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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 29.03.2013

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 150 of February 25, 2013 on the endorsement of the rates of export customs duties for raw oil and individual categories of goods of oil exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the territories of the member-states of the Customs Union agreements

Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 395-P of December 28, 2012 on the method of determination of amount and assessment of sufficiency of own resources (capital) of credit organisations (Basel III)

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 162 of February 27, 2013 on the endorsement of the rules of rendering of emergency aid to tourists and the rules of financing of expenses for the emergency aid to tourists from the compensation fund

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 2945-U of December 24, 2012 on the procedure for drawing up and application of the bank order

Federal Law No. 22-FZ of March 4, 2012 on the amendments to the Federal Law on the industrial safety of hazardous production objects, individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation and on invalidation of Subitem 114 of Item 1 of Article 333.33 of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation – introduces 4 classes of hazards

Federal Law No. 21-FZ of March 4, 2013 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invalidation of individual provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation – registration of leasing contracts

Federal Law No. 19-FZ of March 4, 2013 on the amendments to Articles 13 and 18.1 of the Federal Law on the state corporation Rostekhnologii – extends the transient period for the transfer of the property contribution of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 17-FZ of March 4, 2013 on the ratification of the Agreement on the transport (vehicle) control at the external border of the Customs Union

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 175 of March 1, 2013 on the document necessary for obtaining the permission to put an object in operation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 170 of March 1, 2013 on the amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation – working with psychotropic substances from Schedule III is permitted to any legal entities in the presence of appropriate license

Information of the Bank of Russia of February 28, 2013 – electronic wallets can be opened by credit organisations only

Decision of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 16593/12 of February 26, 2013 – reinstating VAT for the purchased fixed assets

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 177n of December 28, 2012 – rules of cash supply for organisations having accounts in the bodies of the Federal Treasury

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 5-P of March 5, 2013 on the case of constitutionality of Article 16 of the Federal Law on the protection of the environment and the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the endorsement of the procedure of determination of payment and its limiting amounts for the pollution of natural environment, disposal of waste, other types of adverse impact pursuant to the appeal of the limited-liability company Topol

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 186 of March 6, 2013 on the endorsement of the Rules of rendering of medical aid to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 182 of March 4, 2013 on the amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982 of December 1, 2009 – confirmation of compliance of low-voltage equipment with the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union from February 15, 2013

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 33 of March 5, 2013 on the amendments to Section 1.5 of the Joint List of goods subject to prohibitions or restrictions in the cases of import or export by the member-states of the Customs Union in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community in trade with third countries

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 15 of February 27, 2013 on the rates of import customs duties of the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for individual types of railroad cars, motor or not self-propelled

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 14 of February 27, 2013 on the amendments to the Joint Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union and the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for individual types of special gasoline

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 201 of March 9, 2013 on the amendment to the list of codes of the types of foodstuffs according to the All-Russia Classifier of Products Subject to the 10 Percent VAT in the Cases of Sale

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 193 of March 6, 2013 on the amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issue of determination of lumpsum fees for the issuance of licenses and permissions

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 36 of February 13, 2013 on the endorsement of the requirements to tachographs installed on transport vehicles, categories and types of transport vehicles equipped with tachographs, rules of use, servicing and control of work of tachographs installed on transport vehicles

Letter of the Bank of Russia No. AS-4-2/22679 of December 29, 2012 on the information on deposits from January 1, 2013 – information provided to tax bodies

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 317-r of March 7, 2013 – suggestions to simplify the state registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs

Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 12-71/pz-n of August 9, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Service for Financial Markets on the execution of the state function of state control over the purchase of stocks of open-type joint-stock companies

Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 12-72/pz-n of August 9, 2012 on the amendments to the Regulation on the requirements to the procedure for committing individual actions pertaining to purchase of more than 30% of stocks of open-type joint-stock companies endorsed by Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets No. 06-76/pz-n of July 13, 2006

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 39 of March 12, 2013 on the application of the explanations to the Joint Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 37 of March 12, 2013 on the form of the act of suspension of the moving of cash and/or cash equivalents across the customs border of the Customs Union

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 36 of March 12, 2013 on the amendments to the Joint Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union and the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for individual types of pulp fabric

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 35 of March 12, 2013 on the amendments to the list of goods subject to tariff quotas in 2013, as well as the volumes of tariff quotas for the import of these goods to the territory of the member-states of the Customs Union and the single economic space

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 716 of November 7, 2012 on the endorsement of the procedure for providing information from the state register of immovable property by providing access to the information resource containing information of the state cadastre of immovable property

