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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 30.11.2021

Resolution of the Collegium of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 142 of October 26, 2021 on approval of a rate of import customs duty of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union with respect to preparations of a kind used in animal feeding

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1837 of October 27, 2021 - Foreign Internet service providers must register a personal account on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media.

Order of the Ministry for Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 930 of September 10, 2021 on approval of the procedure for processing the parameters of biometric personal data - From March 1, 2022, a new procedure for processing biometric data of individuals will come into effect.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 137n of September 27, 2021 on approval of the General Requirements for the refund of excess taxes withheld

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/875@ of October 6, 2021: approval of the form for calculating insurance premiums, procedure for formalising it, as well as format for submitting the calculation of insurance premiums in electronic form

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 5899-U of August 23, 2021: mandatory requirements for professional participants in the securities market aimed at identifying, managing and preventing conflicts of interest

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/903@ of October 15, 2021: approval of the form of tax declarations for personal income tax (Form 3-NDFL), procedure for formalising it, as well as format for submitting the tax declaration for personal income tax in electronic form

Recommendations to employers on providing employees vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection with two paid extra days off (approved by a decision of the Russian Trilateral Commission for Regulation of Social and Labour Relations of October 29, 2021, Protocol No. 9)

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1836 of October 27, 2021: approval of the methodology for determining hosting providers or other persons providing the posting of information resources in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" whose users are located in the Russian Federation, operators of advertising systems and organisers of information dissemination in the information and telecommunication network "Internet"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1846 of October 28, 2021 - Reporting on the circulation of precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances will be submitted under the new rules.

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 1, 2021 on the deflator coefficients to the mineral extraction tax rate for coal mining for the IV quarter of 2021

Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 687 of October 1, 2021 - New forms of declarations have been approved for winemakers.

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-20/801@ of September 8, 2021 on approval of the procedure for providing tax authorities with access to fiscal data in real time and the submission of fiscal data by the operator of fiscal data at the request of the tax authority

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2021 On the average price of Urals grade oil for October 2021

Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 999 of November 2, 2021 On activities of institutions that are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 722 of August 6, 2021: approval of the list of entrance examinations for admission to training in educational programs of higher education – bachelor's programs and specialty programs

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1871 of October 30, 2021: approval of the Rules for distribution, sale and dispensing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as sale and dispensing of their precursors, and invalidation of certain acts and certain provisions of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 397 of May 28, 2021: approval of the Administrative Regulations for providing public services by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation for the approval of decommissioning of electric power facilities

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 5878-U of August 5, 2021 On the procedure for calculating the amount (quota) of participation of foreign capital in the authorised capital of insurance organisations, the procedure for issuing preliminary permission from the Bank of Russia in the cases provided for by Item 31 of Article 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation on insurance business in the Russian Federation, the application form and the list of documents required for its receipt, as well as the procedure for submitting such application and the documents attached to it to the Bank of Russia

Information of the Federal Service for the Alcohol Market Regulation dated November 3, 2021 "Attention to the participants in the alcohol market engaged in manufacturing and import of alcohol beverages!": from November 1, 2021, codes of alcohol beverages shall be assigned according to a new classifier at the time of notification of the beginning of its circulation in Russia. In this regard, when changing the name of the type of alcohol beverages, companies must submit new notifications no later than on December 31, 2021.

Information of the Federal State Statistics Service dated November 3, 2021 "Rosstat clarified the deadline for submitting reports on five forms of federal statistical observation in November 2021"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1906 of November 2, 2021: approval of the Rules for granting the right to use subsoil plots on the basis provided for in item 2 of part one of Article 101 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1908 of November 2, 2021: approval of the list of types of wages and another income, from which alimony for minor children shall be withheld, and also on recognition as invalid of certain acts and certain provisions of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-20/799@ of September 8, 2021: approval of the application forms for registration (re-registration) of cash register equipment and de-registration of cash register equipment, registration card for cash register equipment and cards on the de-registration of cash registers, as well as procedures for filling in these forms and procedures for sending and receiving these documents on paper

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 688 of October 4, 2021 on establishment of the minimum number of points for the unified state exam in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or field of study for which admission to training in educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is carried out, for 2022/2023 academic year

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 633 of November 8, 2021: approval of the Fundamentals of state policy in the sphere of strategic planning in the Russian Federation

Information Statement of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2021 "On the average prices for the previous tax period for the corresponding types of hydrocarbon raw materials produced at a new offshore hydrocarbon field for the period from October 1 to October 31, 2021"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1909 of November 2, 2021 "On registration of citizens in order to find a suitable job, registration of unemployed citizens, requirements for selection of suitable work, as well as on amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 460 of April 8, 2020 and on invalidation of certain acts and certain provisions of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1923 of November 9, 2021: approval of the procedure for formation and maintenance of the unified register of expert auditors

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1915 of November 3, 2021: approval of the general requirements for organisation and implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of state regulation of prices (tariffs)

Information Statement of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 2021 "Clarifications on the issue of maintaining the register of Eurasian products"

Order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 272 of June 30, 2021: approval of the Procedure for exercising control by territorial bodies of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation over the completeness and reliability of information provided by medical institutions or other organisations (or their structural units) for obtaining special social payments to medical workers and other employees

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 657 of November 15, 2021 - Goods from Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine will be admitted to public procurement on equal terms with Russian goods.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 28 of November 3, 2021 - Conditions for the transportation and storage of frozen vaccines against COVID-19 are determined for the period until January 1, 2024.

Resolution of the Collegium of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 144 of November 9, 2021 on amending the Combined Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU CC FEA) - Roughly processed wood and deep-processed wood are allocated in special subheadings of the EAEU CC FEA.

