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Daily Monitoring of the Legislation

Monitoring of the Federal Legislation dated 24.10.2002

Decision of the Federal Securities Commission No. 36/pc of September 11, 2002 On Additional Requirements to the Procedure for Preparation, Convocation and Holding of the General Meeting of Holders of Investment Shares of the Close-End Investment Company

The preparation, convocation and holding of the general meeting shall be in compliance with the Law On Investment Funds and the rules of entrusted management of the close-end investment company.
The general meeting of holders of investment shares of the close-end investment company may be held as a meeting (the joint presence of holders of investment shares to discuss issues on the agenda and to take decision on issues put to the voting) or as absentee voting.
It also establishes additional requirements to the procedure for preparation and convocation of the general meeting, additional requirements to the procedure for holding a general meeting, requirements to the general meeting's protocol.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in October 18, 2002. Registration No. 3875.

Regulations of the Central Bank of Russia No. 197-P of September 19, 2002 On the Procedure for Submission of Information On Banker's Holding Companies

For purposes of submitting to the Bank of Russia information on banker's holding companies, the Superior Organization (Managing company) shall prepare a list of participants in the holding company which shall include the data listed in the Regulations.
Not later than within three months as from the effective date of the Regulations the Superior Organization (Managing Company) of the banker's holding company shall be obligated to compile and forward to the Department for Licensing the Activity and Financial Improvement of Credit Institutions of the Bank of Russia a primary list of participants. In case of introduction of amendments, an actual list of participants shall be presented both on paper medium and in electronic format after a form attached.
The Regulations shall take effect upon the expiration of 10 days as from its official publication in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in October 18, 2002. Registration No. 3874.

Decision of the Federal Securities Commission No. 35/pc of September 11, 2002 On the Registration of Rules of Entrusted Management of Investment Companies and of Amendments and Changes Therein

It determines the procedure for registration by the Federal Securities Commission of the rules of entrusted management of investment companies, amendments and changes of those rules and also sets requirements to the content and structure of documents to be submitted for registration.
The documents to register the rules shall be submitted on paper media in one copy, except for the rules of entrusted management of the investment company (amendments and changes therein) which shall be presented in duplicate. The texts of the rules of entrusted management shall also be presented on a single magnetic medium.
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in October 18, 2002. Registration No. 3868.

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