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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 29.07.2022

Federal Law No. 212-FZ of June 28, 2022 on amending the Law on Measures of Influence (Counteraction) Against Unfriendly Actions of the United States of America and Other Foreign States. These amendments fix the list of measures that can be introduced by the President to ensure the financial stability of the country

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 24-01-09/61077 of June 27, 2022 on the application of Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 937 of May 23, 2022 - From July 1, 2022, companies included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers cannot participate in procurement due to the refusal to execute a contract with a customer who fell under foreign sanctions.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1142 of June 25, 2022 - The RF Government has expanded the list of priority imported products for the purchase of which importers can take a soft loan.

List of instructions based on the results of audits of compliance with legislation and decisions of the President aimed at developing a promising mineral resource base - Extraction and processing of solid minerals will be reoriented to domestic demand and domestic technologies.

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6169-U of June 24, 2022 on the establishment of the "I" type account mode

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1171 of June 30, 2022 on the introduction of a temporary ban on the export of rice and rice groats from the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1169 of June 30, 2022 on the introduction of a temporary ban on the export of amino acids from the Russian Federation

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 416 of June 30, 2022 on the application of special economic measures in the fuel and energy sector in connection with the unfriendly actions of certain foreign states and international organisations

Information of the Bank of Russia dated June 30, 2022 The Bank of Russia continues to remove previously introduced currency restrictions

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1182 of July 1, 2022 "On the procedure for transferring in 2022 funds subject to treasury support to settlement accounts opened with credit institutions": the Government has established the features of treasury support for governmental contracts in 2022.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1181 of July 1, 2022 - approval of the Rules for maintaining the register of items and facilities of the tourism industry

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1179 of June 30, 2022 "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation": floating export duties on grain and sunflower oil are converted into roubles and extended until August 31, 2023.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1178 of June 30, 2022 "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Technological Connection of Power Receiving Devices of Electric Energy Consumers to Electric Grids and Recognising Certain Provisions of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation as invalid" - Rules for technological connection to power grids are adjusted.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 430 of July 5, 2022 "On the repatriation by residents that are participants in foreign economic activity of foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1177 of June 30, 2022 "On amendments to the Rules for Reimbursing Credit and Other Organisations for Lost Income on Housing (Mortgage) Loans Issued to Employees of Certified Organisations Operating in the Field of Information Technology"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1195 of July 1, 2022 "On approval of the Rules for Implementation of Educational Activities"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1196 of July 1, 2022 "On approval of the Rules for Connection (Technological Connection) of Capital Construction Facilities to Telecommunication Networks"

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated July 5, 2022 "Temporary restriction of flights to Russian airports in the south and central part of Russia is extended"

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-17/449@ of May 27, 2022 "On approval of the List of Foreign States (Territories) with Competent Authorities of Which Automatic Exchange of Country Reports is Carried Out"

Information of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2022 "Russia removes border crossing restrictions previously introduced due to the spread of COVID-19"

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2022 "On the average price of Urals oil for June 2022"

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 430 of July 5, 2022 "On the repatriation by residents that are participants in foreign economic activity of foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation"

Order of the Federal Tax Service ED-7-17/450@ of May 27, 2022 "On approval of the List of states (territories) with which automatic exchange of financial information is carried out"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1206 of July 5, 2022 "On the procedure for investigating and recording cases of occupational diseases of employees"

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1203 of July 4, 2022 "On approval of the list of potentially hazardous biological objects and the Rules for implementation of measures to localise and eliminate zones of biological contamination resulting from accidents and (or) sabotage"

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-11/473@ of June 7, 2022 "On approval of codes for types of income and deductions, as well as codes for payments that are not recognised as taxable with insurance premiums, and payments that are not taxable with insurance premiums, for application of the special tax regime "Automated Simplified Taxation System"

Official explanations of the mandatory requirements "On equipping road transport with equipment aimed at keeping record of the traffic volume of ethyl alcohol and bulk alcohol-containing products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 25 percent" (approved by the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation on July 5, 2022 under No. DR-15/01-05)

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No.. 440 of July 11, 2022 on amending Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 183 of April 24, 2019 and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 187 of April 29, 2019 - The President expanded the circle of persons entitled to receive Russian citizenship in a simplified manner

Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-018-59/91 of July 8, 2022 - The Central Bank of the Russian Federation clarified the conditions for maintaining the investment tax deduction when transferring foreign securities

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated July 11, 2022 a number of airports in the south and central part of Russia are closed for flights until July 18

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated July 8, 2022 on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 706-P of December 19, 2019 on Securities Issuance Standards

