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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 29.03.2024

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 146 of February 28, 2024 on the strategic goals and development objectives of the Russian Science Foundation for the period until 2030

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 145 of February 28, 2024 on the strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 219 of February 28, 2024 on amending certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - The procedure for submitting notifications about the start of certain types of activities has been simplified

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 231 of February 28, 2024 on amending Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1538 of September 21, 2023 - It was decided to resume flexible duties on the export of coal

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 246 of February 29, 2024 The requirements for holding an electronic competition for the right to conclude a concession agreement or a public-private partnership agreement have been determined

Methodological Recommendations of the Bank of Russia No. 4-MR of February 29, 2024 To strengthen control over certain transactions of individual clients

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 243 of February 29, 2024 The export of gasoline is temporarily prohibited, and the ban on the export of diesel fuel will remain in effect until March 21

Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-018-34/17 of February 29, 2024 Operators of the digital financial assets market should refrain from participating in the circulation of digital currencies

Information Letter of the Bank of Russia No. IN-08-12/18 of February 29, 2024 on the risks of performing transactions with digital currencies and recommendations for financial organisations to exclude the offer of services involving such transactions

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 249 of March 1, 2024: approval of the Regulations on federal state control (supervision) in the field of production and circulation of tobacco products, nicotine-containing products and raw materials for their manufacturing

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 155 of March 1, 2024: conscription for military training in 2024 - for citizens of the Russian Federation being military reservists

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 12 of March 1, 2024: establishing import customs duty rates of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union with respect to certain types of epoxy and polyurethane resins in primary forms for the manufacturing of optical fibers

Information statement of the Federal Service for Control of Alcohol and Tobacco Markets, dated February 29, 2024: for the attention of alcohol market participants! The procedure has been clarified for submitting information to EGAIS on the volume of retail sales of alcohol products (except for beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead) when providing catering services.

Information statement of the Federal Service for Control of Alcohol and Tobacco Markets, dated March 1, 2024: Attention to alcohol market participants engaged in retail sales of alcoholic products marked with federal special brands when providing public catering services! Mandatory portion writing off for labelled alcohol for public catering to be postponed until July 1, 2024.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 242 of February 29, 2024: form and procedure for filling in a notice of tax deduction for an agreement on the protection and promotion of investments

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 256 of March 1, 2024: approval of the Rules for providing of a lump-sum payment established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 975 of December 21, 2023 "On measures of social support for families with children affected by the Ukraininan aggression", and also a list of documents (information) necessary for obtaining such payment

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 32n of January 30, 2024: approval of document forms related to rendering public services in the field of promoting employment

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-15/1003@ of December 26, 2023: approval of the forms, procedure for filling in and formats for submitting registers provided for in subitems 1, 2, 4 to 6 of Item 1, Items 2 and 2.1 of Article 165 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in electronic form. The validity of the zero VAT rate for exports to be proved by registers in electronic form.

Decree of the President of Russia No. 169 of March 5, 2024: amendments to the List of Russian business entities that are entitled to independently determine the content and (or) volume of information to be disclosed and (or) provided, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 903 of November 27, 2023

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491-r of March 1, 2024: list of economically significant organisations. At the legislative level, the specifics of regulating corporate relations in economically significant organisations have been established. A mechanism has been introduced to exclude foreign holdings from the ownership chain.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 262 of March 5, 2024: approval of the indexation ratio for social pensions - starting from April 1, 2024

Information from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated March 6, 2024: average price level for Urals oil for February 2024

Information from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated March 7, 2024: average prices for the previous tax period for the relevant types of hydrocarbon raw materials extracted from a new offshore hydrocarbon field for the period from February 1 to February 29, 2024

Resolution of the Collegium of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 16 of March 5, 2024 on approval of the rate of import customs duty of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union with respect to rods of optical glass - Optical glass rods can still be imported duty free

