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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 31.10.2002

Federal Law No. 132-FZ of October 30, 2002 On Amending Article 1 of the Federal law On the Protection of Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Businessmen In the Exercise of Governmental Control (Supervision)

It withdraws from the sphere of application of the Federal law the relationships associated with the exercise of control of ensuring the protection of state secrets.
The federal law shall take effect as from the date of its official publication.

Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 30, 2002 On the Introduction of Changes and Amendments In the Federal Law On Countering the Legalization (Laundering) of Illegally Derived Incomes

The Federal law is supplemented with norms providing for the use of available legal mechanisms to counter the funding of terrorism. The obligatory control shall apply to transactions with monetary funds or other assets when even one of the parties to such transactions is an individual or a legal person in respect of which data is available on their participation in the extremism activities.
A list of organizations required to furnish information on financial transactions to the duly authorized body has been expanded at the expense of organizations dealing in precious metals and gems, engaged in game business and also carrying out the management of investment and non-governmental pension funds. Consequently, the makeup of transactions subject to obligatory control shall include transactions with precious metals and gems and also payment of monetary funds as winnings.
The credit institutions are given the right to refuse individuals or legal persons to conclude bank account (deposit) contracts.
The organizations conducting transactions with monetary funds or other assets are given the right to refuse customers to conduct transactions under which no relevant documents have been presented.
It also establishes a procedure for suspension of transactions with monetary funds or other assets in case there arise suspicions about those transactions being linked to the funding of terrorism.
The federal law shall take effect upon the expiration of two months as from its official publication.

Federal Law No. 130-FZ of October 30, 2002 On Amending the Code of the Russian Federation On Administrative Offences

It establishes administrative liability for the violation of the legislation on countering the legalization (laundering) of illegally derived incomes and the funding of terrorism.
The violation by an organization of the procedure for recording, storage and submission of information on the transactions liable to obligatory control and also the procedure for organization of the internal control shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine upon officials in the amount from 100 to 200 times of the minimal labour remuneration; upon legal persons - from 500 to 5000 times of the minimal labour remuneration.
It also lists officials who are authorized to consider the said cases on administrative offences.
The Federal law shall take effect as from the date of its official publication.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1507-p of October 29, 2002

It approves the Conception of Promotion of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for a period until the year 2005. The basic goals of policy pursued by the state in the sphere of physical culture and sports is to improve the health of the nation, to form a healthy way of life of the population, to secure harmonic upbringing of a healthy, physically strong generation and also good performance of Russian sportsmen at major international sporting competitions.
The implementation of the Conception will make it possible to improve the physical condition of the population, lay down the foundations for raising a healthy and harmonically developed generation, use the possibilities of physical culture and sports in perfecting the moral, aesthetic and intellectual development of students; enhance the role of physical culture and sports as a means of prevention of anti-social behavior among young people.
The decision shall take effect as from November 1, 2002.

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