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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 10.10.2002

Federal law No. 121-FZ of October 8, 2002 On Setting up the City-of-Grozny Garrison Military Court and Abolishing the Norilsk Garrison Military Court

The jurisdiction of the newly created City-of-Grozny garrison military court shall extend to the territory of deployment of military garrisons, troops, troop formations and bodies which provide for military service in the Chechen Republic.
The issues of administration of justice which fall under the competence of the abolished Norilsk garrison military court shall be passed over to the Krasnoyarsk garrison military court.
The Federal law shall take effect upon the expiration of ten days after its official publication.

Federal law No. 123-FZ of October 9, 2002 On Amending the Federal law On Civil Defense

It establishes that the President of the Russian Federation shall determine basic aspects of the unified state policy in the sphere of civil defense.
The procedure for evacuation of the population, material and cultural values to safer areas and also the procedure for training the population in the methods of protection against hazards arising in the conduct of military operations or as a result of military operations shall be such as prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The federal bodies of executive authority, bodies of executive authority of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government shall be entrusted with the function to create and maintain in permanent readiness systems of warning the population of hazards arising in the conduct of military operations or as a result of military operations.
The Federal law shall take effect as from its official publication.

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 732 of October 3, 2002 On the 2003-2006 Federal Directed Program "Children of Russia"

It approves a 2003-2006 federal directed program "Children of Russia" comprising subprograms "Healthy Child", "Gifted Children", "Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency Among Minors", Orphaned Children" and "Disabled Children".
The basic goal pursued by the Program is to build up an effective and comprehensive system of state support for children providing for diagnostic, prophylactic and rehabilitation activities, the creation of best possible environment for the vital activity of children suffering a disaster.
The consistent implementation of activities seeking to improve the situation of children is expected to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation, bring down child's death rate, promote a system of identifying and support of gifted children, reduce the number of offences among minors, etc.

Order of the State Property Ministry of the Russian Federation No. 3070-p of September 2, 2002 On the Endorsement of Tentative Forms of Resolutions To Grant Land Parcels Into Ownership, For Permanent (Without Limit of Time) Use, Uncompensated Time-Limited Use, On Lease and Also of Contracts of Purchase and Sale, On Uncompensated Time-Limited Use and Contracts of Lease of Land Parcels

It endorses tentative forms of:
- the resolution to grant into ownership a state-owned land parcel which is the location of objects of immovable property purchased as ownership by citizens and legal entities;
- the resolution to grant a state-owned land parcel for permanent (without limit of time) use to legal entities;
- the resolution to grant a state-owned land parcel for uncompensated time-limited use to citizens and legal entities;
- the resolution to grant a state-owned land parcel on lease to citizens and legal entities;
- the contract of purchase-and-sale of a state-owned land parcel which is the location of objects of immovable property purchased as ownership by citizens and legal entities;
- the contract on uncompensated time-limited use of a state-owned land parcel;
- the contract of lease of a state-owned land parcel.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in October 3, 2002. Registration No. 3833

Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Fees of the Russian Federation No. AC-6-06/1403 of September 12, 2002 On the Organization of Supervisory Work Associated With the Audit of Consolidated Financial Reports of Political Parties

It establishes a procedure for organization of supervisory work associated with the taking over and audit of consolidated financial reports of political parties. The audit shall be conducted within six months as from the day of submission by a political party of its consolidated financial report and financial (accounting) reports of their regional branches and other registered structural subdivisions.

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