Federal Law No. 48-FZ of March 11, 2024 on amending Article 123.22 of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - The founders of liquidated institutions will be liable for their debts under public contracts

Federal Law No. 45-FZ of March 11, 2024 on amending certain legal acts of the Russian Federation - The mechanism for providing financial services has been improved through the use of financial platforms

Federal Law No. 43-FZ of March 11, 2024 on amending the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation - Liability has been established for the smuggling of alcohol or tobacco across the Russian border with the EAEU countries

Federal Law No. 42-FZ of March 11, 2024 on amending Article 11 of the Federal Law on Control over Activities of Persons under Foreign Influence and certain legal acts of the Russian Federation - It is forbidden to place ads on foreign agents' resources

Federal Law No. 40-FZ of March 11, 2024 on the renunciation of the Agreement between the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Fisheries - Russia has banned UK fishing vessels from fishing in the Barents Sea

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 265 of March 6, 2024 on a temporary ban on the export of rapeseed from the Russian Federation

Information of the Bank of Russia dated March 7, 2024 The Bank of Russia extended for another six months, until September 9, 2024, restrictions on the withdrawal of cash foreign currency

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated March 7, 2024 The ban on charging citizens a commission when issuing currency from accounts or deposits has been extended for six months

Decision of the working group of the Bank of Russia No. PRG-12-3/534 of March 6, 2024 on consideration of issues of issuing permits to carry out operations in respect of which prohibitions (restrictions) have been established on their performance in connection with unfriendly actions of foreign states

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 396 of December 4, 2023 on amending the General Rules for the Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in the Seaports of the Russian Federation - The Rules for the navigation and mooring in seaports are prescribed for autonomous vessels

Order of the Ministry for Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 1041 of December 4, 2023 - The classification of computer programs and databases used to comply with the ban on the admission of foreign software to procurement has been adjusted

Order of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare No. 112 of January 17, 2024 on approval of the form of the decision to terminate the permit for remote retail trade of medicinal products for human use

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 512-r of March 5, 2024 - The Government has approved an interdepartmental program of measures to identify and suppress cartels and other agreements that restrict competition for 2024-2028

Information of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2024 ã. "The Government Commission on Legislative Activities approved tax amendments regarding the implementation of the main directions of tax policy”

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 287 of March 12, 2024 on conducting an experiment on the territory of the Russian Federation on labelling by means of identification of certain types of building materials in consumer packaging

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 14 of March 1, 2024 on approval of the rate of import customs duty of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union with respect to titanium oxide - Import duty on titanium oxides has been reset to zero

Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. EA-4-15/2652@ of March 7, 2024 on sending information. From April 1, 2024, amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation will come into force on the introduction of the institution of an electronic bank guarantee, which is received by the tax authorities directly from the guarantors. In this regard, the Federal Tax Service has developed the recommended format and procedure for sending a bank guarantee to the tax authority, as well as the form, format and procedure

Resolution of the Collegium of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 18 of March 13, 2024 on approval of the rate of import customs duty of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union with respect to certain types of chemical wood pulp, semi-bleached or bleached of non-coniferous - import duty on eucalyptus cellulose for the production of facing materials has been reduced

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, dated March 15, 2024: establishing a period within which the limitation should not apply with respect to value of the full cost of a consumer credit (loan)

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 292 of March 12, 2024: amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1625 of September 16, 2022. A list of foreign restrictive measures has been determined, upon the introduction of which companies are entitled to block or restrict access to their data, including to information from the accounting (financial) reporting and certain data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 198 of March 19, 2024: additional temporary economic measures related to fulfillment of obligations under certain securities

Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ED-7-23/53@ of January 22, 2024: approval of forms and formats of documents used in drawing up a reasoned opinion of a tax authority in electronic form, forms of a reasoned opinion of a tax authority and requirements for their formalising

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 199 of March 19, 2024: amendments to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 520 of August 5, 2022 "On application of special economic measures in the financial and fuel and energy sectors in connection with the unfriendly actions of certain foreign states and international organisations