Official Clarification of the Bank of Russia No. 8-OR of July 8, 2022 on the application of Item 5 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 430 of July 5, 2022 on the repatriation of foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation by residents participating in foreign economic activity - Nuances of fulfilment of obligations under syndicated loan agreements the parties to which are payment agents from unfriendly states

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-21/370@ of April 29, 2022 on amending Order of the Federal Tax Service No. MMV-7-21/302@ of April 10, 2017 - From April 1, 2023, information about real estate and its owners will be received by the tax office in a new form

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1221 of July 8, 2022 on amending certain legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - A service for monitoring preferential business lending programs will appear in Russia

Federal Law çàêîí No. 235-FZ of July 13, 2022 on amending Article 15.25 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation - The resident does not face administrative liability if the failure to comply with currency requirements is due to anti-Russian sanctions

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2022 A report on the average prices for the relevant types of hydrocarbon raw materials extracted at the new offshore hydrocarbon deposit for the period from June 1 to June 30, 2022 for the past tax period

Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-018-53/92 of July 12, 2022 on the formation of insurance reserves

Federal Law No. 236-FZ of July 14, 2022 - The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund shall merge into the Social Fund of Russia

Federal Law No. 241-FZ of July 14, 2022 on the ratification of the Treaty on the Fundamentals of Relations between the Russian Federation and Antigua and Barbuda - According to this Treaty the countries cooperate in the area of combating international terrorism, its financing, drug trafficking and transnational organised crime

Federal Law No. 239-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending Part One and Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - A uniform rate of insurance premiums is introduced

Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 14, 2022 on ratification of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan on cooperation in the area of pension provision

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1238 of July 12, 2022 on the implementation of a pilot project on the participation of banks of the Republic of Belarus in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs in the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 258-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal-Procedural Code of the Russian Federation - It was decided to strengthen the liability for driving after the driver's licence revocation

Federal Law No. 261-FZ of July 14, 2022 on the Russian Children's and Young People's Movement - The main goals of the movement: upbringing of children, their career guidance and organisation of leisure, preparation for a full life in society, development of creative activity, high moral qualities, diligence, respect for nature, etc.

Federal Law No. 260-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal-Procedural Code of the Russian Federation - Treason, undermining the stability of the Internet, espionage, mercenarism: amendments to the Criminal Code

Federal Law No. 259-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation - A fine is threatened for violating the working conditions of foreign information resources in Russia

Federal Law No. 240-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Labour Code of the Russian Federation - Obligatory medical insurance for foreign workers: amendments to the Labour Code

Federal Law No. 255-FZ of July 14, 2022 on control over the activities of persons under foreign influence

Federal Law No. 279-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and on suspending certain provisions of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Formation and Use of Target Capital of Non-Commercial Organisations"

Federal Law No. 263-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending Parts One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: starting from 2023, taxpayers will switch to single tax accounts.

Federal Law No. 287-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: for garbage disposal in forests or other unauthorised places, more severe punishment awaits.

Federal Law No. 300-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending Article 79 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation": disabled persons may obtain a second vocational education free of charge.

Federal Law No. 286-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Federal Law "On Advertising" and the Federal Law on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: certain details of application of antimonopoly legislation and advertising legislation are adjusted.

Federal Law No. 302-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation": citizens looking for job will be helped with moving to another area for employment. The state service for assistance in moving and resettling to another locality for employment will be provided not only to unemployed persons, but also to citizens registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Labour Code of the Russian Federation: the Government is entitled to establish the specifics of labour relations when introducing special economic measures.

Federal Law No. 267-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: amendments are made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which alcohol-containing printing inks, for manufacturing of which denatured ethyl alcohol is used as a raw material, should be classified as non-excisable goods.

Federal Law No. 295-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amending the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation": education in public schools and kindergartens is not a service. The Law on Education has been amended, so that the term "state and municipal service in the field of education" is excluded therefrom, and shall not be used with respect to financing educational activities from the budget.

Federal Law No. 342-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Refugees": citizens of the DPR, LPR and Ukraine may not hand over their passport when receiving temporary asylum.

Federal Law No. 265-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Article 38.1 of the Federal Law "On Financial Leasing": Russia has mitigated negative effects of sanctions on leasing participants.

Federal Law No. 283-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Article 351.5 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation

Federal Law No. 337-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: the Code of Administrative Proceedings and the Law on Ensuring Access to Information on Courts' Activities have been adjusted. In view of abolition of the constitutional (charter) courts in the regions, provisions concerning them are excluded.

