A special recording procedure for certain securities will be in effect until the end of 2025

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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 26.06.2002

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 450 of June 21, 2002 on the Prolongation for the Year 2003 of the Tied Federal Program "State Housing Certificates"

Extends the federal tied program "State Housing Certificates" for the year 2003. The State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation are ordered to work out the program of providing housing in 2004-2010 to servicemen, employees of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, institutions and bodies of the criminal execution system to be dismissed from the military service, service in the mentioned bodies and institutions, as well as persons of similar status.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 448 of June 21, 2002 on the Exemption from Customs Duties and Taxes of Sea Vessels Imported Temporarily to the Customs Territory of the Russian Federation

Sea vessels of the total capacity greater than 1,000 (codes according to the Foreign Trade Commodity Nomenclature 8901 10 100 0, 8901 20 100 0, 8901 30 100 0, 8901 90 100 0) owned by foreign parties and chartered by Russian parties under the time charter or bareboat charter contracts for use in international cargo and passenger transportation are imported temporarily to the territory of the Russian Federation with full exemption from the customs duties and taxes for the period of the mentioned contracts.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 447 of June 19, 2002 on the Licensing of Transportation and Other Activities on Sea Transport

The licensing applies to sea transportation of passengers, cargo, towage (except for own needs), cargo handling in sea ports, as well as surveyor services of sea vessels in sea ports. Surveyor services are implied to be activities in examination of vessels, cargo and other objects of the sea business and sea insurance and issue of statements on their technical condition, damage in accidents, seaworthiness of the vessel etc.
The licensing is vested in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The licenses are issued for five years. The earlier issued licenses preserve their force until expiry.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 482 of May 20, 2002 on the Amendments to the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 1132 of November 28, 2001

According to the introduced amendments, the special procedure of declaring (with submission of the preliminary customs declaration before the actual import of commodities of individual category) applies also to commodities imported for organizations fully owned by foreign investors.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 24, 2002. Reg. No. 3532.
The Order is entered into force 30 days after its official publication.

Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 295 of April 1, 2002 on the Officials of the Customs Bodies of the Russian Federation Authorized to Draw Up Protocols of Administrative Violations, Initiate Proceedings in Cases of Administrative Violations and Carry Out Administrative Investigation

The listed officials having revealed directly violations of the customs rules may impose administrative arrest, as well as initiate procedural actions envisaged in Articles 27.7, 27.8, 27.9, 27.10 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation.
Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 24, 2002. Reg. No. 3530.
The Order is entered into force from July 1, 2002.

Letter of the Ministry of Taxation of the Russian Federation No. BG-6-24/784@ of June 4, 2002 on the Invalidation of the Interim Procedure

Abandons the interim procedure of consideration in the bodies of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation of the issues of granting respites and extension schedules in the payment of fines for the violation by enterprises and organizations of the procedure of transfer of currency receipts to accounts in authorized banks endorsed by the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on October 15, 1993.
The terms of the earlier granted respites (extension schedules) for the payment of fines are to be observed until expiry of the period of their granting.
If the enterprise violates these conditions, the appropriate respite (extension schedule) is abrogated and the tax body collects all of the unpaid amount of fines on the compulsory basis.

Letter of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 06-11/21396 of May 30, 2002 on the Application of the Value Added Tax

Amounts of the value added tax paid for the technological equipment (component and spare parts for it) not produced in the Russian Federation and imported to the territory of the Russian Federation before January 1, 2000 are not returned.

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