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6671-U of January 15, 2024: amendments to Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 5968-U of October 5, 2021 "On minimum (standard) requirements for conditions and procedure for voluntary life insurance with the condition of periodic insurance payments (rents, annuities) and (or) with participation of a policyholder in the investment income of the insurer, to the volume and content of the information provided on the voluntary life insurance contract with the condition of periodic insurance payments (rents, annuities) and (or) with participation of the policyholder in the investment income of the insurer, as well as the form, methods and procedure for providing such information". The consumer value of investment and cash-value life insurance policies has been increased.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 340 of March 20, 2024: amendments to Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 448 of March 24, 2022. The moratorium on antimonopoly inspections of IT companies has been lifted.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 343 of March 20, 2024: amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation. Social payments to health workers in sparsely populated areas have been increased.

Bank of Russia standard STO BR BFBO-1.8-2024 "Security of financial (banking) transactions. Ensuring the security of financial services during remote identification and authentication. Contents of information protection measures" (adopted and put into effect by Order of the Bank of Russia No. OD-326 of February 28, 2024)

Information statement of the Bank of Russia, dated March 22, 2024: license to banking operations has been revoked from Bank Strela JSC

Information statement of the Bank of Russia, dated March 22, 2024: Bank of Russia decided to keep the key rate at 16.00% per annum

Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 57n of February 13, 2024: approval of the Procedure for calculating average earnings for the purpose of unemployment benefits

Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia of March 22, 2024 on amending Decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia of November 21, 2022 - The mode of S-type accounts has been clarified

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2024 on the export customs duties on crude oil and certain categories of goods manufactured from oil for the period from April 1 till April 30, 2024 - In April, zero rates of export duties on oil and petroleum products will remain

Federal Law No. 63-FZ of March 23, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on the Fundamentals of the Tourism Business in the Russian Federation and certain legal acts of the Russian Federation - From June 1, innovations are expected in the area of tourism

Federal Law No. 58-FZ of March 23, 2024 on amending Articles 102 and 126.2 of Part One and Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - Citizens can receive tax deductions for long-term savings.

Federal Law No. 50-FZ of March 23, 2024 on amending the Federal Law on the Securities Market - Individuals investing in derivative financial instruments received additional protection

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 363 of March 22, 2024 - It was decided to increase the discount on Urals oil.

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 18 of March 1, 2024 on amending the Combined Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union - The duty on ink for light industry has been reset to zero

Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 12-P of March 26, 2024 in the case of verification of constitutionality of Item 1 of Article 1224 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation protected the rights of Russians living abroad when inheriting movable property

Information of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. PZ-3/2024 of March 25, 2024 on a simplified accounting system, including accounting (financial) reporting - The Ministry of Finance explained the advantages of a simplified accounting system

Resolution of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 17 of March 1, 2024 on amending certain resolutions of the Commission of the Customs Union in relation to certain types of goods for the production of transformers - Certain goods for the production of transformers can be imported duty free

Information of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2024 on the rates of export customs duties on goods specified in Item 1 of Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1538 of September 21, 2023, as Well as Certain Types of Mineral Fertilizers - The rates of exchange rate export duties for April are known

Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 13-P of March 28, 2024 In the case of verifying the constitutionality of parts two and four of Article 20, parts one and two of Article 31, part four of Article 147, parts one and three of Article 318 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation - The Constitutional Court clarified the procedure for initiating and considering cases of domestic violence by district courts

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 373 of March 26, 2024 on conducting an experiment on the territory of the Russian Federation on the labelling of central heating radiators and their sections, heating convectors from April 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025

Direction of the Bank of Russia No. 6663-U of January 9, 2024 on amending Instructions of the Bank of Russia No. 181-I of August 16, 2017 - Exchange control rules for foreign trade contracts have been relaxed for Russian companies.

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