Federal Law No. 314-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Article 120 of the Federal Law "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"

Federal Law No. 333-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Article 54 of the Federal Law "On Concession Agreements": in 2022, it becomes easier to change the terms of a concession agreement.

Federal Law No. 325-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Articles 14 and 14.1 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" and Article 5 of the Federal Law on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation": citizens' biometric data may be entered into the unified biometric system without their consent.

Federal Law No. 285-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to the Federal Law "On the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation": state-owned companies will participate in programs for development of suppliers - SMEs.

Federal Law No. 335-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation: provisions concerning constitutional (charter) courts of the constituent entities have become invalid.

Federal Law No. 310-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to the Family Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: the minimum share of ownership in housing is limited to 6 square meters.

Federal Law No. 313-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to the Federal Law "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation": the procedure for stopping vehicles by customs officers is clarified.

Federal Law No. 356-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Articles 39 and 46 of the Federal Law "On Communications": telecom operators must report annually to Roskomnadzor on their activities.

Federal Law No. 357-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: amendments to the legislation regarding obtaining temporary residence permits and residence permits are adopted.

Federal Law No. 311-FZ of July 14, 2022 on amendments to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Commercial Secrets" and Article 45 of the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines": the Ministry of Industry and Trade gets access to documents from medicines' registration dossiers

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1295 of July 18, 2022 - approval of the Regulations on the procedure for formation and maintenance of the federal register of unfinished capital construction facilities, contents of information included into it and procedure for providing such information

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1290 of July 16, 2022 - establishment of a payment deadline for delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, certain stages of execution of a state contract concluded in order to ensure defence capability and security of the state

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1249 of July 13, 2022 on amendments to Appendix No. 18 to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 353 of March 12, 2022: the features of importation and labelling of products subject to assessment of compliance with mandatory requirements are supplemented with new items.

Information of the Federal Air Transport Agency, dated July 20, 2022: changes have been made to the Interim Algorithm for Admission of Carriers to Perform International Air Transportation

Information of the Federal Service for the Alcohol Market Regulation, dated July 20, 2022: to the notice of alcohol market participants producing ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated July 20, 2022: customs duties on oil and certain categories of goods produced from oil for the period from August 1 to August 31, 2022

Information statement of the Bank of Russia dated July 22, 2022 "The Bank of Russia decided to cut the key rate by 150 basic points to 8.00% per annum"

Information statement of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated July 22, 2022 "Temporary restriction of flights to Russian airports in the south and central part of Russia is extended until July 30, 2022"

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2018-r of July 23, 2022 - The list of unfriendly states and territories includes the Bahamas, as well as the islands of Guernsey and Man (Crown Dependencies)

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated July 22, 2022 - Automatic conversion of depositary receipts issued abroad into Russian shares will start on August 15

Information statement of the Bank of Russia dated July 25, 2022 The Bank of Russia has been raising mandatory reserve ratios since August

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 338 of May 17, 2022 - New rules for granting state guarantees to participants in the State Program to assist voluntary resettlement and their families entered into force

Federal Law No. 328-FZ of July 14, 2022 - From January 1, 2026, the regions will be able to set a reduced income tax rate for participants of the program of special investment contracts of the 1.0 format (SPIC 1.0) in terms of transfers to regional budgets in respect of profits from the exercising special investment contracts if special investment contracts provide for an income tax relief

Decision of the Bank of Russia dated July 22, 2022 on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 5343-U of December 5, 2019 - Placement of pension reserves: new credit ratings

Decision of the Bank of Russia dated July 22, 2022 on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 4028-U of May 30, 2016 - Updated credit ratings for calculating own funds of the Pension Savings Fund

Decision of the Bank of Russia dated July 22, 2022 on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 4075-U of July 19, 2016 - The levels of credit ratings of some assets have been revised for calculation of their own funds by investment fund management companies, the Pension Savings Fund and licence applicants

Decision of the Bank of Russia dated July 22, 2022 on the levels of credit ratings established in accordance with Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 5099-U of March 22, 2019 - Professional activity in the securities market: updated levels of credit ratings for calculating equity

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 373 of July 19, 2022 on the coefficients-deflators to the tax rate for the extraction of minerals in the extraction of coal

Information Statement of the Federal Air Transport Agency dated July 28, 2022 - A number of airports in the south and central part of Russia are closed for flights until August 5

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6208-U of July 27, 2022 on mandatory reserve requirements - From August, the Central Bank raises the required reserves

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 101n of June 29, 2022 on amending Federal Accounting Standard FSB 25/2018 - The federal standard of lease accounting has been adjusted

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