Recommendations of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 4 of March 12, 2013 – explanations on the new wording of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities of the Customs Union

Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 16 of February 15, 2013 on the amendments to Decisions of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 67 of December 20, 2006 on certain issues of the practice of application of the provisions of the legislation on bankruptcy of absent debtors and dissolution of inoperative legal entities and No. 91 of December 17, 2009 on the procedure of redemption of expenses in the cases of bankruptcy

Federal Law No. 29-FZ of March 14, 2013 on the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation – prohibition to open branches of foreign banks in Russia

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 639n of December 28, 2012 on the endorsement of the new form RSV-1 PFR

Information of the Bank of Russia of March 15, 2013 – the rate of refinancing is not changed

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 212 of March 16, 2013 on the amendments to the Rules of transfer of accumulated pensions to finance the accumulated part of the labour pension from one non-state pension fund to another non-state pension fund or from a non-state pension fund to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and determination of their cost

Order of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market No. 363 of November 30, 2012 on the amendments to Order of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market No. 59n of October 26, 2010 – storage of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products packed in consumer containers

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. AS-4-3/4511@ of March 18, 2013 on the information necessary for calculation of the tax on extraction of mineral resources for oil for February 2013

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 307 of August 14, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Service for Supervision over Transport on the execution of the state function of federal state control (supervision) of observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the international treaties of the Russian Federation on merchant shipping, inland water transport of the Russian Federation, by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs supervising the safety of navigation and shipping

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 10 of February 27, 2013 on the rates of import customs duties of the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for butter, dairy pasts, other fats and butters of milk, as well as for curd and other types of cheese

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 229 of March 18, 2013 on the endorsement of the amendments to the Rules of distribution and use of the numbering resources of the joint telecommunication network of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 227 of March 18, 2013 on the cost of living in per capita figures and for the main socio-demographic groups of population for the whole of the Russian Federation for the IV quarter of 2012

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 354n of October 30, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Service for Labour and Employment on the execution of the state function of federal state supervision of observance of the labour legislation and other normative legal acts containing the norms of the labour law

Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 13 of January 25, 2013 on the amendments to Decision of the Plenum of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 73 of November 17, 2011 on the individual issues of the practice of application of the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the lease contract

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-3/1014@ of December 27, 2012 on the endorsement of the form of patent for the right of application of the patent system of taxation

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 1409 of October 3, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the execution of the state function of state control (supervision) of observance of obligatory requirements of state standards and technical regulations

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 1440 of October 10, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the provided state service of keeping of the joint register of registered systems of voluntary certification

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-13/907@ of November 26, 2012 on the endorsement of the forms of documents used when checking and drawing up the results of checking of complete calculation and payment of taxes in the cases of transactions between related persons, the grounds and procedure of prolongation of the deadline of checking of complete calculation and payment of taxes in the cases of transactions between related persons, requirements to the act of checking of complete calculation and payment of taxes in the cases of transactions between related persons

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 47 of March 19, 2013 on the endorsement of the list of products requiring a document of assessment (confirmation) of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union on the safety of package (TR TS 005/2011) when submitting the customs declaration

Order of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property No. 157 of December 10, 2012 on the endorsement of the procedure of collection of license payments for the right of use of results of intellectual activities of military, special and dual destination where the rights belong to the Russian Federation, their limiting amounts, deadlines of transfer, as well as the reasons to exempt from payments, reduce their amounts or return

Resolution of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 46 of March 19, 2013 on the procedure for processing appeals of economic subjects challenging resolutions (acts) of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Commission of the Customs Union, their individual provisions or actions (failure to act) of the Eurasian Economic Commission

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 250 of March 21, 2013 on the amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 628 of August 18, 2008 – seafarer's identity card and the seaman's book

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 17 of March 14, 2013 on the rates of import customs duties of the Joint Customs Tariff of the Customs Union for individual types of organic chemical compounds

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 254 of March 23, 2013 on the amendments to the rules of rendering of services of sale of tourist product – tourists must be informed how to get aid, if the tour operator is in trouble

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 261 of March 27, 2013 on the endorsement of the rates of export customs duties for raw oil and individual categories of goods of oil exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the territories of the member-states of the Customs Union agreements

Order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. 572 of November 13, 2012 on the endorsement of the Administrative Regulation of the Federal Security Service on the provided state service of issuance of let-pass permissions for entry (transit travel) for people and transport vehicles to the borderline zone, permissions for economic, commercial and other activities, public political, cultural and other events, livestock faming, fishing, research, survey and other activities in the Russian waters of rivers, lakes and other water bodies covered by the borderguard regime

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