing and communal needs of citizens.

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