Resolution of the Collegium of the Eurasian Economic Commission îò No. 149 of November 9, 2021 on amending the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union - Until the end of 2023, a zero duty has been established on the import of fur raw materials of lambs.

Information of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2021 - From December 1, 2021, restrictions on regular and non-scheduled flights between Russia and Cuba, Mexico, Qatar will be lifted.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 29 of November 9, 2021 on amending Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 15 of May 22, 2020 - Not everyone who has come into contact with a COVID-19 patient should be isolated.

Order of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation No. 1053n of November 12, 2021 - A new form of certificate of vaccination against COVID-19, contraindications or previous illness has appeared.

Information of the Ministry for Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2021 - It is reported that a paper version of the vaccination certificate can be obtained in the Multifunctional Public Services Centre.

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 5951-U of September 29, 2021 on the procedure for admitting securities of foreign issuers to placement and (or) public circulation in the Russian Federation and the procedure for the registration by the Bank of Russia of securities prospectuses of foreign issuers

Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 49-P of November 16, 2021 in the case of checking the constitutionality of Article 42 of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and Article 34 of the Federal Law on Insolvency (Bankruptcy)

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/895@ of October 12, 2021 on the approval of the notification form for the opening or closing of an individual investment account

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1931 of November 12, 2021 - Requirements for the organisation and functioning of the emergency response services universal 112 dial system have been established.

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2021 on the Export Customs Duties on Crude Oil and Certain Categories of Goods Manufactured from Oil for the Period from December 1 till December 31, 2021

Letter of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing No. 02/23208-2021-23 of November 12, 2021 - It is reported about amendments to the Regulations on the organisation and conduct of official physical culture and sports events in Russia while the risks of the spread of COVID-19 remain.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1899 of November 1, 2021 on amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1021 of December 29, 2000 - The payment for connecting capital construction objects to the main gas pipelines is now regulated by the government.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1898 of November 1, 2021 on approval of the Rules for technological connection to main gas pipelines

Federal Law No. 371-FZ of November 19, 2021 on amending Part One and Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - A participant in a regional investment project who underestimates investments will lose tax benefits

Federal Law No. 370-FZ of November 19, 2021 on amending the Federal Law on Countering the Legalisation of Illegal Earnings (Money Laundering) and the Financing of Terrorism - The purpose of the amendments to the law is to simplify the interaction of individuals with credit institutions when exchanging banknotes or coins, as well as when replacing damaged banknotes

Federal Law No. 369-FZ of November 19, 2021 on amending the Federal Law on the National Payment System - It was decided to speed up transfers to bank accounts that are part of the single treasury account

Federal Law No. 377-FZ of November 22, 2021 on amending the Labour Code of the Russian Federation - In Russia, it was decided to introduce electronic document management in the area of labour relations

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1969 of November 17, 2021 on amending certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issues of making a one-time payment of pension savings funds to insured persons

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 152n of October 13, 2021 on approval of the federal public finance accounting standard "Approaches to the Formation of Accounting (Financial) Statements of the General Government Sector and Information on Government Finance Statistics

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1983 of November 20, 2021 on approval of the Regulations on state control over the exercise of powers in the area of circulation of medicines for human use

Information of the Federal Alcohol Market Regulatory Service dated November 22, 2021 "To the attention of participants of the alcohol market engaged in the production and import of alcoholic beverages!" - New notifications of the start of the circulation of alcoholic beverages in Russia will be accepted until April 1, 2022

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1979 of November 19, 2021 - The Council of Ministers has determined in which cases it is possible to do a PCR test for coronavirus for free under the compulsory medical insurance policy

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1989 of November 20, 2021 on amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 616 of April 30, 2020 - The Council of Ministers clarified in what cases the ban on admission to the procurement of foreign industrial goods is not valid

Information from the Federal Chamber of Notaries dated November 25, 2021 - From December 29, it will be possible From December 29, it will be possible to find out about the cancellation of a simple written power of attorney through the portal

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1980 of November 20, 2021 - The Government will reimburse airlines for the carriage of tourists from Turkey and Tanzania during the suspension of flights.

Order of the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation No. 385 of October 29, 2021 - The procedure for wine producers to submit declarations on the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages will be changed.

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 5854-U of July 13, 2021 "On the requirements for suppliers of payment applications to ensure that the clients of the money transfer operator can use national payment instruments through the payment applications"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2010 of November 23, 2021 "On approval of the Rules for providing the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation with information and documents necessary for appointment and payment of benefits for temporary incapacity for work, for pregnancy and childbirth, a lump sum at the birth of a child, monthly care allowance for a child "

Federal Law No. 389-FZ of November 29, 2021: amendments to Article 10 of the Federal Law on State Registration of Vehicles in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Article 15 of the Federal Law on Road Safety

Federal Law No. 386-FZ of November 29, 2021: amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law on the Suspension of the Federal Law on the Basic Cost of the Necessary Social Set

Federal Law No. 387-FZ of November 29, 2021 on Amendments to the Federal Law on Weapons and Article 2 of the Federal Law on Amendments to the Federal Law on Weapons: procedure for storing and wearing daggers to be simplified

Federal Law No. 378-FZ of November 29, 2021 on Granting Certain Powers to the Public Joint Stock Company Sberbank of Russia and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 772n of October 29, 2021: approval of the basic requirements for the procedure for development and contents of rules and instructions on labour protection developed by employers

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2021 of November 24, 2021 on confirmation of grounds for granting a deferral or installment plan for payment of import customs duties and taxes

Information of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2021: certain decisions of the operational headquarters are taken to prevent the import and spread of a new coronavirus infection in Russia

Order of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation No. 1050n of November 12, 2021: approval of the Procedure for familiarising a patient or his/her legal representatives with medical documentation containing information on the patient's state of health

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